
It felt like a long time that I lay there, trying to will myself to sleep. I felt relaxed, but as if my body just wasn't ready to turn off for the night.

As i lay there I tried to keep my mind as clear as possible, but I was rather unsuccessful. Thoughts kept popping into my mind. I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop thinking about what my life would be back like when we got back home. Undoubtedly and unavoidably, it would be completely different in every way. It was a change that I had wanted, sure, but regardless all change was still a little scary. The fear of the unknown is pretty nerve wracking.

I thought about Ash and spent some time wondering if our relationship would continue to progress. I hoped that it would. I thought about Amanda and Chip and Ashton's bio dad and how happy I'd been that they accepted me so easily as their son in law. That prompted me to think of my own parents and how relieved I was that they took my declaration of love for Ashton with very little questioning....well at least my mom did. I thought about how truly great the party itself I'd been, despite a few shitty people.

Redirecting my thoughts back to my present surroundings, I really wasn't sure how long I'd been laying there on this giant soft bed. All I knew was that it had been a significant amount of time since I started to watch Ashton sleep, and I still wasn't asleep like I wanted to be.

I opened my eyes and rolled onto my side, facing Ashton's big muscular back.

"Ash," I breathed softly. "Are you asleep?" He made a bit of a mumbling, humming type sound but didn't say anything. I wasn't giving up that easily. "Ash." I said again, a little louder, extending my fingertips to lightly touch the middle of his back. Again, no response. I knew that I should leave him alone and let him sleep, but I didn't want to.So, I leaned my upper body back a little, bent my leg to bring it up in front of myself, and straightened my leg out abruptly into the middle of his lower back.

That woke him up quickly. He jolted awake with a disgruntled sound and twisted just his upper body around to look back at me.

"What the fuck...?" He mumbled as he turned.

"Hi." I said with my sweetest smile.

"Why did you just kick me?"

"I didn't kick you."

"Yes you did."

"I just...nudged you a little bit. Don't be such a baby."

"What do you want?" He asked, absentmindedly reaching to wrap his heavy arm around me and pull me closer to him.

"I can't sleep."

"And? I'm not allowed to sleep either?"

"Just talk to me until I fall asleep, Ash. Please?"

"You woke me up to talk? I'm tired."

"Please?" I asked, giving him a pleading look. "When I was little and I couldn't sleep my dad would always sit and talk to me until I did."

"That's cute, Baby. But I'm really not looking to take on a fatherly role with you."

"Please? I promise it won't take very long."

He sighed resignedly and faced me. "Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

I smiled happily and shifted to get more comfortable. "Let's play twenty questions." I said excitedly.


"Yes, it will be fun."

"Fine." He sighed.

I did a little happy dance on the inside, glad that he'd agreed. "Okay. First question." I said, trying to remember all of the things I'd always wondered about him. "Who in your life are you closest to?"

He didn't seem to have any especially meaningful relationships in his life, and I was curious who he felt closest to. "Morgan."

"Your bodyguard? Are you serious?" I asked, kind of expecting that.

"I know it sounds strange, but he's been in my life for a long time. I see him every single day. We've developed a bond that I enjoy very much. He's taken on almost an older brother role in my life, not that I'm lacking anything with my own family. It's just nice."

"That's...sweet I guess. Next question. Wh –"

"Isn't it my turn?" He interrupted.

"Wait, what? I thought I was just going to ask you twenty questions since you're tired."

"I'm pretty sure that's not the way the game works." He pouted. "If you get twenty questions, so do I."

"Fine." I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm an open book. Ask away."

"What do you really want to do when you graduate high school? Career wise, I mean. You're so ready to just help me and my family out but what about you being a tattoo artist. So what is the light at the end of the tunnel? What's your goal?"

I was a little bit taken aback at his question. My career goals didn't seem like something I would think he would find particularly interesting, much less something he would want to use a question on.

"I want to be a tattoo artist but I also want to help you out in any way I can. Regardless of what I want to do....i want to focus on securing our future together."

"I think you'd be great at running a business. You have the right personality for it, but business is brutal and you often have to play dirty games to get your way. I just don't want you to feel forced into something you don't like. Especially something incredibly ugly."

"Thanks." I smiled. "But I think I can handle it with the right guidance."

"It's a great goal."

"Okay, next question." I said, not wanting to talk about more business. "I was surprised when you started speaking Spanish so fluently earlier. Do you speak any other languages?"

"Just French, Spanish, and Mandarin, also. Mom forced me to take the classes when I was young and it was fairly easy for me to pick up."

"So Spanish, French and Mandarin?"

"And English, yes. My turn." He said. "How old were you when you started beating off?"

My heart skipped a beat, somewhat in surprise at his question and somewhat because I didn't want to answer it. "Fifteen."

"That's relatively late." Because I didn't want to respond to that comment either, I chose to continue on to my next question.

"Have you felt this way before? Like, have you ever been in love?"

"That's two questions. Which one would you like me to answer?"

"Are you serious?"


"Fine. Have you ever been in love before?"

"No," He said with a totally indifferent expression.

I wasn't sure whether to be surprised or not because I wasn't sure how I'd been expecting him to answer. I wanted to know more about why.

"Your turn." I urged.

"Did you at all consider backing out of this before? Did you have any second thoughts?"

"Nope. Once I'd decided I was going to put my faith in you 100%, my mind was made up. I wondered if I was crazy for doing that, but I never actually considered backing out. It's always been worth it so far."

"To me as well."

"Have you ever had a crush? Other than me?" I asked as a continuation of my previous question.

To be honest, it was Heidi that I had in mind. I don't know if I really thought that the situation between her and Ashton was that extreme, but it had become very apparent to me at the party that their relationship was more than one of just people who ran in the same circle. The way they had interacted during the conversation that I'd heard had me wondering if they had maybe been more involved at some point.

"Once." He said, lifting his hand to scratch the back of his neck. "But it was a very long time ago, like elementary school."

"Oh." I said stupidly.

He gave me a small smile before continuing.

"If I ask about things that you love, what are the first three that come to mind?" Ashton asked.

"My dad, you, and sex." I said, simply listing off the first things that popped into my mind.

"Sex?" He laughed.

"Yeah, it turns out my sex drive is higher than I thought." I said with a shrug. "It was the third thing I thought of. I'm just being honest."

"Fair enough." He answered with an amused smile.

I wanted to use my next question to again ask something that I thought might give me some insight into the Heidi situation, but honestly didn't know what else to ask. If he had a crush in elementary school then it's long since been over. So, I moved on.

"What's your favorite part of your body?"

"Of my own body?"


I thought everything about his body was muscular and sexy and I was curious what one feature he would pick himself. "Hmm..." He hummed thoughtfully. "I guess, my dick."

I laughed loudly and shoved his shoulder playfully. "Get the fuck out of here!"

"It's a huge source of my pride." He laughed. "I'm a monster down there."

"Is your dick really your favorite physical feature?"

"No, probably my general size." He said more seriously. "I've always thought it would be horrible to have little man syndrome. It would be terribly emasculating."

"That's a good one." I nodded. "Everyone likes tall, muscular, and handsome."

"Am I tall, muscular and handsome?" He smirked, wrapping his other arm around my waist to pull my body closer to his.

"I don't know about handsome and muscular." I teased earning a chuckle from Ashton. "But you're definitely tall."

"What's your favorite position?"

It hadn't been my intention, but it seemed our little game was developing a sexual tone. "Any position when I'm held down." I said, rekindling my sultry tone from earlier.

"I had a feeling." He smirked.

"What's your favorite part of my body?"

"Mm, that's tough. But I have to say.....your ass..."

"I had a feeling." I smiled, mimicking him.

"What's something about yourself that you think is embarrassing?"

"I am addicted to BL romance novels and comics."

We continued asking each other questions, not really keeping track of how many we were at, until Ashton was ready to pass out and I was starting to get drowsy myself. He fell asleep first, but just barely. His steady breathing lulled me to sleep within minutes.

In the end, my night came to a close much more pleasant than I'd expected.

The morning was spent with us receiving a wake up call from Soyoung, requesting me to go shopping for tonight's dinner. Apparently they intended on treating us to dinner and we needed new outfits right way.

In response to this Ashton pulled out a black shiner card. The card was thin, pure black with a snowflake etched into it in off white. It was in pristine condition, and probably had access to funds the average person could only dream of. It was not something that most people would expect to see, let alone dream of holding in their hand.

"You sure it's okay for me to use this?" I asked.

"Are you going to steal it and run off into the sunset with someone else?"

"Uh. No?"

"Then yes, it's fine." Ashton shuffled about in the bed watching me get casually dressed to go with Soyoung. "I'd go with you, but dad set up a meeting downstairs."

"What I mean is, is it legal for me to use this?"

"Ah." Ashton made a sound of understanding. "It's legal, yes. That's not a personal credit or debit card. It's a business card. You won't even have to put in a pin or sign anything; it will simply charge me directly."

"And it's okay for me to do that?"

"I have free reign over who I let use it. Besides, we're probably going somewhere upscale with a dress code , so a suit for you is a legitimate business expense. You'll be fine."

"I'm not really all that big on fashion..."

"Luckily, you won't have to be. It is the job of any sales staff to assist you and Soyoung will be there, you can rest assured that royal blue or deep red is the best option. Plum if you wish to try it." He paused and looked me up and down. "Don't try it actually, unless you're with me."

"I'll take your word for it. So, just pay with this? It feels a little..."

"If you say 'emasculating', I will follow through with the threat and buy you something disgusting expensive."

"Not that," i said with a laugh, "I meant it feels more like I'm taking advantage of you."

Weiss nodded, understanding, but that did not mean she was any less blunt. "Don't be foolish. You're my future wife. Funds to procure a suit should be expected. It would be ruder of me not to."

Well, there was some logic there, and considering how unusual the situation was, some was more than id expected. "Alright. Any limits?"

"None you have to worry about."

"Royal blue or Deep red," i said, just to be sure.

"I'm a Belle. If you arrive in anything that isn't expensive and good looking, the world will die of shock." Another roll of his eyes.

"Okay, I'll get gone. You... uh... have fun at your meeting?"

"If you hear shots fired, assume I've committed murder," Ashton deadpanned.

I laughed, then, for the sake of it, played along, "If that happens, do I secure us transport first or come to help you clean up the evidence?"

"Don't be silly, baby. I already have a legal team and Morgan for disposing of evidence." The worst part was that from his smile, i couldn't quite tell if he were being honest or not, but I knew he was very capable. "Now go on and have fun. I'll see you later."

"Sure thing." I made my way over to the door, but paused in the opening to call back, "Want me to pass a message on?"

"Only that I'm sorry I couldn't come. Tell them I had something to do."

"Got it!" With a final wave, i let the door close. I flipped Ashton' card up and caught it quickly, stuffing it away in my shirt pocket. "Let's not lose you, buddy."

I quickly made my way to Soyoung's car and we quickly took off towards a store she frequented.

The door beeped electronically when i entered. There was a middle-aged man behind a counter inside who looked my way as i entered. Probably because I wasn't wearing anything expensive today. I nodded back and wandered down one aisle, towards the darker-toned suits in the back as Soyoung went through the women's section.

A Royal Blue suit, huh? Man, I could really use help right now.

Would Deep red work with my hair and skin tone? I'd always assumed black was safe since it worked with everything, but if Ashton said to go lighter, I was going lighter.

Not really knowing what to look for, I reached out to rub a piece of velvet fabric between my thumb and forefinger. Soft on the outside with a lining on the inside. There wasn't much else to say about it and i wasn't sure what i was expecting. The quality felt the same as it did in Walmart honestly.

Not like one is going to jump out and pick for me. Just choose one, try it on and see what it looks like, Dan.

A deep red suit jacket and trouser combo with an elegant pattern stood out. I checked my size and pulled the coat hanger down, along with a black shirt. I looked around for a changing room, and suddenly noticed a security guard in the corner of the store, watching me. He hadn't been there before.

I broke eye contact first, looking back around the rest of the store. There was a curtained off area to the side of the main counter. It could have been a changing room or just a back room i wasn't allowed into. Playing it safe, I approached the main desk by myself, suit in hand.

The man there looked up and raised his lip. "Can I help you?"

"Hope so." I flashed him a friendly smile. "Is that a changing room over there? I need to try this on."

The salesman looked down to the suit and then back up to Sun. "Sir, that is a very expensive suit."

"Uh. Yeah." I glanced at the price tag which had no price on it and back at him. Everything in the store was expensive, which meant i didn't really have much of a call in how much or little of Ashton money i spent. "That's not a problem, though. More of a problem is whether it fits or not."

"Not from our point of view, sir. The suit is very expensive."

It took the security guard moving up to stand nearby – a little off to the side, but close enough to be in sight – for me to figure out what was going on.

"You're asking me if I can afford it?" When the man didn't protest, i laughed. "Do you do this with all your customers who don't look up to par? Seems like it would upset some people."

"Sir, there is no reason to get angry."

"I'm not angry," i said honestly. "Not surprised, either," i added, though he thought he ought to have been. He noticed the security guard's hands fall to the walkie-talkie on his hip and quickly spoke, "Never mind. Yes, I can afford it. Do you want me to pay in advance? I can." I offered up Ashton's card.

The man behind the counter looked down at it and gasped. He seemed to have recognized the type of card this was, but when he looked back up to me, his expression was suddenly nervous. I knew what the response would be even before the man stepped back, putting an obvious distance between us.

"I don't think we can serve you, sir."

I felt very bitter. "Because I don't look the part?"

The security guard moved up behind me and tapped my shoulder. "Excuse me," he said, voice deep and brassy, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Leave. Why?"

"You're causing a scene."

"I'm trying to buy a suit," I said, and laughed for the sake of the situation. "I mean, all I'm asking is if there's somewhere I can try it on. I've even offered to pay up front."

"Sir," the security guard said, "I've asked you to leave. If you don't, I'll be forced to escort you out."

I wanted to ask him and what army, I wanted to laugh, to point out that it wasn't him causing a scene but the guy behind the counter who assumed he was lying just because of what he thought I was. Shit, if I really wanted to, I could get Uncle Mickey and the gang in here! I wanted to do all that and more but didn't.

It wouldn't have made a bit of difference.

The man behind the counter looked nervous and out of his depth as I glared daggers at him. The security guard was stern and uncompromising, one hand on his belt, ready to call for help if he needed it. They'd already decided what was going on. Nothing I could've said would fix it.

I forced myself to smile as i hoisted the suit up onto the counter, leaving it there for the store to sort out. I could have thrown it down but that would just prove them right. I wasn't about to do that when it wouldn't only implicate me. I stayed quiet instead, looking the bothered cashier in the eye and maintaining what I think was a friendly, pleasant smile.

The cashier took it and drew it back, brushed a hand on the sleeve where I had touched it, too, brushing off dust. Or maybe imaginary bits of hair. I pulled out my phone and hastily texted my frustration to Soyoung before resuming my staring contest with the clerk.

"I'll take that," I heard her voice pipe up from beside me.

"An excellent choice, miss," the man said, with a pompous smile. "Would you like it boxed, wrapped or would the gentleman in question like to come in for a fitting?"

"I'm sure he would like to try it on, but he's apparently not allowed to!" Soyoung snapped Her fists clenched at her sides. 

All she had to do was make just a single statement, just a single sign that she damn well knew what he'd done and didn't appreciate it. A sharp comment would shock him, rebuke him. He'd remember and be embarrassed by it. It was tempting. So very tempting. "He is a busy guy," she said, body deflating with a soft hiss. "He doesn't have the time and neither do I. Just box it, please."

The man did as requested and tallied up the total cost, never once expecting her to be unable to pay. When he took the card from her, he did pause, look down at it and then look back up to meet her eyes with a nervous.

He knew, she realised. He recognised it.

"Is there a problem now that it's my card? Or will you call security on me like you did to my friend here?" she asked.

"None at all, miss." He ran it through and pushed the box across the counter when it beeped an affirmative. The card was laid on top. "Thank you for your patronage today."

"Give him back his card," Soyoung demanded. "You're lucky you even got the chance to touch one of these! And what gives you the right to judge who can afford what? You're just a cashier and he's shopping here! That alone should tell you your place!"

"Of course ma'am," the cashier handed Ashton card back to me and kept his head lowered.

"Apologize!" She barked angrily.

"My apologies, sir!" The cashier seemed more than a bit terrified. 

"We don't have to buy from this garbage place, Dan," Soyoung assured me. "And don't take this behavior to heart, sometimes people like to act like they know more than they do.

If I had said I didn't want it, Soyoung would drag me to several more stores to make sure I found an outfit. I really didn't want that. If it wasn't for there being not a single alternative, the cashier would not receive any mercy.

"It's not your fault, Soyoung. I think he got the message." I nodded and took the box, refusing to speak or acknowledge the cashiers apology. We left unchallenged, the suit tucked under one arm. It really made me feel better to leave victorious, with a frightened and chastised man behind us.

How the tables have turned. I think I understand why the rich kids at school acted the way they did now. 

"Just awful. This is why we have to make a name for you out there! Assholes like that guy are all over the upper echelons of society," Soyoung huffed while taking the box from me and tossing it into a nearby trash can. 

It's almost made me cry seeing how easily she could do that! I could've at least sold it online so i can buy my college books myself.

"It's my fault for not wearing something nicer."

"It's actually your bed head that was the problem."

"Seriously?" Just when I thought I got the hang of it.

Apparently Sam thought it was more than unacceptable as well when Soyoung explained the situation over FaceTime. "That son of a bitch!""

"Dude, it's not a big deal." I laughed over the phone, not at all surprised that Sam had asked just why we needed help getting a better suit, or that he was angry to hear the story. "If they want to make a meal over my looking a bit poor, let them. They're the stupid ones."

""It is a big deal, Dan. If I was there...""

"Then we'd be having this exact same conversation, but I'd have dragged you away," I said with a grin.

""Yeah, that sounds about right. Still!"" Sam muttered something off-screen, likely still in the meeting he said he was going to with his father. ""Alright, fine. I'll see if I can order something and get it delivered, but that's going to be tough.""

"I'll pay you back. I just started working-"

""Like hell you will."" Sam sighed. ""Look, just tell Ashton and he'll pay me back or something. He was supposed to buy you the suit anyway.""

"Ashton is in a meeting as well. And I...was kinda hoping not to tell him..." Sam looked unimpressed at my statement. "It's just that he'll overreact-"


"-And cause a scene, and that'll be bad for him right now. He's got all this family stuff going on, you know. I'm supposed to be here to make that easier, not cause more problems."

""You're not the one causing those problems.""

"It's the same thing, Sam."

""Ugh."" He leaned his head back and grumbled something under his breath. ""Can't I feel better imagining that bastard getting what he deserves?""

"Sure. I'm Remembering it myself. Soyoung already did that for me so you don't have to."

Sam laughed. "That's my girl. Alright, alright, I get it. I'm still angry, but you can look after yourself, I guess. Not telling Ashton, though. I don't see that working. Hear me out,"" he said. ""You're gonna have to give his card back eventually. Don't you think he's going to ask where the suit is? Even if he doesn't, it'll only take him a quick check to see that there's no money that's come off it, and I'm not going to be able to get you a tailored suit by the time we need. It's going to be obvious you didn't buy it there even if I could.""

Sam had a point. "Ah, crap. Advice? I obviously don't know what I'm doing at this point."

""As if you don't have your own fans all over the school. As for Ashton, I don't know. You've probably spent more time with her than I have by now.""

"Yeah, I guess so. Guess I'll just need to bring out the big guns."

""Admit the truth and beg for mercy?""

"No, distract him by getting naked."

""God, Dan. You suck at conflict resolution!""

"Eh, Ashton is no idiot," Sun said. "If I try and lie, he'll figure it out in an instant. He's scary perceptive on everything. Guess I'll have to come clean and try and stop him going on the warpath. You've seen hoss was he can get."

""You sound pleased.""

"I am, I guess. I mean, even if I know it's petty, it makes me feel good that you and Soyoung have my back and knowing Ashton would go down there and give that bastard a telling off is the same thing. He's cool like that."

Soyoung grinned knowingly. "Cooler than me?"

I froze. "I didn't mean it like that, man..."

""Sure. Alright, I won't say anything. But I wouldn't be to happy if you got-""

"Dude, enough. me get a suit. I'll handle Ashton. Make sure he'd doesn't go and demolish that shop or something. Talk to you soon. Oh, and Ashton had a message for you? He's fine. Sorry he couldn't talk but he's been dragged off for business stuff."

""Noted. Look after yourself today, Dan. And remember, whatever happens, we've got your back.""

"I know, man. I know. Talk to you later."

The screen went black a moment later and already, the unsettling feeling in my gut was long gone. Sam was always good at picking me up when i was feeling down. Hopefully, he'd come through on the suit, or i'd have to get Ashton to buy me one himself. Considering it would mean him facing the guy who'd wanted to kick me out, I didn't want that.

For Ashton's sake more than the cashier's.

I returned to our room at the hotel to find it empty making me feel a bit more relaxed as I couldn't help remembering what we did in here last night.

And I had noticed some new sexy thing about Ashton. Legs, abs and big muscles were all there – and face, obviously. But I'd found myself oddly captivated by the way his mullet had grown...and how hot it looked when it was messy, the way it cascaded down and kept getting in his face, forcing him to push it back sexily or blow it out of his face. It was somehow the hottest and most sensual thing i'd ever seen.

And he always had my back, so what was there to really worry about? "I'm being stupid," i hissed at myself, stepping back from the bed.

There was a knock on the door a moment later.

"Yes?" I called.

"It's me." Ashton. "The door is closed. Can I come in?"

"It's your place as much as mine. But yes."

The door opened, and Ashton poked his head in, smiling cheekily. "Yeah, but I figured I might not survive walking in on something embarrassing since you usually never close the door."

"Hm. That's a good point. Well, I appreciate the gesture then." I'd be mortified if Ashton were to walk in on that, though it might turn sexy, he'd never stop bringing it up. I looked Ashton up and down and my eyes zeroed in on his face. I had the strangest urge to pull my hair down over my face, but realized that Ashton had Morgan give me a trim recently. "You don't look in the best of moods."

"I'm not, baby. By the way, where's your suit?"

"You had anything to eat?"

Ashton's stomach grumbled. She didn't move. "Where's your suit?"

"I was thinking we could grab something to eat. Figured you'd need a chance to relax after spending time in those meetings. Looks like I was right on the money."

"The suit, Lovebug," Ashton repeated. "Where is it?"

I laughed nervously. "Would you believe me if I said I'd rather answer that over dinner?"

"Yes. Because it sounds like you're trying to butter me up for something."

"Oh, I am," I said with a startling degree of honesty. "Like the strong, independent man I am, I'm wanting to get you in a good mood before I deliver the news I know will make you angry." I held out an arm and flexed a thin layer of muscle theatrically. "Strong alpha male. Right here."

Ashton groaned into one hand. "You're not even trying to pretend nothing is wrong..."

I dropped the pose. "In my defence, it's because I know you're smart enough to call me out on it since Soyoung already did. Better to not even try and hide it."

Ashton looked conflicted. Like he didn't know whether he should be angry or not that i was hiding something. Probably. On the other hand, if he was going to be angry either way, might as well be angry on a full stomach after the situation has ended.

"Fine. But I don't want to eat in the hotels restaurant. The Eloise family will be there and I am not in the mood to deal with them right now."

"Sweet! Uh, there's the other restaurant, but we don't know which they'll be at. I did see a steakhouse."

"That will do."

"It will? Huh." I scratched my cheek. "Figured you would be interested in something like that."

"Food is food," he said with a little shrug, "and at least I won't have to get changed if it's on this block. If you're going to be delivering bad news, I might be more merciful with a full stomach."

Sun got the hint and swept the door open, "It's nice to stay ignorant sometimes, though."

"Hm. I might agree if I ever had the opportunity to be. Unfortunately, that's never been a part of my own reality."

"Your family isn't watching now."

"You don't know that. Neither of us do. In fact we never really know who's watching," Ashton sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. "It is... aggravating. I appreciate what you're trying to do, what you've been trying to do, helping me relax during my birthday. I really can't afford to now, however."

"That must suck." He let his arms sift through the water. "Do you at least get to relax when you're with me?"

"Yes." His smile became a little more honest. "Don't worry, my life isn't always this complicated. Speaking of which, you might as well just tell me now why you came back without the suit I sent you to collect? The wait is making me anxious."

The last thing I wanted to do was add more stress to his plate after he couldn't even celebrate his birthday the way he wanted this year. Reluctantly, i told him all about what happened in the store.

Ashton's reaction was about what I'd expected.

"Those... Those stupid motherfuckers!" he began to stomp toward the door. I cut him off, blocking him with my body. Rather than walk around me, he pushed right up into me face, staring at him. "Out of my way."


"Move, Danny."

I wanted to, i really did. But staying in the way was easier than dealing with a remorseful Ashton. "I don't think I should."

His nostrils flared as he took an angry breath. "Are you saying he's right!?"

"For profiling me?" I asked with a laugh. "No. Of course not. Look, Ash, what they did is wrong, don't get me wrong, I hated it. They're stupid idiots, but they're not worth my time, and they sure as hell aren't worth yours."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this! You want me to let them get away with it? What about stepping up and bring a man? You're my fiancé!"

"I want you to focus on the bigger picture..."

"I am! You need a suit. They are preventing you from getting one. They need to be dealt with."

"Or," I countered, "I could have Sam deliver it since Soyoung already embarrassed the cashier for me. No fuss." I knew i wasn't getting through when his shoulders tensed."Ashton, don't."

"Let. Go."

"You want to help me, I get it," i said quickly. "You're not like the others; you actually care about me and my dignity. I love that, I really do. I'm so lucky to have you. But if you go find them and make a scene, your father and business partners are likely going to find out about it. What happens if it ruins your reputation?"

Ashton stilled. "I'll tell them it was my fault that I wanted to reclaim my wife's honor."

"And if you're punished for it?"

"It will be my punishment to take."

"What if you lose the business you've put in all those hours for?" I asked. "You told me it only takes one wrong move in public for everything to come crashing down. Your dad told me what your plans for the future are. You're going to do a whole lot of good for me and your business partners and your employees. You can't do that if you lose it all now, and I don't want to be responsible for that happening."

"But..." Ashton shoulders finally slumped in my hands. He adjusted to hold his weight, as slight as it was.

"No buts. I'm angry, you're angry, but you've got to focus on the bigger picture. We can always get another suit, but nothing that you say to that cashier is going to matter once we go home."

"How can you keep putting up with this?"

"Because I already have you," i admitted, "But the thing is, there's a lot of petty people out there. If I spent my time trying to change the minds of every single one of them, I'd never have a chance to live my own life."

"Since when have you refused to fight petty battles?"

"Since you decided that I was going to stand next to you as an equal. I'm not going to let every little thing get me down and anxious anymore if I can help it. And... I don't want it to get you down, either. You've got a whole load of shit going on right now and you don't need this adding on top, let alone the fallout of it if you go give that store a piece of your mind and make a scene."

"I-" Ashton gritted his teeth. "I just hate this. You came to help me, yet it feels like you keep getting the short end of things."

"Does it?" Sun laughed. "Feels the other way from my point of view. Sure, I get few assholes-"

"It's more than just a few," Ashton interrupted.

"Ok, then, but they'd have hated whoever you wanted to marry anyway if it wasn't their child. But I get a few assholes who hate me for what I am. It's also not like I can go off and forget they ever existed. Our future is on the line here. That has a whole lot more weight than some idiot chucking me out a store."

I hoped he understood that I was trying to be mature right now. It wasn't that i was making light of what had happened in the store, but we had to have our priorities straight. We could either focus on our successful future together or we could deal with one stupid cashier, potentially ruining it all. It was an easy choice for me.

Ashtons placed his head on top of mine.

"I hate this..."


"You're right," he said, voice soft and defeated. "You're absolutely right. I hate it, but I can't deny that you're right. As much as it would make me feel better to scream and shout, it would be used against me should word be spread around. Or against you, saying you're a corrupting element."

I relaxed just a little. I let my hands, already rubbing his arms, gently rise to his shoulders. "So, you'll let it go?"

"I won't let it go, but....I won't cause a scene, either. I at least won't hit anybody."

"That's all I ask."

"You were right about the other thing, too."


"This has made me furious. Filling me up with food first might've been a good idea after all."

"You are a lot stronger than most I've met. More strong than I ever would have given you credit for. Then again, maybe I should have already known. Is it such a big surprise you'd risk your pride here?"

I felt my cheeks heat a little at the praise. "Hey, it's not that special. Besides, I'm doing this for someone I love. I'm doing this for me and you. I want to help you."

"I believe you. You still don't deserve what happened, though. That shop owner. I'll won't say or do anything, but I'm not going to stop being upset until there's compensation. I don't know how you do it."

My tongue felt too big for my mouth. "Do what?"

"Put up with it. How do you go through everything you've been through without being as hateful as some of the people I know? How are you so strong?"

"The same way you are. The same way you put up with what your dad or your business partners say."

"I'm not that strong. I can keep a straight face, but I'm actually boiling mad behind it."

I chuckled. "You think i don't get like that?"

Ashton considered that for a second before nodding. "I guess you would."

"Beyond that," i went on, "You can't believe how much it means to me that you'd get angry on my behalf."

He huffed. "Even if you won't let me?"

"Even then. It's the fact you care enough to get angry that makes it not hurt at all. Makes me feel like I'm worth a lot more."

Ashton's head snapped up. "You are worth more than your weight in gold."

My breath hitched as Ashton looked at me. We were already so close, almost chest to chest. His eyes pierced up into mine, hazy and lidded. His body was hot against mine like usual.

I laughed nervously. "I mean I guess I have been gaining some weight-"

"That's not what I meant. I'd give up everything if it meant I could be with you. I'm angry about this because it's you, babe, even if you stop caring. I am furious because they insulted you."

Ashton leaned down making sure his intentions were clear. He hesitated, giving me a chance to back away and stop it, but I closed my eyes and tilted my head back.

It wasn't a well thought out kiss. My mind was drowning in feelings of desire and absolute safety. Ashton was being hot, hotter than the sun, and his lips burned hotter still. He was trying to be gentle, to take it soft and slow, but somewhere along the way, he seemed to forget, and it descended into something reckless and wild.

When my arms wrapped around his neck, he dropped his gentle facade. Our lips fought for control. Our bodies fought to be closer, despite the fact that we'd already been skin to skin. I pushed forward and knocked him back onto the bed, and Ashton wrapped both arms around my waist, drawing me in deeper.

It would've gone on longer, but a knock sounded at the door. "Fuck my life..." Ashton's lower self twitched but he resumed kissing me. Another insistent knock on the door interrupted his movement making him push me gently to the side. Grumbling, made his way to the door opening it with a scowl on his face. It died when he saw Soyoung standing there.

Soyoung stood with hand on her hip, her dyed honey blond hair hanging low behind her back showing off her slick outfit that brought her curvy shape. A pair of designed sunglasses lay on the edge of her nose as she looked up at him from over the rims. She raised an artful eyebrow at his state of dress and looked down his body, over his chest and down to his pants, which he now had both hands locked over desperately.

"Am I... interrupting something?"

Ashton choked. "O-Only me about to kill myself out of embarrassment."

Her lips twitched. "Then it's a good thing I decided to come over. Sam will meet us at the restaurant later but I was asked to bring this suit over for Danny. If possible, I'd like to see him in it before we leave for dinner. Is Danny here?"

"He's not in the right state to be seen," he answered. 

"You don't seem to be either," Soyoung countered.

"I got it, I'll ask him to try it on now."

"Hm." She glanced into the room, eyes narrowing directly at me. "I see. Looks like you two have been talking about what happened earlier. Who knew you'd actually try to get naked to tell him."


"You two need to meet me downstairs, ok?"

"Sure. If we can just get ready?" Ashton pleaded.

"Of course. me in the lodge in thirty minutes." Soyoung suggested.

"That'd be appreciated."

"Good." Soyoung nodded and turned to leave, though she paused and looked back over her shoulder. Her eyes looked him up and down before her lips curled almost invisibly up. "I'll leave you to take care of your...little problem."

That earned the door being slammed in her face and a loud laugh being heard from the other side.

Before Ashton could say anything I rushed over to him and the suit Soyoung had just delivered. "Let's get ready now, Baby." I purred.

All resistance ceased right then and there as Ashton visibly perked up, all previous embarrassment forgotten. "You called me baby!"