You're like... really weak

Lyon and Havanna stood before the crew. They were expressionless just like always, and very little had changed about their appearances. Lyon's blonde hair was pulled into a bun, and Havanna's pink hair was braided.

Lyon pale face sported a scar, whilst Havanna's light brown skin sported two. 

To them, the Juggernauts had changed immensely. From their appearances down to the presence of their mana.

They weren't as weak as Lord Chau was hoping for them to be. Whilst their guard was up, the pirate crew before them looked relaxed. They were being cocky, something the busters did not enjoy.

Magnus whistled, placing his hands behind his back as he swung back and forth on this heel. The red haired man was fretting over the fact that the busters might have grew in power over the last three years, but sensing their mana now, it would seem that they would hardly be a problem.