Don't Bury Your Feelings, Kid

The night had rolled around pretty quickly, and the crew were heading in for the night. Magnus placed down the saw on the table, dusting his hands off before heading toward the bath shack.

He checked to make sure it wasn't occupied, then entered. The young man started getting ready to turn in for the night.


He thought back to his conversation with Samhain. Was he being too kind? After all, he hardly knew the guy and he was offering him help.

However, if what Koko said to him was true, the Steinpole Pirate was powerful enough to have the Juggernauts be even more famous here, if that crew was defeated.


He wondered what their captain was like. Kylan Von Stein. An unusual name for a man. Magnus had heard stories from the Domingos siblings. About how he was a bloodthirsty man who did what he wanted. How he was part of the notorious six.