
"Sun-bathers! I swear, I'll tear out your organs and eat you alive once I get fre—"

Another kick shattered the remaining fangs in the vampire's mouth.

"I'd watch my mouth closely if I were you. I'll gouge out your eyes next. We'll see if you can regrow a limb or organ."

Niveh flinched. The cold glimmer in Liam's eye didn't match any human she'd seen in the past. It made her wonder if the boy in front of her was truly human, or a demon pretending to be one.

Her mangled arms were already starting to squirm together and reform. Her regeneration was much, much faster compared to Liam and Nord's.

'Can they really regrow limbs?' Liam wondered, before taking a moment to assess her aura.

Converging on her left breast, Liam could see an influx of blood-red energies rapidly swirling. That was the Nexus, he was sure. As the wound on her arms healed, Liam spotted the energies slightly dimming to reform the flesh.