On Shore

The Grand Twister swayed left and right, the sea calmer than it was when the Juggernauts were heading to Kuda Looda Island. Magnus was on the upper deck playing a game of noughts and crosses with Stephan.

The two had hardly ever spent time together, despite being the only two crewmates who were the same age. Magnus could blame it on the fact he was busy cooped up in his office.

However, there was a deeper and more sickening reason he didn't grow super close to his crewmates, except Thali. The fear of Beiniholm repeating was on the forefront of his mind constantly. The redhead sighed before groaning.

"I won man, now pay up." Stephan laughed, running a line across the top part of the chart. He placed his fingers on his forehead in a L shape, sticking his tongue out.