
When the General uttered his insult, Usan and Kuan's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Four powerhouses. 

Queen Thyress. 

The General.

Hand of Light. 

And Unforgiven Shadow. 

Liam couldn't see their auras at all.

But he could feel them.

It was like their own signature displayed for all to see. 

The General was so far away. 

But just looking at him made Liam feel ten times as heavy, pulling him to the ground and keeping him there. 

All the low ranking acolytes had already fallen unconscious, their mouth frothing with foam. 

The only reason Liam hadn't passed out, was because he'd thickened his skull and head as much as he possibly could.

At the same time, he'd activated his mental defenses. 

Queen Thyress made him shudder. Her sight alone sent a million little needles pricking into his skin.