Dragons vs the Mirror of Dreams

[Yuna's POV]


A loud, indescribable noise filled the room, and our surroundings transformed before our very eyes. The walls beside the two children turned dark and ominous as a purplish castle slowly rose out of the ground, creating a strange contrast between fantasy and science on either side of the room.

"While Dream Mirror of Terror is on the field if we control a Dark Type Dream Mirror Monster, you will take three hundred damage each time you special-summoned," Sarina explained, and I felt something sickling hovering over my body.

"Next, with Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Sprite's effect, I can add a trap card to my hand, and I will end my turn by setting three cards."

"My move, I will draw!" Kaiba shouted and dramatically drew a card.

"Kaiba..." I quietly muttered under my breath: "Careful... Dream Mirror is... finicky." Well, for this timeline, at least.

Heeding my words, he nodded: "First, I will summon Assault Wyvern." On his field, a small futuristic dragon appeared with sharp features, blue scales, purple wings, and glowing blue light along its body.

[Assault Wyvern: 1800 Attack]

"Then, I will set three cards and end my turn," Kaiba said and stared at Sartorius: "It's your move, boy."

"Wait," Saina interrupted: "During the end phase, I will activate the effect of Dream Mirror of Terror and banish it to activate Dream Mirror of Joy from my deck!"

Crumbling, the dark, gloomy castle shed its exterior, revealing beautiful white marbles underneath. Contrary to the gloomy presence we felt before, the new castle gives a new warm sensation that made me momentarily forget that we're battling to the death.

"Here you go, Big Brother," She said, and Sartorius patted her head.

"Thanks a lot, Sarina." He smiled: "I will draw."

"I will begin by playing my continuous spell card, Dream Mirror Phantasms, and add Pahntasos, Dream Mirror of Foe, to my hand."

"Dream Mirror as well?" I frowned: "This might be more complicated than I thought..." If the two children were playing the same archetype, then they could easily support each other and benefit significantly from their effects.

"While Dream Mirror of Joy is on the field, monsters we control will also gain a five hundred attack buff thanks to Dream Mirror Phantasms's effect."

"Then, I will normal summon Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe," Sartorius's voice pierced through my thoughts, drawing my attention back to the duel. With his declaration, a giant demonic beast emerged, its form cloaked in crimson fur and adorned with formidable armor. Two goat horns protruded from its head, adding to its menacing appearance.

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe: 1900 Attack]

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe: 1900 -> 2400 Attack]

"I will use Phantasos's effect to tribute itself and special summon Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend, from my deck!"

Opposite the demonic beast, another creature materialized onto the field. This monster resembled a big, fluffy white dog adorned in shimmering silver armour. The dog barked happily, its presence causing a tingling sensation in my consciousness, a silent reminder that we may have to destroy it later.

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend: 1900 Defence]

"When Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend, is summoned by the effect of a Dream Mirror Monster, I can summon an additional level eight or lower Dream Mirror Monster from my graveyard, and I will summon my sister's Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple, back to the field!"

[Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple: 1000 Defence]

"Additionally, since Dream Mirror of Joy is active, the Dream Mirror Disciple can return one set card you control back to your hand." Sartorius said to me and pointed at the card in the centre: "I will choose that one."

"After that, I activate Creature Swap. Each of us will choose a monster we control and switch it with another player's monster." Sartorius declared: "Since Yuna Sano doesn't control any monster, she won't be participating in this exchange."

"I will choose Kaiba's Assault Wyvern," Sartorius spoke up.

"Tsk... I pick Phantasos, Dream Mirror Friend." Kaiba growled in discontent, and the dog ran to him eagerly.

"Then I will choose brother's Assault Wyvern and give him my Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor."

[Assault Wyvern] (Sarina)

[Neiroy the Dream Mirror Traitor] (Sartorius)

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend] (Kaiba)

"Thanks to the spell card, I now control Neiroy the Dream Mirror Traitor, which means I can activate his effect to tribute Neiroy the Dream Mirror Disciple to special summon Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight!!"

Opposite the miniature monsters they had been summoning before, now standing before Sartorius, was a towering figure clad from head to toe in ominous black armour. Resting casually on his shoulder was a massive sword, its size nearly matching that of the imposing figure itself.

[Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight: 2800 Attack]

[Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight: 2800 -> 3300 Attack]

"When Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight, is summoned by the effect of a Dream Mirror monster, I can destroy a monster my opponent controls! I will target Phantasos, Dream Mirror Friend!"

Raising his spare arm, dark magic began to surround the confused dog as it lashed out at the vulnerable creature.

"I will activate my trap card, Dark Sacrifice! When one of my monsters would be destroyed by a card effect, I can negate the effect and send one level three or lower Dark monster from my deck to the graveyard instead!"

"No, You won't hinder Big Brother!" Sarina retorts: "I will activate Dream Mirror Oneiromancy! If Dream Mirror of Joy is on the field, I can negate the activation of a spell or trap card!"

Unfortunately, Morpheus, Dream Mirror Black Knight's effect resolved, destroying the poor monster and leaving our field empty.

"Now Morpheus, Dream Mirror Black Knight, attack Yuna Sano and Seto Kaiba directly!"

With a grin, the knight charged and swung its massive sword, and we groaned as our life points dropped tremendously.

[Yuna Sano/Seto Kaiba: 8000 LP -> 4700 LP]

"Finally, I will set two cards and end my turn," Sartorius said with a beaming smile.

"During your end phase," I said grimly, "I will choose to summon Crescent Dragon from my graveyard.

[Crescent Dragon: 2200 Attack]

"It's my turn, I draw," I announced and smiled nervously. The duel had just barely begun, and we had already lost almost half of our life points.

Hah... Just as I thought, the battle would be a drawn-out one.

"Alright, I will start with Crescent Dragon's effect to add another copy of Crescent Dragon and discard a card!" 

"Next, I will summon Lightpulsar Dragon from my graveyard by discarding Crescent Dragon and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand from my hand!"

[Lightpulsar Dragon: 2500 Attack] 

"With this, I will be able to activate Monster Reborn and revive a monster from my graveyard!!" I said excitedly and raised my arm: "Reborn and descend onto this field once more, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!!".

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack]

"When Divine Dragon Lord is summoned from the graveyard, I can target your Morpheus Black Knight and banish it. Then it will gain power equal to your monster's level multiplied by one hundred!"

"Not so fast!" Sarina frantically shouted and pressed the switch on her Duel Disk: "I will play Silver Spirit Redirection!"

"This trap card allows me to negate your monster's effect that targeted a monster I control. After that, I can remove that monster from play!" Sarina explained: "So Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will be banished instead!"

I cursed in frustration as Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand was helplessly removed from the field: "Very well, in response, I will activate my set card, Castle of Dragon Souls."

"I will also play Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords and use its effect, sending Castle of Dragon Souls and summoning a Dragon Lord Token onto the field!"

[Dragon Lord Token: 0 Defence]

"When Castle of Dragon Souls is sent to the graveyard, its effect has been triggered, allowing me to bring back a Dragon from banishment; I will choose Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack]

"Now, I will use Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and Dragon Lord Tokens as tributes!" I yelled: "I normal-summon, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!!"

When the two monsters burst into tiny particles, they began to merge, and their colour began to change from gold to black. When the particles solidified, there stood a gigantic metal dragon.

Red veins glowing as bright as lava run along its body, illuminating its fiery red eyes. Flexing its metallic wings, the dragon unleashed a deafening screech.

[Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon: 2800 Attack]

"That monster... It's similar to that third-rate duellist's." Kaiba commented thoughtfully, and I shrugged with a wry smile.

"I will use Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon's effect! During the main phase, I can revive a dragon monster from my graveyard, and I will choose Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack]

"Let's do this again, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, banish Morpheus, Dream Mirror Black Knight!"

"Brother!" Sarina exclaimed with worry when Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand lunged with hostility.

"So this is the power of a strong duelist? I'm grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Sartorius smiled: "However, I came prepared! I will activate Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight's effect!"

"I can tribute this card and summon the Black Knight's counterpart, Morpheus, the Dream Mirror White Knight, from my deck!"

The dark warrior slammed his sword into the ground and closed his eyes. Gradually, his body began to change as his armour turned from black to pure white. His hair changed into a dazzling blond, and feathery wings sprouted from his back.

[Morpheus, Dream Mirror White Knight: 2800 Defence]

"Since Morpheus, Dream Mirror Black Knight, has left the field, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect will be dissolved. Also, if Morpheus, Dream Mirror White Knight, is summoned by the effect of Dream Mirror Monster, it can't be destroyed this turn."

"Tsk... I will battle!" I announced: "Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, attack Assault Wyvern!!"


Red electrical breath shoots out of the dragon's jaw and destroys the monster in one fell swoop.

[Sarina/Sartorius: 8000 LP -> 7000 LP]

"Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, destroy Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor!!"

Following Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, the gold dragon dived down and swung its arm. Like a bat, its thick limb slapped the small boy across the field.

"When Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand destroys a monster through battle, I can activate its second effect and summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon from the grave!!"

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack]

"Finally, I will end my turn," I explained, staring at the white knight with regret.

"During the end phase, I will activate Dream Mirror of Joy's effect." Sarina said confidently: "Banishing the field spell, I will replace it with Dream Mirror of Terror from my deck. Also, thanks to Dream Mirror Phantasm, if Dream Mirror of Terror is active, all monsters you control will lose five hundred attacks and defence."

[Crescent Dragon: 2200 -> 1700 Attack]

[Lightpulsar Dragon: 2500 -> 2000 Attack]

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 2300 Attack]

[Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon: 2800 -> 2300 Attack]

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 -> 2500 Attack]

"Then I will draw..." She stared at her hand with a determined smile: "I will activate my spell card, Dream Mirror of Chaos!!"

"Dream Mirror of Chaos?" My expression turned severe: "Kaiba."

"It's starting to get dangerous, right?" Kaiba smirked: "Good, I was hoping for a challenge."

Have you not heard what I've just said? It's trouble, big trouble! I found myself frowning at his nonchalant attitude. This guy can really make me mad whenever he wants to.

"With this, I will use the power of Fusion!" Sarina's voice brought me back to reality, and she shouted: "Since Dream Mirror of Terror is on the field, Dream Mirror of Chaos allows me to use the monsters in our graveyards as materials!"

"Banishing Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Sprite and Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor, I will fusion summon Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor!!!"

The dark, gloomy castle rumbled loudly, and its door swung open with force. Slowly stepping out of the building was a tall man with purple hair. Dressed only in ceremonial pants, the man displayed his defined chest and the bright red amulet hanging from his neck. The man's gigantic wings flapped flexibly, generating a slight wind around his body, and he excitedly tensed his sharp claws, eager to tear us apart.

[Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor: 3000 Attack]

"Then, I will normal-summon a second Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor!"

[Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor: 1000 Attack]

"Using Neiroy's effect, I will tribute my brother's Morpheus, the Dream Mirror White Knight, to summon Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend in defence position!"

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend: 1900 Defence]

"Being special-summoned, Phantasos allowed me to target a level eight or lower Dream Mirror Monster and summon it in defence position. I chose Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight!"

[Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight: 1000 Defence]

"When Morpheus the Dream Mirror Black Knight is summoned through the effect of a Dream Mirror Monster, I can destroy your Crescent Dragon!"

Gradually, more and more monsters filled Sarina's field, and my mood soured as she pointed at me with ferocity: "Now, I will battle, Oneiros Tormentor, attack her Lightpulsar Dragon!!"

With a single flap of his wings, Oneiros appeared right before Lightpulsar Dragon's face. The monster roared in surprise and lunged with its jaw, but the man instantly appeared behind the reptile, driving his hand through the monster's heart.

[Yuna Sano/Seto Kaiba: 4700 -> 3700 LP]

"I will activate Lightpulsar Dragon's effect!" I shouted: "When it was sent to the graveyard, I can target a level five or higher Dark Dragon Monster in the graveyard and summon it!"

"I won't allow it," Sarina yelled back: "I will use Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor's ability! While Dream Mirror of Terror is on the field, I can negate Lightpulsar Dragon's effect!"

"Other than that, I will also active Dream Mirror Fantasy, targeting our Dream Mirror of Joy in the banished pile and shuffling it into your deck; then we can banish your Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand."

"Continuing the battle phase, I will use Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor's second effect, which allows me to tribute the fusion monster and summon Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erkling, in defence position!"

Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor's eyes glowed, and its body began to change. Its obsidian wings turned white like a swan's, and its purple hair turned pink. The clothes also shift into a white garment, giving him the appearance of a graceful angel.

[Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking: 3000 Defence]

Sarina: "Now, big brother!"

"Yes." He nodded and activated his trap: "Listen closely. I will play my trap card, Final Attack Orders! All monsters will be switched to attack position, and their battle position can no longer be changed!" In unison, all of the monsters stood up, their expressions tense, ready to fight.

[Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight: 2800 Attack]

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend: 900 Attack]

[Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking: 3000 Attack]

"I will continue to battle, Oneiros; destroy Blue Eyes White Dragon", Sarina ordered, and the angel smiled.

Spreading his palms, dozens of swords magically appeared in thin air, and the monster launched the blades towards Blue Eyes White Dragon, turning the poor beast into a porcupine.

[Yuna Sano/ Setok Kaiba: 3700 -> 3200 LP]

"Then I will use Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend's effect. If Dream Mirror of Terror is on the field, I can tribute it to bring out Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe!!"

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe: 1900 Attack]

"When I tribute a Dream Mirror monster, Oneiros's effect will trigger, letting me destroy your Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!!" Using magic, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon exploded, leaving a trail of metal and particles scattered in the air.

"Now, Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe, attack Seto Kaiba and Yuna Sano directly!"

[Yuna Sano/ Seto Kaiba: 3200 -> 2200 LP]

"Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight, attack!"

"I won't let you!" Kaiba yelled frantically: "I will play Krystal Avatar!"

Suddenly, before Morpheus, a humanoid warrior covered completely in crystal blocked his path: "When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack while its attack is greater or equal to my life points, I can special summon this card in attack position with an attack equal to my life points! The attack will then be changed to this card!!"

[Krystal Avatar: 2200 Attack]


Morpheus slammed down its sword, and the Krystal Avatar exploded, sending crystals in all directions. Sartorius and Sarina's eyes widened as the fragments flew towards their bodies, and they groaned in disbelief.

[Sarina/Sartorius: 7000 LP -> 4800 LP]

[Yuna Sano/ Seto Kaiba: 2200 LP -> 1600 LP]

"When Krystal Avatar is destroyed, my opponents will take damage equal to its attack," Seto growled, but the children ignored his words.

"Fine!" Sarina glowered: "Neiroy, attack!!"

[Yuna Sano/ Seto Kaiba: 1600 LP -> 600 LP]

"Hmph..." She pouted annoyingly, unable to finish us off: "I will end my turn... During the end phase, I will banish Dream Mirror of Terror and replace it with Dream Mirror of Joy. Then, with Dream Mirror Phantasos, all Dream Mirror monsters will gain an additional five hundred attacks.

[Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor: 1000 -> 1500 Attack]

[Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight: 2800 -> 3300 Attack]

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe: 1900 -> 2500 Attack]

[Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking: 3000 -> 3500 Attack]

[3rd POV]

Seto gritted his teeth as their abundant life points dropped before his eyes. Seething, he glanced at Yuna, who was biting her lips with frustration and uncertainty. 

"There's nothing you can do now." Sartorius smiled: "Surrender yourselves and become fuel for the great god!"

"Shut up, I will...." Suddenly, as Seto reached for his deck, he felt his head beginning to spin: "What is happening..."

When he opened his eyes, everything was grey. It was as if something had taken all of the colours from this world: "Sano." He called but received no response.

Staring at Yuna, her expression was stiff as a statue, and her body was seemingly frozen in time. In fact, everybody except him wasn't able to move.


Turning his head, Seto witnessed the doors behind Sarina and Sartorius automatically open, and he felt an instinct that propelled him towards it. With hesitation, he walked away from the ongoing duel and slowly approached the door.

Upon arriving from the other side, Seto's eyes widened at the empty white void that stretched out as far as his eyes could see. Sensing a presence from behind, he turned around and spotted a massive black dragon staring down at him.

The dragon growled intimidatingly and stared into his eyes. Following the urges of his heart, Seto subconsciously touched the blue crystal embedded in the forehead of the beast, and a blinding glow swept him off his feet...


Seto gasped when Yuna's voice snapped him out of his daze. Feeling something strange between his fingers, Seto stared at the unfamiliar card in his hand. Gradually, information flowed smoothly into his brain, and his composure returned.

"Kaiba?" Yuna called him once more when his anxious attitude completely vanished.

Smiling, Seto smirked, and the two children frowned at his unknown confidence: "You have made a mistake. If you wanted to win, you should have defeated us last round."

Sartorius/Sarina: !!!

"Enough playing around; time to finish this!" Seto declared: "I will start with Card of Demise, allowing me to draw until I have five cards in my hand!!"

"Next, I will reveal the Blue Eyes White Dragon in my hand to bring out Blue Eyes Alternative Dragon!!" 

A dragon resembling Blue Eyes White Dragon appeared on the field. The only difference was the glowing blue veins running along its scale and giving the monster a futuristic design.

[Blue Eyes Alternative Dragon: 3000 Attack]

"While on the field, Blue Eyes Alternative Dragon's name will be Blue Eyes White Dragon, and once per turn, I can target one monster you control and destroy it." Seto said coldly: "I choose Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking."

"Then I will use Oniero's effect!" Sarina shouted: "It will tribute itself to summon Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor and dodge your monster's effect!"

[Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor: 3500 Attack]

"Hmph... Child's play!" Seto sneered: "I will activate Monster Reborn, reviving Blue Eyes White Dragon from our graveyard!!"

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack]

"Then I reveal my trap card, Tyrant Wings!!" Blue Eyes White Dragon howled as its wings shone a golden light, and the dragon's body began to emit an immense power: "While equipped with Tyrant Wings, Blue Eyes White Dragon will gain an additional four hundred attack points, and it can attack twice this turn!"

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack -> 3400 Attack]

"I don't understand," Sartorius scowled: "How would a mere attack boost make you so confident?"

"Because I'm not done!" Seto retorted: "This is over, I activate my spell card, The Fang of Critias!!!"


The entire building rumbled, and Yuna gasped in shock: "Critias?!" Her voice was a mixture of excitement and disbelief. Just as she thought Seto might not have the chance to awaken the Legendary Dragon, it happened now. 

Towering above Seto stood a visage of a dragon in obsidian scales; its blue gem glowed brilliantly, blinding everyone in the room: "Using the Fang of Critias's effect, I will use Tyrant Wing and fusion summon Tyrant Burst Dragon!!"

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3400 Attack -> 3000 Attack]

[Tyrant Burst Dragon: 2900 Attack]

"Now I will banish these two monsters!!" he declared. "Using these two powerful dragons as materials, I will bring out the Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon!!!"


Fusing into one, Tyrant Burst Dragon and Blue-Eyes White Dragon transformed into an oppressive beast. While twice the size, its shining white scales perfectly reflect off the light, and its golden wings flap rhythmically, creating a beautiful illusion of an array of gold.

[Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon: 3400 Attack]

Finally, I will play my last card, Mystical Space Typhoon, which will destroy your Dream Mirror Phantasms and return all of your monsters to their original attack points!

[Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor: 1500 -> 1000 Attack]

[Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight: 3300 -> 2800 Attack]

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe: 2400 -> 1900 Attack]

[Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking: 3500 -> 3000 Attack]

"The time has come, Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon attack!" Seto shouted with enthusiasm: "Destroy Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor!"

Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon roared upon the command and unleashed deadly white flames from its jaw, engulfing the young boy in the fire.

[Sarina/Sartorius: 4800 LP -> 2400 LP]

"Kuh...." Sartorius groaned and stared at Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon: "I have to admit I was quite surprised, but it's barely enough to defeat us!"

"That's what you think," Seto sneered: "With Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon, it can attack all monsters you control!!"

"What?!" Sartorius exclaimed in shock as Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon dived down from the sky...

"Now, I will continue to battle!" Seto bellowed: "Destroy, Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe!"

"Ah!" Sarina yelped: "I will use Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe's effect and tribute itself to summon my Dream Mirror Friend!!"

[Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend: 1900 Defence]


"Destroy Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight!!"

[Sarina/Sartorius: 2400 LP -> 1800 LP]

"Finally, Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon!!! Destroy Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor!!!"

[Sarina/Sartious: 1800 LP -> 1400 LP]

"I will use the effect of Dream Mirror Fantasy! If one of our Dream Mirror Monsters is going to be destroyed, I can banish this card from our graveyard!" Sarina announced: "We won, you can't possibly stop us now!"

"Fools!" Seto laughed: "That's what I make you believe!! Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack!!"

Fearless, the dragon followed Seto's command, crashing into the Dream Mirror God, generating a wide explosion that destroyed both monsters.

"When one of my Blue Eyes White Dragon is destroyed, I can activate the effect of Deep Eyes White Dragon in my hand, summoning the beast onto the field!!"

Snarling, a brand new dragon appeared. Similar to Blue Eyes White Dragon, its body was slim with thin arms and legs. Floating behind the dragon was a brilliant blue arc, and the dragon roared loudly.

[Deep Eyes White Dragon: 0 Attack]

"When Deep Eyes White Dragon is summoned onto the field, you will take six hundred damage for each different Dragon Monster in the graveyard!!" Seto shouted as the arc behind the dragon began to spin.

Blue Eyes White Dragon

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand

Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Lightpulsar Dragon

Eclipse Wyvern

Assault Wyvern

All these dragons' power flowed into Deep Eyes White Dragon as its power increased drastically: "Three thousand six hundred damage," Yuna mumbled and stared at Deep Eyes White Dragon in admiration.

"You're both finished! Deep Eyes White Dragon, obliterate these insolent fools!!!  BURST STREAM OF ANNIHILATION!!!"

Unleashing a deadly beam, the children shrieked as a blinding light blocked their vision...


[Sarina/Sartious: 1400 LP -> 0 LP]


I hope you enjoy it