Mishnai Temple

Diana pulled down the blinds, darkening the room. Rani grabbed the remote to the interactive white board from Magnus' table. She turned around, switching the board on. A picture of the Mishnai temple came on. It was white temple with golden patterns on the white walls.

Large statues of women wearing peplos were outside of the temple. A bunch of writing was near the picture, contain information pertaining to the case.

George moved from the window area, and took a seat next to Diana near one of the empty desks. Rani started speaking, using the laser on the remote to point to the writing.

"The Mishnai Temple is a community religious centre located in the east of the Nimia forest. It's been there since the founding of the Island, but has only become popular in recent years. Members of the temple worship the Sun God Mishnai, hence its name." She pressed the button of the remote, moving onto the next slide.