When push comes to shove

"I mean no fucking magic. That sucks!" Magnus exclaimed, flailing his arms around. The crew had decided to head down to the hotel's restaurant instead of going to bed. They all sat around a circular table with a white cloth on top.

Multiple ranges of food like fries, burgers, pizzas, curries, soups and cake laid on top of the table. Their glasses were filled to the brim with cold beer, with a barrel for refills by their table. They were discussing the mission, being a detective, and the absurdity of the magic ban.

"Right!" Thali exclaimed, stuffing her face with a handful of fries. Koko dipped her garlic bread into the tomato soup, popping it in her mouth. She took a sip of cold beer, nodding rapidly as she pointed at the food.

"That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm fucking talking about!" Elvia laughed at her, biting into her burger, making sure she didn't cause a mess.