The Women Have To Work

Samhain placed the last few plates in the sink then rinsed his hands. The crew were around the table in the main area, discussing what they were going to do next, once they had left Ween Moore. Magnus had suggested a week-long sea journey to unwind and rest, whilst Koko and Stephan stated they should head to Crescent Town to unwind. 

The green haired man exited the kitchen and walked to take his seat next to Thali. "Crescent Town is amazing this time of year. The jazzy vibe is in full swing and new shops usually open too." He added. Koko and Stephan nodded. With that, the redhead decided to bite into his friends' request and chose Crescent Town as their next vacation. 

"Alright now, let's focus on the situation at hand. We need to know what plan of attack we should be taking." Samhain spoke out. "You're right." Magnus answered. "First things first Samhain. What do you know about the Steinpole Pirates."