Sun Bather

Rin's eyes fell on the attacker opposite her. It didn't take long for her to find him, but they weren't particularly hiding their presence either.

Instinctively, she knew he wasn't a human. 

'He' was a slender looking youth, yet the cold look in his condescending crimson eyes made him look older. 

His skin was ghostly white, and a smirk covered on his dim-red lips.

His jet-black hair was spiked upward, paired with his loose, sleeveless black garment that covered him from shoulder to shin, revealing a muscly body.

A particular feature Rin noticed was his nails. They were pure black and razor-edged.

"You're fast, y'know? You have my compliments," he praised, but the condescending look didn't leave his face. "My name's Shirzx. You are?"

Rin remained silent, but understood him. 

Nessa and Gerald were hiding behind the base, with the former tending to the latter's wounds.