Their first meeting

Saisha Ellsworth, the princess of Elfring, the kingdom of elves. The next ruler of the great forest, nature's daughter, Gaia's chosen - a person born in such a good family and conditions that half the Arcadia would envy her. She's been the pride of her entire race from the day she was born.

They say that when she was born the whole great forest had received the blessing of the World Tree. The dried up trees came to life again, the flowers started to bloom and even the withered leaves and worthless grass had turned into spiritual herbs that blessed the kingdom.

The day she awakened 10 years ago, the primordial goddess of nature Gaia herself had come to give her the blessing and choose her as an avatar of hers.

Over the years, the love, respect and the care she received in her kingdom had only increased, and never had she felt so lost as she's been feeling these past few days.