Mission 02: Double Hell

Location: Demon World (A.K.A Double Hell)

Dante was looking at the big castle in the distance.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

What is that place?

Dante looked surprised.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Holy shit! I know that castle. It looks like the one from the first Devil May Cry game. It's Mundus's castle. Hade's Hellhole. My dad told me and Vergil about it from his stories.

Dante looked disappointed.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

But I still won't forgive him for killing Mum. Well, if this is the Demon World, I gotta be careful. My uncle told me that place is dangerous. No humans or normal demons made it out alive. Let's hope I do.

Dante looked around the area and spotted Sparda in his demon form on the mountain side close to the castle. Dante looked happy.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Wait, that demon, who's holding the Yamato. It's Sparda! My Dad!

Dante called out to his dad.

DANTE (Ten Years Old) (Yelling):

Dad! Over here! It's me! Dante!

Dante saw his dad leap off the mountain.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

He can't hear me or see me. I gotta get to him.

Dante put his dad's pistols in his pockets and ran after him. Dante went to the Land of Oblivion, passed the River of Inferno, then he bumped into a young hellhound named Loona and they both dropped to the ground. Dante got up and saw Loona.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Oh, my God, are you okay?

Loona saw Dante, then took up a defensive position and snarled at him. Dante walked backwards when Loona walked towards him.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Who are you, human?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Look, I haven't got time for this. But if you want me to make you play dead, it's your funeral. I'm not afraid of you, corrupted demon!

Loona was looking confused.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

I'm not a corrupted demon. I'm from Hell.

Dante looked confused as well.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

You're a girl? You're from Hell? But you look so dark and white and you're wearing a collar with spikes.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

That's because I'm a fucking Goth. Now I'm telling you again.

Loona grabbed Dante, angrily.

LOONA (Eight Years Old) (Angrily):

Who the fuck are you?!

Loona looked shocked when she saw Dante's amulet around his neck and grabbed it to take a closer look.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

What's this? One of Sparda's amulet?

Loona let go of Dante's amulet and looked at him.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Are you one of his sons?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Yeah. You knew my dad?

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Well, I met him last week and he does look like the character from Devil May Cry and...

Dante interrupted Loona.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Wait. You played Devil May Cry?

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Yes! I played 1 to 4 and I've seen the animated series as well!

Dante looked happy.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

No way! Me too! The first game was released on the day I was born!

Loona looked surprised.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

No fucking way! Devil May Cry is the most popular video game in the world. Well, it's made in the living world, but it's number one in Hell. And I've read that the reboot version will come out next year. Dante is my favourite character. He can wield his sword. He can shoot his guns and his favourite foods are....

DANTE (Ten Years Old)/LOONA (Eight Years Old) (Unison):

Pizza and strawberry sundae!

Dante and Loona gasped at each other.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

They're also my favourite foods!

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

And mine, too!

Dante and Loona smiled at each other, while Loona's tail was wagging.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

We have so much in common, Dante.

Dante looked muddled.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

How'd you know my name?

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Your amulet is red and I know it's your favourite colour.

Dante looked at his amulet and smiled.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Lucky guess.

Loona introduced herself to Dante.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

My name's Loona. With two O's.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I like that. So, how did you get to the Demon World?

Loona showed Dante her grimoire.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

With this book. I took it from the orphanage I'm living in.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

You're an orphan?

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Yeah. I don't have any parents, but I'm waiting to be put up for adoption. I hope I don't get adopted by a fucking imp.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

You hate imps?

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

A lot.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I see. But do you have to keep using that language all the time?

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Do I look like I give a shit?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

No, I fucking love it!

Loona looked happy.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

So, how did you get to the Demon World?

Dante looked sad.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Vergil sent me there, after he killed my mum.

Loona looked shocked.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):


DANTE (Ten Years Old):

He was secretly working with Mundus because my dad wouldn't give him the power.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

But we both know Vergil only wants power to control the world.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

In the video games, yes, but in reality.... Yes, he only cares about the power. Not humans and demons, from Hell. I feel so stupid.

Dante shook his head and stayed focused.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Okay, let's stay focused. I've seen my dad.

Loona looked happy.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

You did? Where?

Dante pointed at Hade's Hellhole.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Somewhere over there. I think he's heading to that castle.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

That's where I'm heading!

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Well, let's find him together. I can get him to talk to you.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

You'll do that for me?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Yes, let's go!

Dante and Loona ran to the Garden of Lava where they were surrounded by six corrupted imps pointing guns at them.


You two are trespassing in our King's world.


Now, get fucked or die!

Dante smiled and walked up to the corrupted imps, while Loona tried to stop him.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Dante, what are you doing?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Relax, I got this.

Dante turned to the corrupted imps.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

So, what you guys are saying is I have to fuck you or get killed. All right, but let's play a different game.

Dante took a coin out of his pocket.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I'm gonna toss this coin into the air. If it said heads, I'll kill you, but if it said tails, you kill me. You ready?

Dante tossed his coin into the air. While the corrupted imps looked at it, Dante quickly drew out his dad's guns and shot them dead. Dante put his dad's guns away and grabbed his coin and looked at it.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Heads, I win.

Loona looked impressed at Dante.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Dante, that was fucking awesome! Where did you learn to do that?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

From a Kurt Russell movie. Now let's go find my dad.

Dante and Loona saw the river of lava moving like a bowl of soup, then a giant spider demon named Phantom jumped out of the lava and landed in front of Dante and Loona. It slowly crawled up to them.

PHANTOM (Demonic Voice):

Bah, a human. I sensed a hellhound earlier. What an interesting catch!

Dante smiled, while Loona stood behind him.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

So, you must be Phantom. I can see the lava flowing inside that big body of yours.

Dante knocked on Phantom's head and its eyes were starting to turn red.

PHANTOM (Demonic Voice):

You know my name! No human has set foot in the Demon World and you'll never leave here alive!

Phantom raised his arms ready to smash Dante and Loona. Dante quickly pushed Loona out of the way and he jumped over the spider demon. Dante quickly drew his dad's guns and shot the Phantom's head repeatedly, until it used his arms to protect his head. Loona threw big rocks at the spider demon, until it turned on her. Phantom sprouted a long scorpion tail out of its back and it was ready to attack Loona. Dante quickly ran to Loona, pushed her to one side and he was stabbed in the belly with the Phantom's scorpion tail. Loona looked horrified.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):


Dante was screaming in pain, while Phantom lifted him up with its scorpion tail. Phantom looked confused when it saw Dante smiling.

PHANTOM (Demonic Voice):

What?! Why won't you die?!

Phantom looked surprised when he saw the blood dripping out of Dante's body.

PHANTOM (Demonic Voice):

That's the blood of Sparda! It can't be!

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Yeah, I'm his son, Dante.

Dante gave Phantom the two middle fingers.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Fuck you!

Dante pulled Phantom's tail out of his stomach and fell to the ground. Loona quickly ran up to Dante.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Are you okay?

Dante slowly got up.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I'm fine. Let's get outta here.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

What about your dad?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Fuck my dad! We'll see him in another time! Now hurry, the book!

Loona got out her grimoire and opened it. The pages on the grimoire were burnt.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Shit! It burnt all the pages. We're totally fucked!

Loona looked scared while she saw Phantom crawling towards her. So, she stood behind Dante.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

What are we gonna do?

Dante looked at his amulet and heard his mother's voice.

EVA (Voice Over):

Hold the amulet and say "Send me to Hell".

Dante held his amulet tight.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Send me to Hell!

The portal magically appeared behind Dante and Loona. Loona looked surprised when she saw it.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

How did you...

Dante interrupted Loona, while he and her went through the portal. Phantom went after them, but the portal disappeared and it looked angry.

PHANTOM (Demonic Voice):

Dante! I'll remember that name!

Location: Hell

Area: Loona's Orphanage

Dante and Loona, we're out of breath and relieved to escaped from Phantom.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Wow! We're alive! Dante, you saved my life!

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Three times in the row, Loona.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

So, where are we now?

Loona saw the building and recognized it.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Oh, it's my orphanage.

Dante looked surprised.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Your orphanage? Then this must be Hell. My amulet works!

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Your amulet?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Yeah. Mum told me it will take me Hell and it did. I gotta go find my uncle.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Does he live here?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

He lives in a palace, but this is my first time in Hell. So...

Loona walked up to Dante and wrapped her arms around him.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

So, let him find you. You saved my life three times already, Dante. And I wanna to give you something in return.

Dante smiled.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I see. You wanna give me a kiss, right?

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

A wet one.

Loona gave Dante a French kiss and he looked surprisingly happy.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I'm not freaking out, but I saw my dad do that to my mum for five minutes.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Wanna try it for ten?

Loona gave Dante another French kiss, until they stopped when a portal magically appeared in front of them. Stolas, the Goetic Prince of Hell appeared from the portal. Loona looked surprised when she saw him.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

It's the Prince!

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Uncle Stolas!

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

He's your uncle?

Stolas walked up to Dante.



DANTE (Ten Years Old):

How'd you know I was here?

Stolas comforted Dante.


I have my ways, darling. Are you alright?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I'm fine, Uncle.


Oh, good.

Stolas looked upset at Dante.


How'd the fuck did you get to the Demon World? You know that place is very dangerous. If anything happens to you, your dad will blame me. And we don't want that, do we?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

It was Vergil! He sent me there after he killed my mum!

Stolas looked shocked.



DANTE (Ten Years Old):

He's working with Mundus because my dad wouldn't give him the power.


I know he's a troublemaker, but I never knew he could go this far. Dante, your Aunt Stella is a close friend of your mum. She'll be devastated if we tell her.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Well, we're gonna have to.

Stolas sighed.


Okay. But it's going to be hard to explain to Octavia.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

We'll find a way.

Stolas smiled.


Come on, let's go to my palace.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Wait. Just a minute.

Dante walked up to Loona.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Loona, I'm going to stay with my uncle. So, um... Goodbye for now.

Loona smiled at Dante.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

All right, but before you go.

Loona took a sniff all over Dante.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

What are you doing?

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

Picking up your scent. Whenever you're near or far, I'll find you. Well, I better get back inside. Everyone will be pissed off when they know I stole their book, but it was fucking worth it.

Loona kissed Dante on the cheek.

LOONA (Eight Years Old):

See you around, Dante.

Dante smiled when he watched Loona go inside the orphanage and he walked up to his uncle. Stolas noticed that his nephew is in love with Loona.


Ohhh. I see you're in love with that hellhound.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

She did stick her tongue down my throat.


That means she's really into you.

Dante and Stolas went through the portal.

Area: Stolas' Mansion

Dante and Stolas were in the main hall and the portal disappeared behind them.


Do you like it, Dante?

Dante looked amazed.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Wow! What a mansion! I thought it was a palace.


The mansion is my palace.

Stolas called out to his wife.


Stella, your favourite nephew's here!

Stella walked down the stairs and looked surprisingly happy when she saw Dante.

STELLA (Happily):


DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Aunt Stella!

Stella ran up to her nephew, picked him up, kissed him and hugged him.

STELLA (Happily):

How's my beautiful nephew?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I'm fine.


But where's your mother and your brother?

Dante looked at his worried uncle, then he turned to his aunt.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Aunt Stella, Vergil is working with Mundus and he killed mum.

Stella looked a little sad, as Dante tried to calm her down.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I know she was your close friend. I'm sorry.

Stella stayed calm.


It's all right. The important thing is that's you're with us and nothing else matters.

Stolas looked relieved, then young Octavia came to the hall.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

Mummy? Daddy?

Dante looked happy when he saw his cousin.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):


OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):


Stella let Dante go, then he picked up his cousin and hugged her.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Look at you. You've become an owlet.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

I can't do it.

Dante looked confused.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Do what?

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

Dead Rising. I was trying to beat the last boss, but there were too many zombies.


I told you to take a break from that video game, my owlet.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

Daddy, this is important.

Dante smiled.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

It's okay, Uncle. I'll help her.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

You will?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Yeah, I've played it before. Let's go to your room. If I can find it.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

Don't worry, I'll show you the way.

When Dante and Octavia left the main hall, Stolas and Stella looked worried.


Now what?


Well, I have to call Sparda and let him know that Dante is okay, and what happened to Eva and Vergil.

That night in the guest room, Dante was sitting on his bed reading some of his uncle's books.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

All of his books are full of spells and shit. At least he's keeping the sinners happy.

Dante put down the book that he was reading and picked up the other one read the title on the front cover.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Hazbin Hotel. That might be a good book to read.

While Dante was reading the Hazbin Hotel book, he heard Stolas singing You Will Be Okay from the walls. Dante smiled.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I haven't heard that song for a long time.

When the song ended, Stolas opened the guest room door to check on Dante.


Dante? Are you still awake?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Yeah, I can't sleep.

Dante looked sad. His uncle sat next to him.


I take it that you're still not happy about your brother.

Dante put the book down on the bed.

DANTE (Ten Years Old) (Sadly):

I still can't believe he killed mum.


I'm sorry. I know how much you loved her.

DANTE (Ten Years Old) (Sadly):

Well, I know she's in heaven, but you, Aunt Stella and Octavia can't see her there because of God's law.


I'm sorry. He had to do it. Ever since Mundus took over the living world, your father stopped him, sealed his powers and I've been guarding it in my palace for a long time now. I'm afraid his new law will last forever.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Will God remove that law if Mundus is dead?


That's what he said to me on the phone, but he's busy trying to help some humans from going to Hell.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

At least my mum will help him. Uncle Stolas, why did you have a thing for imps? Vergil told me about it.

Stolas looked very nervous.

STOLAS (Nervously):

Well, Dante.... It's just that... I've told Vergil... My thing about imps is a..... I'm sorry, I don't have words for it, but your father does and it would be easier if you hear that from him.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Okay. But did you tell Dad I'm here?


Yes, and he's coming here to collect you in the morning and take you to his summer house. But you can come and stay with me anytime you want. Our home is your home.

Dante smiled and hugged his uncle.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Thanks, Uncle.


You're welcome, nephew.

Dante saw Octavia looking scared and sad.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old) (Sadly):

Dante! Dante! I've had another bad dream!

Dante let go of his uncle. Octavia ran up to her cousin. Dante picked up Octavia and dried her tears with a tissue.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

What happened?

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old) (Sadly):

I saw Vergil kill Aunt Eva. Then he dropped you to the Demon World. Why would he do that?

Dante comforted his cousin.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

There, there, Octavia.

Dante looked at his uncle.

DANTE (Ten Years Old) (Whispering):

She heard us.

Dante looked at his cousin.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

What you saw was true. Vergil did kill my mum because he's become corrupted.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

Like the demons from the Demon World?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):


OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

What if Vergil comes to Hell and kills us all?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

He won't.

Dante took out Vergil's amulet from his pocket and showed it to Octavia.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Not without this.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

His amulet?

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

I took it off him before he sent me to the Demon World and before I used my amulet to escape, with a friend.

Octavia looked a little relieved but scared.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

Thank you, Dante. But can I sleep with you, tonight? I'm a little scared.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Of course, you can. Now I'm going to sing you my Mum's lullaby. Actually, it's a song from the first Devil May Cry game. But she sang it to me after it was released. You ready?

Octavia nodded her head and Dante sang Seeds of Love by REOKO.

(Musical Sequence)

After the song ended, Dante and Octavia laid down on the bed.

OCTAVIA (Five Years Old):

Good night, Dante.

DANTE (Ten Years Old):

Good night, Octavia.

Stolas smiled when he saw his nephew and his daughter fall asleep, then he left the room and closed the door quietly behind him.

Dante and Blitzo narrated the ending.

DANTE (Narrator):

Sorry to show you this soft ending. But family and love are the most powerful things in the world. Either it comes from the heart and soul. Protecting someone you love and care are important, even that means killing corrupted Demons. That's what my dad did. You'll see him again in the next mission: Nephilim.

BLITZO (Narrator):

Nephilim? Is that half shit and half whore?

DANTE (Narrator):

It's half angel and half demon, you shit whore motherfucker!

BLITZO (Narrator):

Thank you.

(End of Mission 02)