All out

The crew advanced forward. Mortale rubbed Thali's head, proud of the woman she was becoming. Magnus watched the interactions fondly. Koko apologised for glaring and Stephan patted her on the back, telling her it was no problem. The crew continued walking, passing through more of those green house homes until they reached the palace gates.

The same hive patterned barrier was up with guards behind it, pointing their weapon at them. Magnus rolled his eyes huffing. "We should have dragged their unconscious body with us." He complained, Mortale nodded, agreeing. 

Thali pushed past the crew, eyeing the barrier, examining the mana output. The crew watched closely as their navigator placed her hand on the barrier. Her hand lit up a bright orange, as did the barrier. Her mana was overriding the barrier's mana. Her mana control and manipulation was amazing.