Steinpole Pirates

"Weenie, whiny, teenie, tiny. How many legs have you got left, little spidey?" An irritating voice spoke out, swinging the spiked bat in their hand back and forth.

"Get on with Loopy. The captain will not tolerate your tardiness any longer." A voice belonging to an old man spoke.

Loopy turned toward the old man, sticking her purple tongue out at him. "Don't ruin my fun, Jack Jack. I'm gonna take my time with this one, and the captain is going to have to wait." She replied, dropping the irritating voice, to reveal a much deeper and sultry one. 

Loopy was a woman of tall stature and she was lanky. Her skin was grey with stitch marks on her forearm and her neck. Her large green eyes had white diamond shaped pupils and a septum piercing hung from her nose.

Her hair was jet black with white streaks at the front. The woman wore a white fitted shirt with black and white stripped trousers.