Birthday Gift

As we rode up the elevator to the very top floor, I found myself starting to get incredibly nervous for some reason. Not only had I not even been alone with Ashton for a few days leading up to the party itself, but this was also the first time that I would be alone with him as his official fiancé. This would be the first time we'd be spending time alone in two days. I wondered if interaction between us would be different now that we are official. Would he look at me differently? Would he expect me to treat him differently?

As I thought about the factors that would be different between us now, my mind turned to sex. As pent up as I knew we both were, Ashton could technically demand sex from me right then and there if he wanted and no one would ever find out. The thought did seem a little surreal, and I wondered if I was crazy for agreeing to this. However, at the same time, it wasn't as if I hadn't thought this through. I was prepared for the prospect. All along I'd been comforted by the thought that Ashton wasn't the the type of man who would demand sex from me in an absurd manor, place, or time because he didn't want the view of me to be seen.

Either way, there was no turning back now. I'd signed away any virtue that I'd had left away to Ashton happily.

The elevator stopped, and with a ding, the doors slid open. We stepped out and into a tiny little lobby looking type area. Straight ahead, Morgan and a bellhop was emerging from a door that appeared to be the main door to our suite. Ashton greeted them and they shared a brief exchange of words before Ashton then discreetly slipped the bellhop a stack of hundred dollars bills. The man then passed by us, rolling the empty luggage cart with him back to the elevator with an invigorated smile.

"After you, my love," Ashton said, gesturing to the door to the suite.

He took one of the room keys from me and swiped it in the designated spot next to the door, allowing me to open it.

I gasped as I stepped inside.

The suite was breathtakingly beautiful. It was elegant, clearly top of the line. I moved in through the little entry way and immediately began exploring, walking around to take everything in. The suite was the size of a penthouse apartment, not the usual run of the mill hotel room that I was accustomed to staying in. It had a full sized kitchen, a lovely living area, an immaculate bathroom, and the bedroom...there were no words to describe it.

"Holy shit..." I mumbled, amazed.

Somehow, even though the suite was lavish and high-class, it didn't so much make me feel uncomfortable or out of place. It surprisingly still somehow had a homely feeling to it. Although I was still pretty on edge, the atmosphere actually made me feel a little bit more at ease than I had in the elevator. It was warm, and it made me feel good.

"Do you like it?" Ashton asked, following me as I made my way around to explore the heavenly suite.

"It's amazing. It's perfect! I could live here if needed too!" I said, stopping and standing still in the bedroom.

"Good." He said softly, giving me a small smile.

"It doesn't feel as...grandiose as I expected."

"I thought that you would like it this way. I'm glad to see I was right."

"You've stayed here before?" I asked. "Can anyone use this room?"

"No it's just for us. And I was able to see some photos of the finished room from my dad. This seemed a little more fitting to your tastes than some of the other options I considered. It's more casual, yet still refined and elegant."

"You know me better than I thought, then."

"Our luggage is all here." He said, gesturing to two bags sitting in the corner of the room. "I packed them. You know, just in case you wanted to change clothes or freshen up."

"Yes, please..." I said, eagerly going to dig into my suitcase. "A shower sounds amazing right about now especially after all that nonsense we had just been through."

"Are you hungry?" He asked, slipping off his shoes and neatly putting them up against the wall.

"Yes. I think I can feel my stomach eating away at itself."

He laughed lightly, going to retrieve the room service menu from the desk.

"Would you like me to order something while you shower?"

"That sounds amazing, thank you."

"What would you like?"

"Anything edible. Preferably nothing fancy. Just get me the simplest thing they have on the menu."

"A hamburger?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Perfect." I smiled as I pulled a toiletry bag out of the luggage Ashton packed.

"I had them put some cider instead of champagne on ice in the kitchen. Would you like anything different to drink?"

"Cider is fine." I said over my shoulder as I carried the toiletries with me to the bathroom. "I won't be long." I added.

I really didn't mean to be long in the bathroom. I had every intention of showering quickly and being out before my food arrived to the room.

However, it didn't really work out that way.

I think that maybe subconsciously I was afraid to leave that bathroom and go back to all that perfection. I think I was simply afraid of the overwhelming happiness I was feeling. I didn't know what was in store for me; what this marriage would really be like. I was nervous about where things would go from here, especially since nothing has gone wrong in a while and I guess hiding in the bathroom helped me to avoid my fears as long as possible.

So, as I hid, I groomed myself in pretty much every way you could imagine. I shaved my legs for the first time ever, skipping my boy bits. I meticulously scrubbed every inch of my body so I wouldn't feel the stares of those animals in the banquet hall. I shampooed and conditioned my hair, which I now regretted cutting, and then used the blow dryer to dry and fluff it once getting out of the shower. I washed my face, put on deodorant, and I brushed my teeth...twice.

I wasn't sure what to expect as far as Ashton wanting to have sex that night, but I did want to be prepared in the event that he did. Although it was an unconventional situation, I still had enough self-worth to want to look my best if he may see me naked for the first time. I knew I would be less nervous if I was confident in my appearance.

I didn't want him to regret this, after all.

After completing all of that primping, I started to get antsy. I still wasn't ready to go out and meet him just yet. So I looked around the bathroom, trying to think of more things to do to occupy myself.

I began a whole new round of compulsive and unnecessary rituals.

I tweezed my already maintained eyebrows, filed my already ok nails, straitened my hair that had already been smoothed down by the blow dryer, and applied lotion to my whole body which was still pruny from standing under the hot water for so long.

And then I brushed my teeth...again.

The problem was that I was already fairly sufficiently groomed from earlier. My nails and eyebrows and everything else had been done literally this morning by my mom. There wasn't much to even do in the first place. It was all rather unnecessary.

Sighing with the acceptance that my appearance was as good as it was going to get, I shoved everything back into the cosmetic bag. I then took a step back and turned to look at the reflection of my naked body in the full length mirror that was attached the backside of the bathroom door. I turned slightly from side to side, wanting to see what Ashton would see if he indeed did decide that he wanted to have sex tonight. I moved my eyes up and down as I observed myself from bottom to top.

I looked over my legs first. They were small, a tiny bit toned now, but not muscular by any means. My eyes traveled up further where my thighs turned into my hips, not too wide yet still providing just the right amount of curves to give me the fairly delicate figure I hated. I'd been blessed to have a naturally flat and even a little bit toned stomach. I definitely wasn't rocking a six pack, but I definitely wasn't flabby at all. 

As I stood there and looked at myself naked, I realized that I'd forgotten to bring clothes with me into the bathroom.

"Shit..." I mumbled to myself. He'd see this as an invitation if I called him here.

At home, I never got dressed right out of the shower. So I hadn't even thought about taking clothes with me to the bathroom. I really still didn't like the thought of putting clothes on. The bathroom was hot from the steamy shower combined with the fact that I'd had both the flat iron and the blow dryer on.

I sighed and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around waist. I took one last glance at myself in the mirror, pushed my hair back, and decided it was time to finally leave the bathroom. I had no idea how long I'd been in there, but I knew it had already gone beyond excessive.

I exited the bathroom back into the bedroom, where I found Ashton. He was sitting at the desk, illuminated by the light of the lamp next to him. He had a half empty plate and a half full champagne glass at his side. In front of him, he was writing purposefully on something. He seemed rather absorbed in it and didn't seem to even notice my reappearance.

"Hi..." I said softly.

"Hey." He said, glancing up at me just briefly before he looked back down at whatever he was doing. He quickly did a bit of a double take though, looking back up at me with a taken aback look. "Are you planning on...going somewhere?" He asked.

"No. Why?"

"Well I know you were in there forever and a year, but I wasn't expecting you to come out....well, all dolled up."

"Yeah..." I said, suddenly a little embarrassed that I'd clearly put so much effort into getting all done up for nothing. "Sorry that took so long." I added, shifting my weight awkwardly. "Just trying out grooming myself like my mom would do."

"No worries. I put your food in the microwave to try to conserve some of its heat."

"Oh, thanks."

"You're welcome. I should let you know you that it's definitely not a gourmet burger. It's not cheaply made either but, I was a little disappointed given the quality of the hotel."

"I think I'll manage."

"I suppose it will be enough to hold us over until morning. We'll go out for a nice breakfast."

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously, trying to get a look at what he'd been writing on.

He followed my eyes to the desk in front of him and abruptly reached out to close what appeared to be a black leather-bound notebook type thing.

"Nothing." He said, smiling up at me. "Just keeping myself occupied until my lovely Lovebug decided to show himself again."

"Yeah, again, sorry it took so long..."

He stood and carried the leather notebook over to his suitcase, tucking it away.

"I'm going to go grab a shower myself." He said, turning back towards me. "I promise not to take a long as you. Although, I don't think I could even if I tried." He added with a smirk.

"Will you just shut up about it already?" I muttered, rolling my eyes. I can't believe he's learned to make fun of me now.

"I'm just messing with you." He laughed.

Ashton went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, and I heard the water start almost immediately. I considered going to his suitcase to see what that book was he'd been writing in, but it would be just my luck that he'd suddenly emerge from the bathroom and catch me snooping through his stuff. So, I passed.

I'm sure he'll tell me himself at some point anyway.

Still hot from the muggy bathroom, I decided to just remain in my towel as I went to go eat my food. My burger was pretty cold, so I nuked it in the microwave for a few seconds before devouring it down unceremoniously. I was glad I was alone and not in front of Edward, because I'm sure it was very unappealing the way I scarfed it down.

I went back into the bedroom to get some clothes, but before I could even get to the suitcase my attention was captivated by the two beautiful double glass doors leading out to the balcony. I couldn't resist getting a peak at the view right away, so I passed up the suitcase and headed straight for outside.

Just as I'd expected, the view was phenomenal. Although the hotel was basically a skyscraper, there were no such buildings like this one as far as I could see, it was still one of the tallest around. My position gave me a breathtaking point of view, looking down over what seemed like the entire city. As far as I could see, there were gorgeous buildings and spectacular scenery. I smiled as I rested my elbows against the wrought iron railing and leaned over, trying to take in everything. I tried to memorize everything within sight, never wanting to forget that image.

Being so high up and able to see fairly far, I could see where as I looked further and further off into the distance where the streets gradually were alight with the city's usual hustle and bustle.

I heard the doors creak open behind me. I knew that it would be Ashton and I didn't even bother turning around to confirm it. I was too absorbed in the beauty of the scene before me, looking more like a picture than something I was actually seeing right in front of my eyes.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Ashton muttered as he moved up behind me, bringing his hands to rest on my hips in front of him.

I felt my body stiffen just slightly, suddenly very aware that I was totally naked other than the small white towel loosely wrapped around my middle. The towel barely covered me and was already slipping off of me. I tried to brush off any apprehensive feelings, seeing as I wasn't in any place to tell Ashton not to touch me anyway.

Shit I wanted him too.

"I thought that everything looks so small from up here. " I asked as his arms encircled my waist.

I had no idea what kind of clothing if any that Ashton had on since he was behind me and I hadn't turned around, but I was fairly certain I could at least feel that his upper body was bare.

"We are basically higher than everyone in the city right now."


He left one arm around my waist but lifted the other to move my hair off of my neck, pushing it all up indicating that it was time for a trim. His lips found the exposed side of my neck, showering it with slow and hot open-mouthed kisses. My eyes fluttered closed and I instinctually stretched my neck out to make more room for his lips.

"Your skin tastes like honey." He muttered thickly against my neck.

"Mm..." I hummed.

"Tell me, Lovebug. Is this why you came out of the bathroom after your shower looking all sexy and done up? Did you want to look good for me?"

I swallowed again. I wasn't sure what kind of answer he was looking for, so I decided just to be honest. "I...I didn't know if you'd want to..."

"Want to what?" He said softly, still placing searing kisses on the skin of my neck.

"Want to..." My words trailed off in a content sigh at the feeling of his hot tongue against my burning skin.

"Want to have sex with you tonight?"

"Yes." I breathed.

He chuckled softly against my skin and then lifted his head a little to speak directly into my ear.

"Is that the case? I'd have figured you to have my intentions for tonight figured out by now. Especially considering what day it is." He slid the hand of the arm that wasn't holding me down the side of my body to gently caress my thigh. "You thought that I wouldn't want to claim you tonight even when I waited for all the marks to disappear? You really thought I wouldn't want to pounce on you the moment that you became officially mine?"

The possessive way in which he spoke was somehow unsettling and yet erotic at the same time.

"I...I wasn't sure." I said softly, incredibly attuned to the feeling of his fingertips on my skin. "I thought we'd be too tired."

It was very clear now that Ashton did indeed intent to have sex with me tonight, and I found myself feeling nervous again. I think it was because I'd never even imagined myself in this type of balcony situation before, and I wasn't entirely sure how to conduct myself or the height of the building as it was a long way to fall. It was no secret that the sexual tension between Ashton and I had been building over the last few hours and I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't been yearning to finally find some release of the build up between us.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked as his hand slid up from my thigh underneath my towel to caress my bare ass. "You've been taunting me nonstop for hours with this sweet little ass of yours. Quite the cocktease you've been, baby. On top of that I was forced to mingle with those awful people."

My mouth fell open slightly at the feeling of his hand on my bare ass. The fact that he was touching me more intimately than he'd ever had before during our intense make out session sent a wave of tingles down my spine.

I was too weak to his touch.

"Don't pretend that you've been so innocent yourself in the teasing department. You seemed to have picked up a few bad habits from someone," I sighed, pushing my ass back against his hand just a little just to see what kind of reaction I got from him. He laughed softly and squeezed my ass cheek with his large hand.

"Guess what, my little cocktease?" He asked, breathe hot in my ear.


"My dick is ready to cash in for my birthday present." He said throatily, stepping closer against my body so that I could feel his very evident erection against my lower back.

Oh, shit...this is really happening outside! On a balcony. Like, now!

Now that he'd pressed himself against me, I could feel that at least his groin was covered. It felt like he was wearing boxer briefs, but nothing else.

The way my towel had been positioned, the seam where both sides met was at my back. I jumped a little in surprise when Edward grabbed both ends and pulled them down to open the towel, exposing my whole backside. Even though the air wasn't cold, because of the balcony being a heated glass room, the sudden sensation of it abruptly hitting my skin made me shiver. The towel fell but I caught it just in time to clutch it up against my chest, covering my front. I knew that we had the top floor of the tallest building around all to ourselves, but I still had the instinctual misgivings of being outside in the open like this.

I felt him take a step back, no longer feeling his body pressed against mine.

"Mm, your ass looks even better naked than it does in slacks." He said with a groan.

I started to move to turn around to look at him, but then his hands were on my hips, holding me still.

"Don't move." He said softly. "Stay just like that."

He pulled back gently on my hips until I took a step back. My elbows remained against the railing so that I was now more in a bent over position than standing and simply leaning on the rail. Some of my hair was starting to get in my face, so I tossed my head to the side so that my hair fell down over the opposite shoulder instead.

"Fucking perfection..." He muttered quietly, releasing my hips. "Don't move. I want to really take this in."

A few long moments of complete silence passed. He wasn't touching me anymore and it was rather maddening to just stand there completely naked, bent over the railing, and wait anxiously for his next move. I wanted to turn around and look at him, but it was clear that he wanted me to stay still.

Finally, I felt contact. It wasn't the contact I'd been expecting, but it was something.

His lips were at the back of my knee, kissing the sensitive flesh there softly. It was nothing like the hot, searing kisses he'd been lavishing my neck with just a few minutes earlier. These kisses were gentle, tender, warm caresses that I game me that everyday comfort.

His lips ascended up my thigh, moving slowly. He seemed to be taking his time, enjoying himself, and it caught me off guard a little bit. I really thought that he would just go for it.

Once his lips had reached the top of my thigh, they continued on in their journey to move up over the my rear end. It was a different feeling, so I made a mental note to tease Ashton sometime about having kissed my ass on his own free will.

As his lips continued on to my lower back, both of his hands settled firmly on my ass cheeks. He gave them a gentle squeeze as he kissed a slow trail up my spine, making me shiver. His slow pace and gentle slow kisses were tantalizing. It was as if each time that his lips touched my skin, they were awakening a new sensitive spot. I was buzzing with anticipation, and the fact that I couldn't actually see Ashton just drove me crazier.

I was aware of my now shallow breathing and quickening heart beat. As his lips moved higher and higher up my back his hands moved with them, right along the same trail. He didn't stop until he was right back where he started in the first place, with his lips at my ear.

"Ash..." I hummed as one cold wet fingertip dipped just barely into me.

"You've been waiting for me, haven't you?" He asked huskily, as if I didn't know.

"What'd you expect?" I breathed. "We've been eye fucking each other for the last three hours."

He pushed his finger further into me and I hummed at the friction. "Mm, you're tight." He groaned, wiggling his finger a little bit inside of me. "Just like always."

"I know," I said with a knowing smile.

"Already getting accustomed to arrogance, aren't you?" He asked, his words sharp but his tone full of amusement. "That's hot."

"No. I just know what I'm working with." I said

"I'm going to completely fuck that snarky little attitude right out of you, baby," He said, slowly slipping another finger in and starting to move his fingers in and out of me, expertly hitting all the right spots.

"Oh yeah? I thought you liked my attitude." I countered, fighting off the tiny little moan that wanted to escape me.

"Normally I do. But tonight, I plan to have you begging for me, not talking back to me."

"Now where would be the fun in that?" I said in a pouty tone.

He added another finger and I sighed happily.

"The fun will be in fucking you senseless while you beg for more."

"You're awfully sure of yourself, Mr. Belle." I said, opening my eyes with a little smile that I couldn't help.

"Yes I am. And you're about to find out why, Mr. Cunningham."

"Well are you going to get on with it or are you just gonna stand there and finger me all night?"


"No. I'm sure it's a great view." I said, arching my back a little so my ass stuck out a little more.

As an added bonus, my actions made his fingers slip further inside of me. He turned those fingers clockwise with a flick of his wrist and curled them up. However, because I was bent over with my back to him, this action didn't have the same result that it normally would.

"Uh...You're fingers are huge too," I grunted in surprise, moving to grip the railing in front of me in my hands instead of leaning against it on my forearms.

"I don't know if you can handle what I've got for you tonight." He said, continuing to thrust into me with his fingers.

"I don't know what you mean." I said sarcastically. "You're the birthday boy, so i want you to do whatever you want."

"Need I remind you that my fingers are inside of you right now? I can feel how tight you are. And I can feel how much you want me."

I spread my legs further and Edward moaned softly when he felt the new change if pressure. If we were going to fuck, I wished that he'd just get on with it already. The last few hours had been enough teasing. I didn't need any more.

"Do you want to be fucked, Baby?"

My God, Ashton just loves to talk dirty...he's too good at it.

"Do you really need me to answer that? You were just so confident..."

"Oh, I am confident. I know that you want it badly. I just want to hear you say it."

I sighed and looked within myself to weigh my options. Why did everything have to be a game with Ashton? But...fuck me, if I wasn't one to take a challenge. If someone wanted to play games with me, it was nearly impossible for me to resist reciprocating. The logical thing to do was to just say it and get on with the sex. But the Cunningham thing to do was to play right back.

"But maybe I don't want to be fucked. I don't remember anything about me having to say whatever you want me to..." I said with feigned thoughtfulness in my tone.

"Yeah? Then why don't you try to explain to me why your insides are throbbing and begging for it."

"Muscle contractions?"

"Mhmm..." He said, laughing heartily behind me.

His fingers slipped out of me and I felt myself frown. What the fuck?

Just as I was about to voice my disapproval, I realized why those fingers had left me. They hadn't really left me at all, he was just moving them. He pulled them from me and then dipped his hand lower so that those same fingers could extend out to gently stroke my front side. The new type of friction was delicious and made my body literally jump with a jolt of sensation.

Fuuuuck it.

That was all it took to make me see clearly.

Fuck playing games. Fuck teasing. I just wanted to fucking get on with it.

"I want to be fucked! Do whatever you want," I begged abruptly, breathing heavily.

"Mm, good boy," He cooed happily, withdrawing his hand completely.

He sighed and then I heard him shuffling a bit behind me for a moment. He then stepped forward again so that his body was against mine and once again, I could feel his erection against my lower back. This time, however, it was naked and even harder than before.

He moved his erection teasingly across my skin, brushing it against my lower back, ass, and thighs. He then focused on just my thighs and then on simply rubbing the head back and forth over the tight ring of muscle. I kept thinking he was going to put it in only to be disappointed.

"Ashton, stop teasing me. I said it. Now just fuck me already!"

And with that, he pushed into me slowly.

"Ah! Oh fuck...fuck, fuck, fuck!" I screeched.

"That's what I love to hear...Hell yes." He said, moving out about half way out and slowly thrusting back in.

I gasped a little bit. The size of him made it virtually impossible that he wouldn't be pushing against my sensitive spot as he pushed back in. I was trying not to take this too seriously, but I'd been so pent up and he was hitting all the right spots. I wasn't sure that I'd even wanted to have an orgasm just yet, but at this might be inevitable.

I dropped the towel that I'd somehow still been managing to hold up against my front side and it pooled at my feet.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about fucking you for a few days..." he breathed as he gripped my hips tighter, starting to steadily thrust erratically in and out of me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip, for some reason now all of the sudden feeling the need to suppress the moans and whimpers that he was eliciting from me. 

All of the sudden, I was experiencing very real feelings of pleasure and intensity. I hadn't taken into consideration what my own reaction to the balcony sex would be and as I stood there naked being fucked Ashton, I felt very exposed.

"Does that feel good?" Ashton asked as he stopped moving so gently, still sliding back and forth easily through my collapsing body

"Mm..." I hummed, a purposefully vague response.

I hadn't realized just how worked up he really had gotten me before he entered me. I knew that the trail of sensual kisses all over my skin had gotten me hard, and I knew the fingering felt good, but I wasn't prepared to be this close to reaching an orgasm so quickly. I think part of it may have been the forbidden factor of doing this outside. By this point I had been actively trying to ward off a climax on my part, but the fact that I was denying that of myself only made my body relish in the pleasure that it was deriving from Ashton that much more.

As his thrusts became faster, harder, and impossibly deeper, all I wanted to do was cry out. I wanted to moan, scream, and call out his name. I wanted to allow myself to let go of all the whimpers, groans, and grunts that my body was aching to expel. But for some reason, something in me felt the intense need to suppress them. I kept my lips mashed together and remained as silent as I could. The only thing that I couldn't seem to control was my shallow, ragged breathing and a few moans.

"Why so quiet all of the sudden?" Ashton asked a little breathlessly. "Where's the voice I love so much?"

His hands were still firmly planted on my hips and his thrusts remained strong and steady. A tiny whimper escaped my lips in some sort of response to his question, but I made no other attempt to answer him.

We carried on like this for quite some time. Ashton pounded away at me with an ever increasing fervor while I remained still and struggled to hold myself up, trying to keep my composure and yet more and more being betrayed by my own body.

I wished that I could see Ashton. The only indication I had of what was going on with him was what I could feel of him inside of me and the sounds of his soft grunts and ragged breathing. His breathing became more unsteady and shallower by the minute. That, combined with the increasing speed and sharpness of his thrusts, was enough for me to assume he was enjoying himself.

Although I was able to remain quiet, it quickly became apparent to me that I was going to orgasm.

So, I took a deep breath, and I let go, allowing the inevitable waves of pleasure to surge through me like fire. I could feel myself collapsing onto Ashton. I was sure that he could feel it. My muscles convulsed, my legs shook, my knees buckled, my voice belted out into the night and my back arched hard.

"Oh're tight squeezing me...scream more baby!"

Yeah, safe to say Ashton felt it...

My orgasm was long, wave after wave of white hot pleasure rolling through my body. My back arched harder and I surrendered, rocking my body just slightly in sync with the waves of my climax.

I felt hot spurts inside of my signaling Edward's release and I felt relieved, glad that we would be done at the same time and I wouldn't have to stand there awkwardly and let him pound into me until he finished. He continued to thrust into me slowly as he rode out the waves of his pleasure and I stood there panting as I came down from mine.

I'm not sure how long we stood there connected after we were finished, but it felt like a long time to me. I could feel Ashton start to soften inside of me as our breathing slowly started to return to a more normal, slower rate. I kept my eyes closed, not opening them until I felt Edward gently pull himself from within me while holding my limp body up. My chest was still heaving with my deep breaths as I looked down over the city, my whole body tingling.

I felt Ashton's lips on the back of my neck, placing a hot, wet kiss there.

"Mm..." He hummed, hands slipping around me from my hips to softly caress my stomach. "This is going to work out very well in the future."

"Was that enough...for you?" I asked as I turned around to face Ashtom for the first time since he'd come outside, no pun intended. His blue eyes sparkled, his hair still slightly damp from his shower. Glancing down, I could see his black boxer briefs discarded at the floor by his feet. Gravity was taking effect quickly and the evidence of his orgasm was spread all over the insides of my thighs. 

"No, but I'm going to spread it out throughout the next two days. I just couldn't help myself when I saw you come out from the shower."

Well I wanted more!

I kissed his neck slowly as he was bent down to hold me up, dragging my tongue across his skin and caressing it slowly with my lips. I nipped playfully at his earlobe and then kissed a lingering trail of kisses down his neck to the hollow of his throat, right below his Adams apple. I kissed him there slowly with tongue until I heard him let out a relaxed, soft sigh. I knew how to get this man going. My efforts were rewarded when his monstrous tool slowly began stiffening and rising until it was standing up straight and poking against my stomach.

"Mm, you sure are happy to see me..." I said in my best sultry tone. I ran my hand from his chest down his sculpted abs to firmly wrap my hand around his manhood. I tugged on him with two slow, firm strokes. He let out a soft, barely audible moan. "Do you want to feel me wrapped around this again?" I asked in a husky breath against his neck.

"Yeah" He said breathlessly, moving his hands to rest on my thighs as he took a seat on the couch behind him.

I shifted to sit up and straddle him. His eyes were closed but he opened them when I gave him another firm stroke.

"I think...I want to ride you." I said as I stroked him one more time.

"You do?"

"For your birthday."

"You can do whatever you want to me."

"Mm, yes...I'll do whatever you want me too." I said, letting go of his shaft and rubbing both of my hands up his chiseled abdomen. "I want to ride on this hard, sexy body."

"Well I'm certainly not going to deny you that." He said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah?" I answered, raising my eyebrows at him.

"At least, before you pass out..."

He pulled up on my thighs, urging me to get onto, so I complied. I moved so I was hovering right over his erection and took it in my hand to rub the head through my cheeks slowly, teasing him. He let out a frustrated sigh and moved his hips upwards, trying to push into me.

"Eager?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Very." He responded.

I smiled as I finally sunk down onto him, slowly taking in one inch at a time. He moaned, and so did I. Mine really was a natural moan, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't amp it up to make it a little louder and more dramatic. He groaned, making me smile wider.

Now that Ashton was revved up and inside of me, it was on. I was a boy on a mission. Mission: make Ashton blow his load as quickly as possible from me doing all the work.

I moaned loudly, but not too over the top, as I moved my hands from the bed to my hips and slowly moved them up my torso. I threw my head back, letting my hair cascade down my back as I arched. I moved my hands up my stomach to cup my chest like he liked to do and gently pinched my nipples as I moaned again.

Ashton twitched inside of me.

"Do you like that?" I asked, tugging on my nipples. "Do you like watching me touch my chest?"

He swallowed thickly, eyes glued to what my hands were doing. "Yes...pinch your nipples again for me." He said as he rocked his hips up into mine.

I obliged his request and pinched my nipples again, purposefully whimpering as I did so. I took his action as a need for friction and slowly began rolling my hips on him. He moaned and continued to lift his hips to meet mine repeatedly.

"A-Ash, only you can make me feel so good." I moaned loudly.

I cocked my head to the side sharply to flip my hair to one side, totally working my sexy. I arched my back in a steady rhythm that matched the movements of my hips. The burning gaze of Ashton's eyes jumped all over my body, from my hips to my stomach to my chest to my face. He didn't seem to know where to look, and his enthusiasm made me giddy. I knew he was eating up everything I was dishing it out, and it felt damn good.

"Yes, ride me. Ride me just like that." Ashton said throatily.

The slight shift in his legs made it so that he went impossibly deeper into me, making me cry out genuinely in intense pleasure. I guess because of the leverage he gained by having his feet flat against the floor, he was able to move his hips up harder against mine. It added pressure for me and must have done something for him too because he let out a long moan.

I moved my hands from my chest to rest with my palms flat against his abdomen, helping me to steady myself. I made the motions of my hips on him bigger so that I was moving up and down on him just a little bit more versus simply rocking back and forth. He slid his hands up from my thighs to my hips and his breathing became increasingly labored.

"Ride you like this?" I asked.

"I take that back." He smiled. "Ride me like that."

Oh really?

I sat up all the way on my knees, making him slip out of me. But I didn't leave him unattended for long. I moved my knees further apart and realigned him at my entrance. I squeezed my inner muscles as tightly as I could and lowered myself back down onto him. Before he could even finishing moaning, I lifted myself right back up until it was just his head left in me and then sunk right back down. I used every bit of strength I had in my thighs to repeat this move over and over again, fast, all the while keeping my core muscles squeezed as tightly as I could. My hands against his abdomen helped me keep a steady balance as I lowered myself on him over and over again, faster and faster.

"Ride you like this?" I asked again.

He moaned loudly, his fingers digging into my hips, eyes squeezing shut.


"Yeah?" I asked, moving faster.


"Do I feel good, Ash? Tell me how good I make you feel."

"So fucking good!"

"Am I sexy?"

"Fuck yes."

I smiled.

"Say it. Tell me I'm sexy, Ash."

"You're're so fucking sexy...oh God..." Well okay then. Now it's time to bring it home.

"Open your eyes, Ashton." I breathed. "Watch me ride you."

He opened his eyes and they landed on my face, cloudy and unfocused.

Smiling, I took one hand off of his stomach and moved it behind myself. I had to arch my back to reach for what I was looking for and it kind of made my shoulder cramp up, but I knew that it was going to be worth it. It was a little difficult to do while continuing to ride the shit out of him, but I managed to get a hold of his balls, gently cupping his sac in my hand. I rolled them slowly in my palm, biting my lip seductively as I looked down at him.

His eyes widened a little in surprise before they went glassy and he let out a deep grunt.

"I'm gonna come..." He said breathlessly, almost so soft I couldn't hear him.

"Yes...let me have it..."

He shook his head slightly and his eyes tightened like he wanted to close them, but he didn't. His balls tightened in my hand and his chest began heaving with his shallow breathing. The look in his eyes made him appear far more vulnerable than I'd ever seen him before. It made me feel a little better about what I'd been feeling outside.

"I didn't want to finish so fast..." He said, voice strained.

"Do it. Please." I said, trying to remain sultry in my tone. "I don't want to wait any longer to feel you fill me up again."

His jaw went slack, his mouth falling open slightly, and he took a sharp breath. His abs tightened under the one hand that I still had on them and he grunted softly. A moment later, I felt the first hot spurt of his release inside of me.

I stilled myself on him as he climaxed. He let his eyes flutter closed and swallowed repeatedly, breathing heavily through his pleasure. I remained still and quiet until he was finished, trying to suppress my smug smile.

I didn't even think about the fact that I had orgasmed at least three times more than him. I didn't care though. That wasn't my intention or my goal. The only purpose I had in jumping and riding him was to prove to him that I was good at sex and to make him want me more than I was desiring him.

He kissed me gently and slowly, nothing deep. After just a few moments I pulled back, smiling. He yawned and my smile immediately faded. He was tired. "This is great, babe."

"Let's continue this tomorrow," I ran my fingers through his hair. "It'll be even better than today. Happy Birthday, Ash. I love you."

"I love you too, baby."