The Fight Begins

Thali, Koko and Amane walked with the rest of the women. They entered the factory, watching their step every time.

The women around them had not stopped crying. Upon entering the factory, the three Juggernauts' skin face paled. The men strapped to this upright vertical tables had very little life left in them, if any at all. 

The wives cried at seeing their husbands this way. This was beyond cruel. Thali looked down, her hazel eyes widened a little. Koko's stomach churned, not being able to stomach what was going on. Amane felt bad.

They knew what it felt like living under oppressive power. Their mind went back to the horrendous shogun, and the delight they felt when they saw his mangled body. If there was one thing they could thank Chau for, it was that.