
Liam suddenly jolted upright, a sheen of sweat on his skin. 

Grimacing, he found himself lying on the ground.

All he heard before his consciousness sputtered out was the glorious voice. It was youthful, but profound and also deep.

'Are you worthy?'

As his breathing calmed down, Liam took a look at where he was. 

He rose to his feet, an incredulous look on his face.

Right now, he was very, very confused.

He had just fallen into the crevice.

There was no doubt about that.

But right now, there was no more darkness.

In fact, there was illumination.

There was a sun above him!

Burning with light!

There were also clouds and a blue sky to accompany it!

It was like any other sunny day.

The ground below was filled with lush green grass. 

As far as his vision reached, that was all Liam could see. 

Grass and blue skies. The sun never set, and there was a light wind brushing past him.