
The event that took place reminded Liam of Usan's first appearance. 

Within that Isolation Barrier, everything had dimmed and dimmed.

But that was because of the Isolation Barrier denying any light from poking through.

This time, there was no such thing.

Liam's gaze was above before it happened.

The sun was in clear view.

Everything was bright, warm and sunny.

In the blink of an eye, everything had gone pitch-black.

Shadows spread in every direction, erasing sunlight from the world.

Liam's sense of direction went haywire.

He couldn't tell left from right, up from down.

It was like he was drowning in a pool of black. He didn't know if he was breathing or not, since everything went numb.

He couldn't even see or hear anything.

There was only a chilling coldness invading Liam's being.

Liam tried to stay calm, but he couldn't.

He shouted out loud.

His words faded into a deafening silence.