Dragon vs Machines

[Alister: 4000 LP]

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP]

"Looks like I will go first," Alister smirked, his podium lighting up in preparation for his turn. "Let me warn you: Rafael is someone dedicated to his cards, but for me, I will do everything I can to win."

"So prepare yourself, Yuna Sano!" Alister shouted, his voice echoing through the Dueling Arena as he initiated his move. "I will summon Machina Gearframe!" With a dramatic flourish, a short robotic warrior clad in orange armour materialized on Alister's field, much to my disbelief.

[Machina Gearframe: 1800 Attack] [1]

"Machina?!" I gasped, my heart rate quickening as a wave of nervousness washed over me. "This is going to be much more difficult than I thought."

Alister laughed: "When Machina Gearframe is summoned, I can add Machina Unclaspare to my hand," he explained, his grin widening. "And with Machina Unclaspare, if it's added to my hand except by drawing, I can special summon the monster onto the field!"

Besides Machina Gearframe, another robotic soldier materialized on Alister's field. This one was markedly different, resembling a sleek black soldier with a futuristic design. One of its arms had been replaced with a massive, menacing drill.

[Machina Unclaspare: 1800 Attack]

"When Machina Unclaspare is summoned, I can send Machina Citadel from my deck to the grave." Alister explained: "Finally, I will set one card and end my turn."

"Tsk... It's my turn!" I yelled: "First, I will activate the spell Dragon Shrine to send Blue-Eyes White Dragon to the graveyard; then since the dragon I sent was a normal monster, I can send another dragon to the grave!" 

After showing Alister the Lightpulsar Dragon, I placed the card into the discard pile: "With Lightpulsar Dragon, I can discard an additional light and dark monster to revive it from the grave! So by sacrificing Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and Crescent Dragon from my hand, I will summon Lightpulsar Dragon!"

[Lightpulsar Dragon: 2500 Attack]

"Next, I will normal-summon Doomcaliber Knight!" I declared boldly, summoning forth a fearsome skeleton soldier mounted on a black steed.

[Doomcaliber Knight: 1900 Attack]

"I will battle!" I said as my two monsters' body tensed: " Doomcaliber Knight, attack Machina Gearframe!" 

The skeleton rider charged forward, its sword poised for the strike. With a single mighty swing, the blade cut cleanly through Machina Gearframe, slicing the robot in half.

[Alister: 4000 LP -> 3900 LP]

"I will activate the effect of Machina Citadel!" Alister shouted: "When an earth machine monster I control is destroyed, I can summon Machina Citadel in the graveyard!"

"Not so fast!" I interrupted: "In response, Doomcaliber Knight's effect will activate to tribute itself to negate Machina Citadel's effect! Now, Lightpulsar Dragon, attack Machina Unclaspare!"

[Alister: 3900 LP -> 3200 LP]

"Then I will end my turn," I declared, fixing Alister with a cautious gaze. "It's your move."

"Very well," He replied: "I will activate the effect of Machina Fortress in my hand by discarding machine monsters whose level is equal to eight; I can special summon this card onto the field."

"The card I'm discarding is Machina Cannon, whose level was already eight." Alister explained: "So come forth, Machina Fortress!"

[Machina Fortress: 2500 Attack]

"Machina Fortress, attack Lightpulsar Dragon!" Alister commanded as the cannon attached to the robot's shoulder glowed ominously before firing a bright beam in my dragon's direction. However, Lightpulsar Dragon swiftly dodged the attack, darting towards its opponent with incredible speed. With a deafening crash, the two monsters collided, unleashing a powerful explosion that engulfed them both in a burst of light.

"When Machina Fortress is destroyed, the effect of Machina Citadel in my graveyard will be triggered!" Alister shouted eagerly: "You can't stop me now. Rise, Machina Citadel!!!"


As the Duel Arena reverberated with a massive vibration, I gasped in awe as a humongous machine began to materialize on the field. With its tetrapod body taking shape, the robot groaned as it reached its full height, casting an imposing and formidable presence.

My breath caught in my throat as its green cyclopean eye scanned me, sending a shiver down my spine. I couldn't help but tremble as I beheld the menacing sight of the large chainsaw and rail cannon attached to its limbs.

[Machina Citadel: 3000 Attack]

"Machina Citadel," Alister ordered, and the monster's eyes glowed: "Attack her life points directly!"

"H.. Hold on!" I snapped out of my daze and hurriedly shouted: "When Lightpulsar Dragon is destroyed, I will summon Crescent Dragon from the graveyard!"

[Crescent Dragon: 2350 Defence]

With blinding speed, Machina Citadel rushes towards me, its massive form towering over the battlefield. I raise its arm, swinging its chainsaw like a hammer, and bring the weapon crashing down with immense force. The chainsaw slices through the air with terrifying power, thoroughly crushing the dragon under its tremendous weight.

"How wonderful!" Alister laughed joyously at the sheer power of his machine monster: "I will set two cards and end my turn."

"During your end phase, Crescent Dragon will be revived." I announced as the once crushed dragon reappeared on the field: "However, when it is sent to the graveyard, I must place this card in the bottom of my deck instead."

[Crescent Dragon: 2200 Attack]

Staring at Machina Citadel, I anxiously glanced at Kaiba, whose expression was getting worse as time went on: "I will play Card of Sanctity; both of us will keep drawing until we have six cards in our hand."

"I activate Crescent Dragon's effect to discard and add a second copy of Crescent Dragon to my hand." I explained while shuffling through my deck: "Then, I will summon Guardian of Felgrand!"

[Guardian of Felgrand: 500 Attack]

"With Guardian of Felgrand's effect, I will equip Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand to that card!" I declared: "Then, with Guardian of Felgrand's second effect, I will tribute him and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand to revive my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack]

"Now, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will target Machina Citadel on your field and banish it. If so, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will gain attack and defence equal to Machina Citadel's level multiplied by one hundred!"

"Unfortunately, that won't be happening!" Alister declared," I would activate my trap card, Machina Overdrive. By targeting my own Machina Citadel, I will destroy it and special summon a different Machina Monster from my deck!"

"I will summon Machina Metalcruncher!"

[Machina Metalcruncher: 2800 Attack]

"When Machina Metalcruncher is special-summoned, I can choose three machine monsters in my deck, and you can randomly add one to my hand."

Three cards appeared on the screen before me, and I frowned cautiously, unsure of what Alister had chosen. After a moment of deliberation, I reached out and selected the card in the middle, and Alister smiled confidently as he shuffled the other two cards back into his deck.

Glaring at his monster, uncertainty swept over me. If I wanted to attack Alister's life points directly, I must destroy Machina Metalcruncher, but if I did, Machina Citadel would return to the field.

"I will activate the effect of Lightpulsar Dragon, discarding Starliege Seyfert and Crescent Dragon to summon it back onto the field."

[Lightpulsar Dragon: 2500 Attack]

"Now, I'm entering my battle phase, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand. Attack Machina Metalcruncher!" Without hesitation, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand fearlessly charged towards its foe, cascading both monsters into destruction.

"When Machina Metalcruncher is destroyed, I will revive Machina Citadel from the graveyard!!"

[Machina Citadel: 3000 Attack]

"Now, I'm exiting my battle phase!" I announced upon seeing my target: "Then, I will activate the effect of Chaos Dragon Levianeer in my hand to banish Guardian of Felgrand, Blue Eyes White Dragon and Starliege Seyfert to summon it onto the field!!"

[Chaos Dragon Levianeer: 3000 Attack]

"Since I have banished three light monsters to summon Chaos Dragon Levianeer, I can activate its first effect and special summon a monster from my grave. I call upon you, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack]

"Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, try and banish Machina Citadel again!"

Alister scowled and clicked his teeth: "Give up; I will activate Machina Citadel's effect and target itself to self-destruct! Then all monsters that are equal to or less than the attack of my Machina Citadel will be destroyed!"

Suddenly, Machina Citadel's chest opened up, revealing a round orange sphere connected to dozens of intricate wires and circuit boards. With a low rumble, the core expanded, and the machine's electric current overcharged, causing a massive explosion that engulfed the entire field in flames. 

Once my vision cleared, none of my monsters had survived the devastation. However, instead of being upset, I smiled: "This is what I just wanted!" I yelled and revealed the spell in my hand: "I will activate Return of the Dragon Lord to bring back my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!!"

To Alister's disbelief, the dragon he had worked so hard to get rid of returned for the third time. As Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand appeared, it seemingly snickered and roared.

[Divne Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack]

"Since Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect was never once per turn!" I announced: "So, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, banish Machina Citadel in the graveyard!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 3800 Attack]

"I will set one card and end my turn," I spoke with a calm expression. I wouldn't doubt that Alister has the power to bring Machina Citadel back. However, since Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand is much stronger now, I can win if I'm careful...

"I can see now why Rafael is acting so cautiously when dealing with you," Alister remarked. But I won't make the same mistake as him."

"I will draw!" he shouted: "During my main phase, I will activate the Seal of Orichalcos!!"


The entire building trembled, and the screens on our Duel Arena began to glitch and flicker erratically. Beneath our feet, the familiar green magic circle expanded ominously, its pulsating energy causing a suffocating sensation to envelop me once more, making my knees buckle under the weight of its power.

Alister cackled in madness as the symbol of Orichalcos formed on his forehead. Clutching his face, he smiled and stared at me with ecstasy.

"First, I will activate the effect of Machina Overdrive in my graveyard. By banishing this card, I can target three Machina Monsters in my graveyard or banish pile and shuffle them back into my deck."

"Next, I will play Machina Redeployment. By discarding one card, I can add two Machina Monsters with different names to my hand. Then, by adding Machina Unclaspare, I can special summon it."

[Machina Unclaspare: 800 Defence]

"When Machina Unclaspare is special-summoned, I can send Machina Citadel from my deck to the graveyard." As he discarded the card from the deck, I felt a sense of deja vu.

Alister: "I will set two more cards and end my turn. It looks like you're running out of time."

Suddenly, I heard a painful groan, and I frantically swung around. Behind me, Kaiba was clutching his chest in agony, and his expression strained as he fought to stay conscious despite the overwhelming pain.

"Kaiba!" I yelled, and he glared at me with bulging veins.

"Focus!" He hissed, and my body froze: "If you lose, we both die!"

Snapping out of my daze, I nodded anxiously and resumed the duel: "During the end phase, I will summon Crescent Dragon in attack position!"

[Crescent Dragon: 2200 Attack]

'I must end this fast!' I thought, concern plastered all over my face: "I will first use Crescent Dragon's effect to discard one card to add a second Crescent Dragon to my hand. Then I will battle! Crescent Dragon, attack Machina Unclaspare!"


With a precise swing of its blade, Machina Unclaspare's tough armour was cleanly sliced through like butter.

"Upon destruction, I will reborn my Machina Citadel!"

[Macina Citadel: 3000 Attack]

[Machina Citadel: 3000 -> 3500 Attack]

"Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, attack!" I declared, and the golden dragon began to emit bright light in its jaw.

"Not so fast; I will activate Machina Resavanger; by discarding this card, Machina Citadel will gain one thousand and two hundred attacks until the end of this turn!"

[Machina Citadel: 3500 -> 4700 Attack]

Before I could react, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand unleashed an orange laser that struck Machina Citadel directly. However, to the dragon's disbelief, a giant arm burst through the light and caught the dragon in mid-air, halting its attack. In a shocking turn of events, a second red beam burst forth from the flames, striking Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand squarely in the face.

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP -> 3100 LP]

"I will banish Return of the Dragon Lords in my graveyard, and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand won't be destroyed this turn." 

"Hmph," Alister sneered: "It's not going to save your monster, Machina Citadel, self-destruct again!!"


When the dust settled, I surveyed the aftermath with a sinking feeling in my chest. My entire field lay in ruins once more, and I helplessly clenched my fists in frustration.

"I will end my turn," I muttered reluctantly: "During my end phase, I will summon the Crescent Dragon in my hand."

[Crescent Dragon: 2350 Defence]

No words need to be exchanged, as everyone clearly knows that my starting momentum was beginning to wane...

"It's my turn, I will draw." Alister declared and glanced at his head with slightly widened eyes: "This is a blast from the past; I will summon KC-1 Crayton (anime)!"

To my surprise, a large tank was summoned onto his field. It does not look strange except for the cleanly drawn white KC logo on the side.

[KC-1 Crayton: 1500 Attack]

 Kaiba gasped in disbelief: "That is!" 

"Hmph," Alister scoffed, his words dripping with contempt. "You must be very familiar with this monster; after all, it's something your father has created that ruined the lives of millions!"

Kaiba's face paled, and he stared at the ground. Meanwhile, my expression stiffened as I recalled Alister's backstory...

"I can still remember, clear as day, the screams, the cries, and the flames..." Alister mumbled with a melancholy tone, his voice heavy with emotion. "It was so sudden when those soldiers and death machines showed up, ravaging my town, my home, and my family..." The pain of his memories echoed in his words, painting a vivid picture of the devastation he had endured.

"My little brother..." Alister hissed with venom, his finger pointing accusingly at the tank. "That very machine killed him, and my parents were slaughtered by the very weapons your company developed!"

"Kuh..." Unable to respond, Kaiba groaned with bitterness, his expression a mixture of frustration and guilt. Alister scoffed at his attitude, disdain evident in his eyes as he observed Kaiba's reaction.

"Pathetic...." Alister snarled, his tone dripping with contempt. "You truly are a shameful person..."

"Stop!" I argued angrily, my voice cutting through the tension in the air. "Kaiba is not the one you should blame!" I interjected abruptly, surprising both Alister and Kaiba with my sudden outburst.

"Just like you, he despised those very weapons you speak of, which is why he overtook the company to use its technology for a better future!" I spoke passionately, my voice filled with conviction. "That's how he and Kaiba Corps will atone for that sin!"

Alister's lips pursed as he regarded me in silence, his expression unreadable. Eventually, he spoke in a cold tone, his voice devoid of emotion. "Don't make me laugh. Will atoning now bring my family back to life?"


"Will it bring back all the lives lost, killed by Kaiba Corp's inventions?!" Alister interrupted, his voice tinged with anguish as he bit his lip and shook his head. "Even if I were to believe you, what would stop him from walking down the same path as his father?"

"He won't!" I yelled defiantly: "Kaiba would never do something like that!"

"Fine," Alister sneered, his arms crossed in front of him. "Let me ask you a question. Where do all the funds to create these impressive technologies come from? Did they magically appear out of thin air?"

"The clothes he wore and the food he ate to live..." Alister shouted, his voice filled with anger and accusation. "All of it was Kaiba Corp's money! Money earned by killing innocent people!!"

"That's why he will pay with his life!" he proclaimed. "After that, I will finally be at peace."

My heart churned, a heavy weight settling in my chest as I struggled to find the words to respond to Alister's despairing speech. Unable to utter a single word, I met his gaze with a mixture of anguish and uncertainty.

Staring at me, Alister sighed heavily, his expression softening slightly. "Which is why I don't understand," he murmured, his voice tinged with genuine confusion. "Even after what happened, why are you standing up for a man like that?"

Freezing in shock, I lowered my head. Slowly, I glanced at Kaiba, our eyes meeting in a silent exchange. At that moment, I saw a myriad of emotions hidden behind his stoic facade: disappointment, shock, anticipation, and sorrow... 

"Because..." I mumbled shyly. "Kaiba is a kind person..."

"Hah?" Alister snickered derisively. "You must be joking." 

"I'm not," I asserted firmly, my voice rising with conviction. "Although he may seem like a frigid person, he's really caring and compassionate! His dream was to build a theme park!" I exclaimed, slightly surprised by my passionate tone.

"But it's not just any theme park. It's a place opened for the sole purpose of giving underprivileged children a place where they can play to their heart's content, a place where they can forget about all their worries, even if it's just for a moment!" 

"That's because Kaiba truly believed that games are something that can purify the soul!"


Alister sighed: "Talking to you is useless; if you're siding with him, it means that you're just as guilty...."

Alister eventually chuckled with exasperation: "That does sound grand, but it's already too late to stop now. If you truly believe that man is what you said, then win."

"I will activate my trap, Tank Corps and summon three Tank Tokens in defence position! Then, the effect of KC-1 Crayton will trigger, boosting its attack by five hundred for each Tank Token on the field!"

[Tank Token: 1200 Defence]

[Tank Token: 1200 Defence]

[Tank Token: 1200 Defence]

[KC-1 Crayton: 1500 -> 3000 Attack]

"With the Seal of Orichalcos, KC-1 Crayton will gain another five hundred attack!"

[KC-1 Crayton: 3000 -> 3500 Attack]

"Then, I will activate Toy Robot Box and discard one card; then I can summon three Robot Tokens onto the field." Alister declared: "With the Seal of Orichalcos, I can also summon monsters in my back row."

[Robot Token: 0 Defence]

[Robot Token: 0 Defence]

[Robot Token: 0 Defence]

"Finally, I will activate Sky Union! Tributing the three Robot Tokens to bring out my ace monster, Air Fortress Ziggurat!!!"


A loud mechanical noise echoed throughout the room, generating an eerie, thunderous effect that rattled my bones. Raising my head, I saw a massive airship levitating in the air, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the field.

The machine was shaped like a disk with dozens of turrets sticking out of its body. At the front of the monster was the head of a mech that looked like it came straight out of a cartoon, its eyes glowing with a menacing light.

[Air Fortress Ziggurat: 2500 Attack]

"Thanks to the seal, Air Fortress Ziggurat's attack will be boosted to three thousand!"

[Air Fortress Ziggurat: 2500 -> 3000 Attack]

"While Air Fortress is on the field, it is unaffected by your spell and trap cards. Also, if I control a Robot Token, you can only target that token for attacks!" Alister said confidently, "Now attack, Air Fortress Ziggurat, destroy Crescent Dragon!"

Immediately, all the weapons on the flying fortress trained on my field. For the next few seconds, an absolute hellfire of explosions bombarded my field, and the poor Crescent Dragon never stood a chance...

"Now, KC-1 Crayton, end her!" Alister snarled as the tank's barrel slowly swivelled towards me.


With the sound of something heavy rolling and a massive bang, KC-1 Crayton unleashed a devastating projectile in my direction.

"Sano!!" I heard Kaiba's shout as time seemed to slow down...

"....I activate!!"


I was engulfed in a raging inferno, and despite being an illusion, I couldn't help but be reminded of the time the Winged Dragon of Ra attacked me, and my breathing became ragged.

As the dust settled, Alister was still surprised to see me with my life points unharmed: "I activate my trap, Defence Draw," I panted while grasping the handrails to support my weakened legs: "During my opponent's turn, if my opponent battles, I can make that damage zero, and I can draw one card..."

Alister snarled in discontent: "Then I will set one card and end my turn. In my end phase, Air Fortress Ziggurat's effect will activate, and I can summon a Robot Token."

[Robot Token: 0 Defence]

My hair stood on end at the dangerous obstacle that lay before me. I clicked my teeth and drew a card that was too close for comfort...

"I will first normal summon Keeper of the Shrine!"

[Keeper of the Shrine: 0 Attack]

"Then, I will activate Return of the Dragon Lords, summoning my Chaos Dragon Levianeer from the graveyard!"

[Chaos Dragon Levianeer: 3000 Attack]

"Next, I will activate Polymerisation, fusing Chaos Dragon Levianeer and Keeper of the Shrine to summon Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!"

[Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 2800 Attack]

"With Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, I will target your Air Fortress Ziggurat, and the dragon will gain your monster's attack this turn!"

[Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 2800 -> 5800 Attack]

"Didn't I already tell you? That wouldn't work!" Alister explained: "You can't target any monsters for attack except for the Robot Token I control!"

"Then, I will activate Monster Reborn!" I shouted, and he snickered.

"Are you summoning Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand again? It's useless; I will activate my trap, Imperial Iron Wall, and while face up, cards can't be banished!"

However, unbeknownst to him, this was what I had expected...

With a smile, I said: "The one I'm reviving isn't my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand; it's your very own Machina Citadel!" 

"What?!" Alister gasped in disbelief.

The very same machine that Alister used has been revived to my side. Machina Citadel's eyes shone coldly, unaware that its master had changed.

[Machina Citadel: 3000 Attack]

"Now, I will activate Machina Citadel's effect, targeting itself to self-destruct!!" I declared, and Alister's eyes widened: "Now, your Air Fortress Ziggurat and your tokens will be destroyed!"


Machina Citadel dashed towards Alister's field, revealing its core. With a satisfying explosion, the flying fortress lights up in flames as it crashes into the ground.

[KC-1 Crayton: 3500 -> 2000 Attack]

"Now, I will battle!!" I declared as Staring Venom Fusion Dragon soared into the air: "I will show you that the faith I placed in Kaiba is genuine! Starving Venom Fusion Dragon attack KC-1 Crayton!!"

Under our watchful eyes, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon swung its tail with tremendous force, slashing through the tank with ease. As the scythe blade on the end of the dragon's tail continued its deadly momentum towards Alister, he stared at me in shock, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

"Ha... Ha ha...."


[Alister: 3200 LP -> 0 LP]


[1] Giving Alister Machina is probably the only way to prevent him from getting destroyed in turn one.

I hope you enjoy it.