Unfortunately, It's Lord Cossington

She needed no reminders from him, for she remembered how long ago that was. She remembered how her brother had tried his very best to help everyone forget it all, remembered all the unfortunate things that resulted from the events, remembered how his family had humiliated hers. She doubted she would ever forget. And she would never be with him. "Not even if you were the last man in the world." She declared to his face.

He didn't look a bit annoyed. "Are you certain? I will be good to you. And I could find a worthy husband for your sister." Beth scoffed. "How about a rendezvous tonight?" He touched her.

"I think not!" She slapped his hand away from her arm and made to walk away.

He grabbed her wrist. "I think so."

"Let go of me!"

"Lady Beth_"

"Lord of Sorway!" Someone called. They turned.

The Duke of Carlisle stood at a distance, hands behind him, the Prince at his side. They walked towards them, feet engaging themselves firmly against the floor, shoes tapping lightly against it. For reasons fathomable, shame overshadowed Beth. She wrestled stealthily to free her wrist from the Viscount's hold, but he would have none of it. He held unto her with a tight grip.

The Viscount smiled at the Duke, his momentarily shock had smoothened out. "Lord of Carlisle." He returned. "How do you do? I must say, that was quite the tournament." Beth lowered her head, hiding her face from the Duke. "Shame no one else was allowed to participate. I reckon I could hold my ground. I pride myself on being a skilled fighter."

When a few moments went by and none said a word, Beth slightly raised her head, and from under her lashes, looked to the Duke, he was staring at her entrapped wrist, the Prince had his eyes on Lord Cossington's face. When the Duke's eyes met hers, she quickly averted his gaze. "Unhand the lady, Cossington." She heard him command with a drawl.

The Viscount looked at her. Running his thumb over her captured wrist, he said. "We are old acquaintances." The rage built in her. They certainly were not!

"I suppose the times are here when a Lady can be manhandled for the sake of old acquaintances." The Prince stated. His voice surprised Beth, and from a favourable distance, she thought his eyes were scary. The Viscount looked to the Prince with a smile and when he received none in return, he let go of her.

With her head still slightly bowed, she uttered. "I apologized, Your Grace."

The Duke stepped closer and inquired. "Are you alright, Lady Beth?" His voice was soft and it shamed her further.

Looking at them, the Viscount asked. "Do you know her?"

The Prince, resting on the adjacent wall with ankles crossed, said. "She's Carlisle's guest here at the Castle."

"What?" Beth noticed the streak of alarm on the Viscount's face. Then, an insulting smile. No words had been said; no information exchanged, but she knew what it was that ran through the thoughts of Lord Cossington. Did the same also cross the thoughts of the Prince and the King? How could she ever appear before any if she was thought to be the mistress of the Duke of Carlisle?

"As are you, of the King." She heard the Prince gingerly continue. "As are we all. You will do well to remember, Cossington, that this is the King's home." He was picking at his fingers. "Therefore, I suggest you behave accordingly and desist from whatever deeds you practise in your home."

"I apologize." The smile was gone. He bowed.

"To the Lady would be preferred." The Duke commanded, not sparing him a glance.

After a second of hesitation, Lord Cossington conceded. "I apologize, Lady Fitzgerald, for my invidious behaviour."

Beth bowed. "Please excuse me, My Lords, Your Highness." She spared the Prince a quick bow and started away from the gentlemen.

From behind her, the Duke spoke. "Cossington, you would grant me an audience." Then, "Lady Beth! A moment." Beth stopped immediately, turning slowly to find him walking to her. As he approached, she raised her head to look him in the face. His face had been cleaned of the blood, therefore the bruise on his left cheek was obvious. His busted lips had started to swell. It would definitely colour by morning. She wondered about the cut he had sustained on his back from the tournament. His voice reached her. "After dinner, do you suppose we could take a walk tonight?"

"Tonight?!" Her eyes bulged. Was she being propositioned again? How could he request her presence after all that had transpired between her and Lord Cossington? After all he had seen her witness? But would it not be insulting to collect the Duke and Lord Cossington together, she thought, especially when the former had been nothing but a complete gentleman. His face remained expressionless, still Beth wondered if her sudden outburst had offended him. She blinked rapidly, collecting herself. "I suppose we could." She swallowed, refusing to offend. Suddenly, she wished the week to be over. "Where?"

His hands found his pockets. "The Stonehenge of Mainecroft Castle."

She had never heard of the Stonehenge. Beth became intrigued, but then she remembered Gwen. Looking behind the Duke, she found the Prince and the Viscount watching them still. The Prince, bored, Lord Cossington, furious. She lowered her voice. "If my sister can endure another presence of Lord Cossington, I suppose."

"I will come knocking then." He declared. She tensed. Was he already declaring that Gwen would be at the dinner table regardless? "Get to your sisters." She left immediately, not sparing another look or a bow, to the Prince nor the impertinent Viscount. She dreaded the topic of discussion after her exit but her mind was too occupied with the thoughts of Gwen and the proposed walk through the Stonehenge. This was nothing to worry about, she assured herself, it would simply be a means to closely access the Duke and determine his reason for continuously chasing her down with the notion of friendship.

But later that night, when the maid came knocking at the door, asking for her to the Duke, Beth questioned her will and decision, as well as the Duke's intentions, wishes and his words sometimes, and what they meant.