
Liam had a night of rest and packed everything essential he needed for the Celestial's inheritance. 

The Black Blade, the Dusk Blades, protective artifacts, wrappings, 3 years worth of provisions – even if he overate – and much more.

Inheritances were not daytime trips. Unless there were protective measures put into it beforehand, there almost always was a casualty involved. 

Even for the most basic and least powerful inheritances.

…And this was a Celestial's, which already had an air of mystique to it. 

In short, Liam was prepared.

Fully rejuvenated, Liam met up with Usan and a few Elders. 

As soon as he arrived at the grassy patch of land they were to meet at, Liam and the Elders expected a ride towards the Main Lands.

Through the Monolith Lion, like they'd always done.

But no.