Shura Field

"So what do you want?" Rio said, as he shrugged off his thoughts for the time being. Katherine's character setting was like this, even in the novel, so he couldn't change it now, just cause he didn't like the look she gave him.

Even Leon had a hard time going through her defenses and melting that iceberg heart, let alone him, who just met her twice till now.

"I want to train." Katherine said resolutely.

"Okay, that's good." Rio said confused about what it had to with him. If you wanna go train then go train. What ya doing here, wasting his time.

"No, I mean I want to train with you. After the spar I know your fighting abilities are way better than mine, so can you help me." Katherine tried to explain herself seeing that he misunderstood before.

Rio thought for a second after hearing her request, but then he shook his head and replied "I'm sorry, but I can't help you."