Operation Takedown

"Alright. We'll be splitting into the same pairs as yesterday." George instructed. He placed a map down on the table, spreading it open to showcase a blueprint of the temple's interior.

"There are two main entrances. Three pairs will be entering through the back entrance and three pairs will be entering through the side. No undercover work, no bullshitting." George paused, taking a sip of his coffee.

The crew had been woken up during the twilight hours. Their eyes were burning from the bright light, and their hangover was worse than they imagined. The crew should have turned in early. 

Magnus strapped the gun given to him into the holster tied around his torso. The rest of the crew did the same. Rani had thought it would be a good idea if they all wore a standard suit and tie, with a black jacket on top, with NDSA in white written on the back.

Everyone split into the teams they were in yesterday.

Thali and Amane

Rani and Koko