The first holiday

The classes for first years worked 6 days a week and the weekend was a holiday for everyone. At Least until the first semester ends.

The weekend was a time for the students to rest, relax and research - to do whatever one wanted. You could train all day, or visit the library to check out the books and self study, or you can just sleep in your room until the next day.

Since the students were still new at the academy, and didn't know many people, most of them chose to remain at the academy and just visit all kinds of facilities or see the scenery here and there.

Some who were already friends made groups, and made plans to visit the city outside and enjoy everything the Laurelia Sanctum had to offer. The entertainment, food, games or tourist places - students made plans to go out and enjoy according to their own wishes.

Well as you can guess, most of them chose to go out and enjoy themselves, instead of staying inside.