Bond Between Brothers

Years had since gone by, but Alexander still wished he had paid no mind to his brother's plea to be at sea when he was eleven. And Charles knew that behind it all, he still blamed himself greatly for the mishap and the unfortunate ordeal Brand had to endure and survive. That guilt still caged him in the dark corner. "Does it hurt at all?"

Brand stepped away and wore the eye patch. Alexander, without hesitation, yanked it off and threw it fiercely to the floor. Brand smile flashed, and for a moment, Charles was elated that Alexander could be vexed. "Only when the wind is cold."

"Everytime then."Alexander climbed back to the throne. Charles sensed that the argument was drawing to a close. He walked back to them, hands in his pocket. Alexander's countenance was solemn. He blamed himself still and Brand could see it.

He climbed after Alexander, and sat on the handle of the throne. The room was completely empty, save the seat of the King, by his order. He had ordered all removed, except when needed. "I survived just long enough to get that bastard." Pulling on his brother's arm, he yelled. "Alexander! Brother, it gladdens my heart to see you well."

Pushing him away slightly, Alexander declared. "I apologize, I can't say the same."

A hand to his chest, Brand exclaimed. "How heartless." How dramatic! "Carlisle," Charles raised his eyes to him."Congratulations on your impending marriage."

The King quickly inputted. "He wishes otherwise."

"Refrain from the subject, Alexander." Charles warned. He looked to Brand and saw a smile threatening on the face of the young Prince. His dead eye stared back, all white and milky, but still holding on to the amusement. "And not a word from you Brand."

Brand raised his hands in surrender. "Carlisle has a new interest."Alexander informed, determined to continue on the path.

A bark of laughter. "What glad news! He would finally be done with the sister of that insufferable Viscount. Forgive me brother; I acknowledge his importance to the Court but nowhere else."

He should be, but Charles was not at the least surprised that no one carried an ounce of true affection or acknowledgement for Cossington. He knew him not to be a good man, but he never thought him to be so disliked.

"You should seek Carlisle's forgiveness, not mine." The teasing smile broadened on the King's face but soon disappeared when he saw how livid Charles was becoming. "Brand, what say you, a tournament before dinner?"

Brand got up immediately and stepped away. "I didn't travel over raging seas, to fight you, nor Carlisle." He raised his hands, surrendering immediately.

"But fight me you shall." He rose as well."Win me, and I shall take your crown like you've always wished." Brand stopped in his tracks. Charles watched them, Brand almost bought over, Alexander refusing to let go. "Win me, I said." He repeated.

Turning, the young Prince asked. "What does Carlisle get?"

The mischievous smile reappeared and Charles dreaded the reply. "A wedding present?"

"I respectfully decline, Your Majesty." He gave a mock bow.

"Right." He snapped his fingers."You loathe your bride." Charles glared. Brand laughed. "Nevertheless, prepare yourself gentlemen. Edmund!" The kingsman entered silently. "Prepare for a tournament." He bowed and left as silently as he entered. "We have been away for too long, we should bond again."

"We could bond with talks on our trip to Lanhandron." Brand said.

"Carlisle would not be there. And I cannot wait for so long. We shall bond, today!" His eyes shone. "What better way to bind than the slashes of swords and the drop of a mace." He declared and left the room.

"And our bloods on the sand." Brand wisely added. Then he turned on his heel. "For the right to lose my additional title, I shall fight."

Charles gave him a onceover. "You can never best him. But the freedom to inflict on him, wounds. I look forward to that. I beg to take my leave, Your Highness." He bowed and left the young Prince, making for the room the ladies were sharing, for he had to make certain that they were comfortable and that the room was to their taste. He had to see her. No! He simply wanted to invite her to come watch the tournament.

* * *

Having watched the tournament of the King, the Crown Prince and the Duke of Carlisle – the King emerging winner, Beth, Lucy and Gwen made their way back to their given chamber. As always, she walked behind Gwen and Lucy, listening to them sharing their thoughts about the match and relaying other possible outcomes other than the one achieved. She listened for a while before her thoughts trailed to the possibility that she could foster a friendship relation with the Duke, as he so wished. She had offered to help with his wounds after all, although he had declined.

The King was a great fighter and was deserving of the win no less; still she wished he hadn't inflicted that much wound on the Duke – and the Prince. Perhaps, he did not alone enjoy teasing people. If she could, Beth swore to never approach him upon their visit to his home. Her thoughts were interrupted when they turned the corner of the corridor and someone gasped sharply.

Beth looked up to behold the face of the man she wished never to see again, someone who she dreaded meeting more than meeting the King. "Lord Cossington." She said through clenched teeth. Rushing forward, she pulled Gwen to stand behind her.

"Lady Fitzgerald, and the lady that was once promised to me." He waited until they bowed to him, before he continued. "When I saw someone having a semblance to you, I got suspicious. I never thought it would really be you." Irritated, Beth felt the bile rise in her. His voice vexed her sore, the same voice that had, for years, etched itself into her brain. Oh how she despised him. "Lady Fitzgerald, how wonderful to see you after all these years." He bowed, head inclined towards Gwen. It was a mockery.

Beth bowed again, halfheartedly. "Lord Cossington, I didn't know you were at the Castle." She never would have agreed to come with, nor bring her sister. "You must forgive me for I have not a single willingness to stand and continue this conversation thus." She turned to Lucy. "Take Gwen from here. Now!" They did not hesitate. Quickly, Lucy held unto Gwen's arm, steering the latter, who was still shaken, in the direction of their corridor.

"Lady Gwen!" He called after the retreating girls. His eyes, following after them, causing dread to replaced the bile and it rose in Beth. "It was a pleasure. We should converse soon." Lucy continued to pull Gwen along. To Beth, he commented. "What a lovely woman she turned out to be."

Never! Beth walked around him to block his vision from her sister, for his lewd gaze followed her still. "You stay far away from her." Her declaration was firm.

"But of course." Good! He turned to her. "I must confess, you look lovely." His eyes ran the length of her body. She held her ground. He would never have the satisfaction he sought from her, in no manner whatsoever. "You should know, I always thought you were more beautiful." He made no attempt to hide his lewd thoughts. "How are you here?"

She straightened her back. Gwen was far from him. She was safe. "We are guests here at the Castle." His look grew suggestive. How dare he?! "If you would excuse me." She stepped to the side and he stepped in her way. She looked up. He was smiling. She made for the other side and he followed suit.

"Whatever happened to that brother of yours?"

She saw red. "Do not speak of him with that vile tongue of yours!"

He sounded annoyed. "Watch yours, Lady Beth. Do not forget who it is you are speaking to." Calmly, he continued, stepping closer. "Although, I could allow such disrespect if you choose to be with me."

She stepped away from him, creating a reasonable distance between them. His smile was revived, obscene and disgusting. "Forgive me for my candour; am I being propositioned at the moment, Lord Cossington?"

He stepped closer, she held her ground. "I suppose you are. After all you remain unwed, and your family remains poor and destitute. I will be a generous sponsor."

She exhaled in unbelief. Soon, her shock turned into laughter. He simply stood before her, smiling sheepishly, waiting for her response. Getting a hint of control for herself, she reminded. "You were once affianced to my sister."

He stepped even closer, inches away. "That was a long time ago."