Help Needed

Samhain woke up to the sound of banging. He groaned, holding his head. The young man's world was spinning, and he couldn't stop the aching pain in his eyes. The daylight seeped throw the window, lighting up the room.

The orange eyed man finally looked around the room. It was a simple cabin room with a double bed that had white sheets.

He lifted the blanket off his body. He looked down at his bandaged bare torso, his hands gracing over where the wound would be.

He grabbed the heavy robe on the edge of the bed, placing it over his torso. Samhain opened the door and was immediately met with the scent of paint and wood. 

Koko was standing in the hallway, looking at the blueprint Magnus had given her. She was wearing a blue mechanic overall. Her hair was covered by the white patterned black bandana. She looked over to Samhain, smiling and closing the blueprint. 

"Oh hey. Glad you're awake." She commented, holding his biceps and examining his body.