
I swore for just a moment, my heart stopped beating.

 "I need you to lie down. I might be able to help..." Life trailed off, doubt on her face. But I also can see the determination that's set in there, letting me know that she'll do what it takes.

 My water hasn't broken just yet, or maybe it has because I can feel a wetness dripping down my legs. Life grabs a huge bundle of towels, scrubbing down the blood off my legs as she makes me lie on some pillows, parting my legs as she removes my undergarments.

 Another towel wipes me down off down there, and she looks even paler.

 "I see it." she murmurs.

 With those words, a wave of liquid splashes out of me, and Life flinches back.

 "Your water finally broke!" she exclaims, and she washes off her hands, rushing back as the first pain hits me.

 I let out a shout, clinging on to the sheets, my body shaking, and Life murmuring words of comfort to me.