
There's a bitterness in my heart.

 I don't notice it when I ask for supplies through our trade allies, such as my father, and he can only give me a certain amount of it even when I tell him that the war is away from here and him.

 He explains it that no kingdom wants one to be overly powerful. And though I get it, I resent the thought a little.

 I simply want to help my husband as much as I can.

 The bitterness grows, as does the love for my son does. He's small at first, keeping me busy and making me forget that I miss Quill.

 It's only when he's sleeping that I can feel the ache of missing Quill.

 I didn't know that was feeding the bitterness.

 We've no word from them as the battle wages on. I'm tempted to send our allies, such as Queen Calandra, and King Dane for support, but Leopold says that if we do that, we undermine the king's judgement in choosing Quill as his champion.