The Elders

I had a busy packed schedule this week.


Imagine my surprise when Ashton woke me up while we were already in the airport, just about to go through security. When we got through, he led me straight to a private plane while letting me know that all work has been taken care of by him and I was free to relax. 

With that, I went back to sleep feeling that I could catch up on it and just relax, failing to register that I was carried here against my knowledge. But that was halted and any form of peace my mind could've conjured up flew from my body as I was interrupted halfway by Ashton himself telling we had arrived.

It was like a real life southern manor. I don't know what I had expected, maybe not a haunted mansion but something a bit more.....gothic. His family house was not at all what you would expect even a normal family to pick, maybe a film star but defiantly not.....well I guess it did fit Ashton now. It was a cream colour from the outside and as the sun hit one side of the mansion I saw that it was made almost completely of glass. The furniture in the rooms I could see was more decorative than luxury, but it still seemed like home. I had only been here for a minute or two but the amazing building already seemed like my dream home, with Ashton, but suppose anywhere with Ashton would suit me just fine.

I just sat staring at the beautiful site through the car window, in silence, for a few minutes at least but Ashton soon broke the silence with a giggle. I blinked and turned my head slowly in his direction trying to change my expression.

He almost fell on the floor laughing.

"What?!" I said through my teeth. I'm guessing my face had changed completely now because he immediately stopped laughing. He straightened himself up and walked to my door to help me out as usual. I sighed and folded my arms while giving him the look.

He looked down at me and sighed. "I'm sorry Baby, but I can't see what you're thinking, you know that, and your make a lot of funny faces," he found it hard not to laugh again, I could tell but he held himself together...just. He pressed his nose against mine and smirked his usual angel smile while looking me in the eyes.

"Hey! Stop that, you're not going to get past me by flattering me anymore, especially after whisking me away in the night." I tried to say sternly closing my eyes so as not to look into his piercing blue eyes; it was so easy to get lost in them.

He licked my nose and giggled before kissing me softly on my lips. As ever he had already won so I gave in to him and as usual I got a little carried away so he had to end it in the few seconds that the kiss lasted.

After my head got away from the horny feeling that was hitting me after that.

"You're forgiven...even though you are not supposed to play with your food," I smiled suggestively at him.

"I'd be too nervous to get it up anyway."

He grinned back and took my hand to help me out the car. I squeezed his not wanting to let go, I was in such a happy place that I didn't take notice of where my feet were stepping and I tripped over the door frame into Ashton's open arms. As always, it was my fault that he was laughing, he was amused by my clumsy body whenever I woke up. I rolled my eyes and began lifting myself back onto my feet. His arms swiftly hit the bottom of my legs and fell into his pale arms.

"I can walk you know" I protested while wriggling in his cool, muscled arms.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me doubtfully, "it sure looks like it," he said now looking at the purple bruise already surfacing on my shin. I gave a soft huff and sat still as i kicked the car door closed so fast that the whole truck shook on the nice driveway and started walking towards the big mansion. His footsteps were so silent on the stairs leading up to the porch that the only thing I could hear was the wind against the leaves on the trees.

He stopped in front of the white wooden boor and he gently put me onto my own two feet but left his arm around my waist. I looked at him suspiciously but then realised that I didn't care if this was for my safety or not. This is obviously about him calming his nerves about introducing me to more of his family.

He slowly turned the handle on the door and led me inside his home...or ticking time bomb depending on which way you wish to look at it. We stood into a huge open plan lounge and kitchen that took up the whole of the ground floor of the building. A huge white piano in the corner of the room caught my eye; it was just like the one Uncle Mickeys ex used to dream about having at her home. I could hear faint voices coming from behind the grand staircase in the kitchen but I didn't care I was to busy taking in the mysterious yet beautiful room surrounding me. The white leather sofas were not anything special but in the surroundings they looked too good to sit on. An episode of Maury was on the TV but no one was watching the characters scream about paternity on the screen. Ashton let go of my waist and pulled me around to face him.

"I'm just going to talk to my uncle for a moment, there's a slight...problem, which we weren't expecting," he saw the horrified look on my face. "no not problem...just something I have to help sort out with business, i'll be back before you even know I'm gone, make yourself at home, baby."

Before I could protest he was gone, joining whoever else was in the kitchen, I guessed. I took a small steep further into the room and concentrated on trying to hear the conversation they were having in the next room. 

"What are ya 'posed to do now?" I heard a woman's voice say slightly worriedly in a similar drawl to Ashton.

"There's nothin' we CAN do, bless it," I recognised a mans voice.

"I'm sorry for disturbin' y'all, I ain't realise I picked such a bad time to warn you," I just caught a quiet girls voice which was telling me that there were probably a few more people in the room.

Not I was intrigued, what was going on? Who was in there? And why hadn't Ashton taken me with him? This just feels incredibly awkward by myself.

"But what about my baby? He already has enough in his life...if he still has a life after Paw got his claws into 'im. We have endangered him enough and now this!" that was Ashton, I was 101% sure about that, I could never confuse his voice.

"He's going to find out some time Ashton, I think you should just tell 'im and see how he takes the news" that was the older sounding guy again. I was happy he did, I did need to know and Ashton always did what was right.

I heard a slight sigh "Fine, but I blame y'all if he tries to get away," I almost felt sorry for Ashton...almost, but I needed to know and nothing was going to change the way I felt towards him.

Actually, how dare he hide things from me still? The nerve of that guy!

"I'm back, lovebug!" I screamed so loud it hurt my ears as Ashton appeared suddenly behind me again.

"Don't do that!" I said slapping his arm as I tried to slow my heart down to normal again. "You mo...will be the death of me!"

"I'm sorry."

His face dropped...oops. "Ah, I didn't mean...Ashton, I'm sorry," I hugged him hard and didn't let go of his neck until he had put his arms around me and pulled me away.

"I know," he said smiling at me "but it's true my family inconvenienced you, no matter which way you look at it."

"NO. It was one time, Ash. Compared to the stuff I used to go thru, it was nothing," I said sternly "I love you and I want to....." he butted in before I could continue.

"Doesn't matter Love, there's something I need to tell show you, but you have to promise you wont have a fit."

I was confused but I nodded and looked to the kitchen where everyone had become silent. Footsteps got louder as a shadow came out from behind the staircase and the figure came out of the shadows to show me his or her or maybe its face.

The hidden basement children? Attic people? Hunchback servants? Aliens?

The figure remained in the darkness but I could just make out a smile, a familiar smile but I couldn't picture the face it belonged to.

"But Dan," Ashton smiled "first I want to introduce you properly to my family" he was trying to buy time, I could tell.

"Now, now cousin, Dan has waited long enough you should let on to the secret," the one who spoke obviously knew how I was feeling and was trying to lighten my mood a bit.

"No, no, it's fine," I said, I wanted to find out just what the fucking secret was and I wished he would just tell me. It can't actually be that big of a deal!

"Okay," Ashton was gleaming at my compliances. "first we have Grandpa Austin, just call him Grandpa, and I'm sure you two will become great friends judging by your academic achievements," Grandpa smirked and held his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand; it was bigger than Ashton's and seemed colder, if that was possible.

"It's nice to meet ya properly, Dan," his teeth shone as the light from outside hit them causing me to squint a little to determine if they were real or not impulsively.

"Next we have my Aunt Daisy, just call her auntie, I'm sure you two will get along," the beautiful blond woman standing in the middle of the room stepped forward and squeezed me into a quick, gentle hug and stepped away allowing me to see her red, well proportioned lips and her lovely blue eyes to stun me into silence.

"Welcome to the family, Yankee," her pearly teeth almost synchronised with Grandpas, just shining together in the faint light.

"Earle and Rosalie, the pride and beauty of the house hold," Ashton laughed as another girl gave a terrifying glare towards his direction.

Earle stepped forward, standing what seemed like several feet above me he seemed even taller than before and even though his height scared me his goofy smile made me chuckle gently to myself as he slapped me lightly on the back and walked over to his partner. Rosalie seemed too preoccupied by the TV in the corner to notice me so I just left Ashton to move on to the small blond girl in the corner.

"And last but certainly not least, my little cousins Harper and Jackson." Harper turned delicately round to face in my direction, skipped over like a ballet dancer and quickly peeked me on my cheek, her scent was clean and fresh and her beautiful small face was delicately framed by her short blond hair. Jackson kept his distance from us but still half smiled at me. Ashton explain that he was very introverted so I respected his distance; we didn't want any accidents today.

Better to play it safe.

"Come on Ashton, stop changin' the subject. Can't you see he's fixin ta find out the secret! Don't wanna bore 'im to death do we," Earle gave a warm grin from the sofa, still all I could see from Rosalie was the back of her beautiful, long, blonde hair.

"Okay, okay Dan, I want you to let this sink in before you go running way from me okay" he looked worried, I mean how could my life get any weirder? He led me into the kitchen and showed me the ugly mess.

"It's just a pile of really burnt eggs," I said. "The secret is that none of you know how to cook? That's what you were so embarrassed about? I'll just cook!"

"Absolutely not! Yer a guest!" Grandpa asserted. "I'll just have to call the help back to fix us sumthin'. We just didn't want ta show you weakness like that."

"There's no shame, not everyone can cook."

"Ashton made you sound like a five star chef!" Rosalie said from the couch. "We tried to fix somethin' that would be up to your standard, but we can't cook."

"He's exaggerating! My dad is the one with the cooking skills!" I felt myself heating up. "Ash, why would you psyche them out about it! You Drama Queen!"

A chorus of laughter filled the room.

"Now, I understand that you two are adults, so I've discussed it wit' yer Grandma, and we both agree that you two can share a room. So Ashton, why don't you take Dan to your bedroom to unpack, and I'll go tell yer Grandma yer here."

"Thanks Grandpa," Ashton said whilst giving him a hug. He looked like a little kid in a candy store as he grabbed my hand and pulled me quickly up the stairs. His room was on the top floor, with only one other room on the floor, which Ashton told me was for guests. His room was basically an old record store, he had every band, single and album I'd ever heard of and then some. His bed was a huge king sized, that looked like heaven on a mattress.

After unpacking our clothes the staff had brought up for us in Ashton's closet, he pulled me into his arms and buried his face in my hair. "You've already won them all over; you'd done that before you spoke two words....just like me, I guess. Believe it or not, my Grandma's easier to win over, my Grandpa's the hard one, so you can calm down now," with one last kiss, he grabbed my hand again and lead me to their living room. Stood next to Grandpa, was a tall woman with bright blonde hair, it almost looked white. She looked like an older version of Ashton. Her eyes were the exact same shade as Ashton's blue ones. She quickly walked towards us as we approached.

"Grandma, this is my Danny," Ashton introduced me. I still couldn't get used to the nickname "my Danny" even though he's done this nonstop.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Danny. I've heard so much about you," she said whilst extending her hand for me to shake.

"I've heard a lot about you also, Mrs. Belle," I replied whilst shaking her firm hand.

"Please, from all Ashton says about you I feel like I know you as well as I know him. Call me Grandma."

"Ok, Grandma."

When introductions were done, a bell sounded signaling that dinner was done. 

"Can you pass me the salt hon?" Rosalie asks me politely from across the table.

I hand her the salt and return to getting interrogated by Ashton's family. Asking me everything from where I worked to how long I'd been dating Ashton.

Grandpa, tried saving me by offering me more potatoes several times and giving everyone harsh glances, but failed. Ashton offered his support by tenderly rubbing my legs under the table with his feet, and answered some of their questions himself so I could eat.

"So, have you spent all his money yet?" Jackson asks sternly.

Red wine from Rosalie's mouth sprays the white tablecloth as Earle angrily yells "Jackson!" and slaps his arm. I try my best not to laugh.

"Jackson! What is wrong with you?" Auntie scowled at the boy. She turns to me. "I'm so sorry sweetie. Can you excuse us please?" I nod as she hastily dragged him into the living room.

"I'm sorry honey. I've never brought anyone to meet my family before," he apologized and took my hand.

"Don't worry about it. He means well," I reply and give him a reassuring smile. "Plus he's just a teenager."

A moment later Auntie walked back into the room, Jackson dragging his feet behind her looking slightly embarrassed. "Well, who wants dessert?" she exclaims happily.

I stood up and helped Auntie with the dishes and left Ashton alone with his family, no doubt giving he was giving them hell for all those questions. 

"Please excuse my young'un, he's still upset about Katy."

"Katy is your daughter?" I asked.

"Yes, we spoiled her a bit too much but we didn't think she'd go as far as to attack you. He didn't know about the situation until just now. He regrets his words just now-"

"Auntie, it's ok. I don't hold grudges."

"We would've never supported such an incestuous relationship, regardless o' reputation or money!" 

"Auntie really, it's fine. I'd probably be upset if my sister was sent away too. It's really nothing." While in the kitchen, I complemented the maid and her cooking in between Auntie's apologies and helped her dish out the homemade apple pie.

Ashton's Grandma carried the conversation this time, kindly asking me about my family and offering funny stories of Ashton's childhood. "In fact this house is where Ashton took his first steps, I'll find my camera later to show you."

"I'd love to see a home video!"

After a few hours of conversation later, everyone retired to their own rooms. After my shower, I found Ashton already laying on the bed looking incredibly exhausted. That's right, while we were talking he was handling the last of his business affairs.

"Dan, my beautiful baby," he mumbled sweetly as I took a seat on the very edge of the bed so I didn't disturb him too much.

"Beautiful?" I laughed weakly. "Sure."

"Yes. Beautiful. Very beautiful," he said forcefully. "Is there anything I can do?" I just wanted to help him feel better and get rest. It had been so long since I knew what it was like to be mentally exhausted, almost two months! I didn't have much experience in helping either.

"I'm ok. Is there anything I can do for you, Ash?"

He shook his head gently, before lying flat, his head propped just a little on his pillow. "Wait, yes there is." he smiled a little.

"What? What is it?" I asked quickly, ready to help him in anyway.

"Lie down with me a a bd let me cuddle you," he whispered, his voice tired and weak. How could I refuse? It was what he wanted, after all. So I lay next to him and wrapped my arms around him as much as I could, which wasn't very much since Ashton was so big.

"I'm sorry you had to answer all that," His voice wavered, and then he yawned. It was only around nine o'clock, but I guessed he was that tired.

"Don't worry Ashton. Just get some sleep." I placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you, for coming."

It wasn't like I had much of a choice! I woke up on the way, bastard! "Go to sleep, Ashton."

I lay beside him for another five minutes, making sure he was completely knocked out before I moved a bit. I didn't want to disturb him if he was just settling.

Just before I was about to stand, Grandma appeared at the door with a cup of, what smelt like, herbal tea. Her eyes were tired, but her smile was genuine happiness as she eyed me lying next to Ashton. She was analysing every move I made.

Carefully, I stood and placed a final kiss on Ashton's warm forehead. He smelt like coconut kiwi– the shampoo that I had washed his hair with.

"I brought this for you." Grandma handed me the cup of tea. I mumbled my thanks to her and took a swig of it, ignoring the fact that its taste was bit too minty. I preferred coffee to tea – I mean, all of them weren't necessary and none of them particularly nice, but I still had preferences.

"he's asleep," I stated obviously, just to fill the silence that was absorbing us all.

"Ya really care for 'im, don't cha' Danny?" I was unsure whether it was a question or a statement.

"I love him with all my heart," I said truthfully, looking at Ashton and suppressing my chuckle as he let out a loud snort.

"Yer so young though! I don't think Grandpa ever said anything like that to me before our wedding an' even now he only says it occasionally! Oh, how jealous I am," grandma smiled. "It's so nice that Ashton finally found someon' he wants to share this with."

"You're ok with it?"

"We've always known Ashton was a homosexual. We were a bit worried about you, but if you had bad intentions, Morgan wouldn't a' let you get close to 'im in the first place. An' we know about what that wench did to you."

"She's in prison and Ashton handled it very well for me," I assured her. 

"I never liked that Olive Dubois, hence why I was hesitant to meet you at first," grandma told me. "Last time I let my son make decisions, he chose Olive, even after Chip tried to show him the light. I was afraid Ashton-"

"There's no way that could be true. Chip and Amanda raised him so well. Ashton's a stand up guy! You know he can't even step on a bug without feeling bad about it, but if I was in danger, he wouldn't think twice about it."

"I'm aware. We just always have to be careful of people coming in, but it's like we already know you so we didn't have to have our guards up. I also saw how well he was protectin' you durin' dinner, it was very nice."

"He's always like that when it comes to me."

"Can ya handle all the hardships?"

"What do you mean?"

"Because of Ashton's birthright, women are gonna throw themselves at him all the time. People ya don't know will constantly try to sabotage yer relationship and talk about you. Can ya handle it?"

"My life before Ashton wasn't much different from that," after all I survived years of harassment on my own despite the odds. "I'm capable of protecting myself to an extent.....but with Ashton I think I can be unstoppable."

"That's swell."

"Oh, Danny, weren't ya supposed to be getting back to yer Pa?" Grandma asked.

"He won't mind. He'll understand that it's because I was with Ashton." I smiled. Dad doesn't worry as much about me anymore since Ashton came into the picture. Besides, I spend most of my nights with Ashton anyway – he knows where I'll be, and if in doubt, he'll ask Chip and Amanda.

"Are you hungry?" she asked. I could tell she wanted me to stay to talk about Ashton with me. It saddened me to see how much she missed Ashton. I could tell she regretted the decision to let Amanda and Chip raise him and felt the most responsible.

"Sure, I could eat," I said, against my instincts. Grandma was an important part of Ashton's life, so I would try to be as normal and welcoming towards her as I could. I wanted her approval as Ashton's fiancé.

"I can do you whatever you like. The help went shopping earlier today whilst y'all were on the way. It was only just finished being packed away, 'cause I got distracted when I got back here. I found these things, and it's nosey of me I know, but I couldn't help it!" She smiled guiltily as we walked downstairs.

I followed her into the kitchen.

"I should probably have 'em cook you something healthy, with ya being so tiny and all." She smiled, very similar to that of Ashton's. "But, I could do ya something different? I got some chips? A burger? They're quick and easy to do, right? Even I can do that!" I didn't want to let in that I didn't believe in her cooking skills, so I merely nodded at the last suggestion and watched as she took two burgers out of the fridge and placed them on the pan. They sizzled as they hit.

"So tell me more about yerself, Danny," she encouraged. 

"What would you like to know?" I asked, waiting for a reply, but I think Grandma believed it to be a rhetorical question so I continued to avoid my own embarrassment. "I'm Daniel Cunningham and I'm eighteen years old, born to my biological parents Michael and Teresa, no siblings. I was a sick child that only recently got better. My Uncle and I are pretty close I guess. Um....Ashton and I met and lunch and then he said he was going to start the courting process with me." I said, knowing that I had satisfied Grandma's question. She smiled at my little speech.

"Bubba told me you recently met yer mom? Did ya miss her growin' up?" she asked carefully so as not to hurt my feelings.

"I don't remember her much and I had my dad and his friends and my uncle's girlfriends, so I didn't miss out on anything," I replied honestly. "So, I would say no, I didn't miss her though I did know about her." I paused for a moment. "My dad is my parent and he provided for me in every way he could."

"What about this home? There's a lot of us, isn't there? Are ya ok with havin' a big family?"

"I get on with everyone, I'd say I'm pretty ok with it. Grandpa is incredibly nice. Harper is my size and can be annoying, but her heart is in the right place. She makes the most effort. Earle is huge, and is just.....more like an older brother figure. We can joke, we can argue... brother things. Rosalie and Auntie are nice but Rosalie is harder to talk to. She's a lot more difficult to please and Jackson is so wrapped up in his own head, you can't have a sensible conversation with him." I laughed.

"And Ashton? Ya really love him?" I was taken aback by her forwardness but she reminded me a little of Ashton when he got excited. I was pleased she was asking these questions so I had a chance to explain myself.

I paused, trying to think of words that would describe how much. "Yes," I said finally. "Very much."

Grandma stood and tended to the bits of meat that were cooking in the pan. The smell of it was strong but not at all attracting but I was willing to try it. I was used to it after learning to cook more for Ashton's sake. She placed both of them between buns, and placed them on two plates.

"Thank you, Grandma," I said as she handed it to me.

"Not many boys are like ya, Danny. They wouldn't want to help look after Ashton like ya do because the help can just do it." I took a bite of my burger and chewed happily, despite the salty taste. "I like ya, Danny. I liked ya when I saw you in the walkin' thru the door today. Don't get me wrong, I didn't like ya at one point but I do now. I'd like to see ya two often. Yer a very sensible young man," She was pretty much stating all of her thoughts aloud. "Can I ask ya something?" she said, after taking a bite of her own burger.

"Sure," I replied, nodding and drinking some more of my tea – it was still really was minty.

"Does Ashton enjoy it up north? Does he miss me?" A nervous expression took over her face.

What could I say? Ashton didn't speak of her very much, and I know he hated being where he was until he met me. "Um...."

"Please be honest with me." Grandma added her expression a little desperate.

"I won't lie to you, Grandma," I assured. "Ashton didn't like it here at first. He was never very good for change, and especially the weather. He often complains about the snow." I smiled as Grandma chuckled. "But he grew to like it here, and he didn't bring you up much, but when he did, it was obvious that he would rather be closer to me."

"It's not as desperate anymore. He does enjoy it up north, Grandma. You don't have to feel bad," I wondered whether I was being selfish. If Grandma offered Ashton a home in Georgia, would he go? Would I really be accepted with him? I didn't want him to go... how very selfish.

"I know, I know. I can see that. I can tell by his messages. He really loves ya too, Danny." She smiled. And then, before I could stop her, she reached over and touched my hand. She flinched at its coldness, but said nothing. "I like ya, Danny," she repeated, unaware that she'd told me the very same thing moments earlier. I nodded and mirrored her smile. I withdrew my hand and finished my burger and my tea in near silence.

Grandma looked extremely happy by just this little exchange.

"I'll cook breakfast in the morning for you guys to show you how much I appreciate the hospitality," I offered.

"Absolutely not, yer a guest. Ya won't be liftin' a finger while yet here."


"Yer here for vacation, sweetie. Enjoy a good southern time. Is there a preference for the mornin'?"

"Coffee," I said a bit too quickly making Grandma laugh very hard. 

"I guess yea ain't for everyone. I think yer too young for coffee honestly. Ashton can barely drink it."

"He's more of a hot chocolate guy." 

"That's my bubba. How's the burger I made?"


"Oh? I put a palm full of salt," she said, ain't that what people do?"

"No, they use a pinch of salt. It's much healthier and easier to eat."

"Why'd ya eat it then?"

"Because you made it for me."

"Oh? Yer just like Ashton," she giggled. "Thank you, fer humorin' an ol' lady."

"My pleasure."

"Is Ashton sick?"

"Naw, just exhausted, he's been working extra hard to get things done lately. He even finished my work without my knowledge before he just took me out here," I explained. "I told him I'd do it, but I guess he just wanted to get here as soon as possible. But he's been dying for me to meet you all, so I don't mind much."

"Ya don't mind that Ashton basically kidnapped ya?"

"Well technically he did, but his intentions are always so pure, so it's not a problem," I yawned.

"Heavens, ya must be fatigued. Go back upstairs and go to bed ok? I'm sorry I kept ya," Grand ma called a maid to show me back to the room.

I was brought back to Ashton's room almost immediately. When I had settled back under the covers with Ashton, I heard a faint knock. Grandma entered in and the disappointment that Ashton hasn't woken up was evident on her face. In turn, probably to hide her disappointment, she ran in and enveloped me in a tight hug and I was met with the familiar pine scent Ashton usually had, one that had grown to be my favorite.

"Welcome home, both of y'all, G'night!" she kissed the top of my head before turning off the lamp on the bedside. Ok, it was weird to be kissed by someone else's Grandmother, but I guess this is just her showing her sincerity. The entire family liked to hug just as much as Ashton.

As I fell asleep, I wondered how exactly I was going to get used to all this.

I woke up a quarter to eight and slipped quietly from Ashton's arms, to walk downstairs. Against Grandmas wishes, I raided the pantry for food to start making breakfast.

Renée's snoring was loud as she slept on the sofa, occasionally saying Ashton's name. It made me uneasy to watch in on her, so I busied myself with cooking.

Entering the kitchen, I turned on the stove, and began cooking the bacon and eggs. I decided that I would cook it all, and then Ashton could choose as much or as little as he liked as well as the other giants that needed to eat as well. The bagels were also placed under the grill, along with the bread to toast it.

"Who's there?" I heard Grandma shout, scrambling to her feet.

"Sshh!" I hushed. "Grandma, it's just me!" I said, appearing into the living room. She was wearing a funny white nightgown and fluffy slippers; a cross between a grandma and a young child.

"Danny?" she asked sleepily, all panic escaping her as she took in my calm posture. "What are ya doin' here?" Her eyebrows were raised in confusion.

"I thought I'd have breakfast ready for when Ashton wakes up. I'm cooking," I replied innocently. She glanced at her watch.

"Danny, it's eight thirty!" She exclaimed. "An yer a guest here!"

"I couldn't sleep much," I admitted, smiling at the truthfulness behind my words. "I need something to do. You can go back to sleep though."

"I might just close my eyes fer a bit, but-"

"Go and relax Grandma, this is what I like to do."

"I'll just close my eyes then," she agreed in a mumble, getting back on the sofa. I sighed contently, as she seemed quite happy. I noticed that she briefly touched upon how I'd gotten in here, but did not ask any more signaling that I was free to walk around.

Returning to the kitchen, I continued to cook the bacon. The smell of it was quite good and I wanted to eat some but I didn't. About twenty minutes later when I was finished cooking everything, as if right on cue, I heard Ashton coming down the stairs just as I was laying the final dish to the table.

"Ashton," I said, rushing out before he entered the kitchen. Hee looked a bit shocked at my presence but quickly shook it off. Most things only shocked him for a tiny bit. He threw herself at me, embracing me into a tight hug. "How are you feeling?" I asked. "Still tired."

"Okay, I guess. I was just a bit put off not seeing you in bed. When'd ya wake up?" he asked, glancing at the snoring Grandma on the cough and trying to suppress a laugh.

"I always wake up before you. Do you feel tired after everything you had to handle?" I asked carefully. I didn't want to mention food in case it triggered another bout of tiredness. The mental exhaustion couldn't be pleasant. Even I knew personally the effects of that after a long time.

"Not anymore," he said, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Better knowing you're still here."

"You thought I'd run away?"

"Aren't we a lot for you?"

"Ashton, I made you all breakfast," I waited for him to react. He glanced gingerly towards the kitchen and then back at me. "You don't have to eat it yet, I made it just in case!" I rushed, hoping he wouldn't eat it just so he wouldn't hurt my feelings. If only I could read his mind! "What're you thinking?"

"I think I could eat something but what'd you make? But something plain or something else."

"I've done you everything you like, except biscuits. So you can choose whatever." I opened the kitchen door so he could see the food now and his eyes widened at the mass of food on the kitchen table.

"You did all this?" I nodded.

"I'll just have two of everything for now," he said carefully. "If that's okay?"

"Of course it's okay! Why wouldn't it be?" he was so silly sometimes, always asking me for permission, but it was typically Ashton as usual. 

"You went to a lot of trouble," he whispered, picking up two slices of toast and started buttering them. A blush grazed his cheeks.

"Just in case." I smiled, taking a seat across from her. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"I'll get it." he stood up and got the orange juice pitcher from the fridge. He was so stubborn – I knew he would have been annoyed with me for doing all this for him. He was like that, never wanting me to mess up 'spoiling me' as he called it. I just sighed, resisting the urge to insist.

Grandma woke again, and I heard her stir in the living area. She was very much like a teenager herself.

"What's all this?" she said appearing in the kitchen, her blond hair even more ruffled than twenty minutes ago.

"Breakfast," Ashton answered simply, taking a sip from the orange juice. "Danny made it." I shrugged modestly, but was secretly happy with grandma's thoughts. 

"Such a kind boy!"

"How are ya feelin', Bubba?" she asked, coming over and feeling his forehead with her forehand looking for a temperature. "Feelin' better?" Ashton nodded. "I was thinkin' we could do something today; y'all and me and Grandpa. We don't see you often enough."

"Sure thing Grandma, let me clean up though first." Ashton looked down at himself, and I saw the grimace that crossed his face. I wanted to tell him that I only stripped him to his boxers because he was sweating in his casual attire and it was too sexy to let continue. If only Grandma wasn't present, I'd be wrapped in his arms and taken on the table.

Ashton bit into a piece of toast as Grandma said, "I'll save you the hot water while you eat breakfast. I won't be long." She disappeared from sight, almost running up the stairs. I chuckled as the rim of her nightgown flew past the doorway seconds after she had gone.

"Did ya strip me down fer another purpose?" Ashton teased, pulling on the hem of his blue boxers.

"Actually, no. You were sweating a lot, so I thought it'd be best," I explained.

"I know of another way of keeping cool," he suggested flirtingly, taking another sip of his orange juice. I gulped at the thought, trying to reign in these inappropriate thoughts. It was difficult with Ashton being so forward and sitting so close in only his boxers.

"With Grandma and Grandpa upstairs! Oh yes, what a way to make an impression," I muttered sarcastically, smiling.

"Well, at least they can't shoot a gun at us for doing that, well, maybe Auntie would." he laughed.

"Eat something, Ashton," I encouraged and he took another bite of the bacon.

"I'm digging' in now and I'm goin' fer seconds," he said, eyeing the food as if it's something delicious. him it was. 

"Did I make too little."

He shook his head and shot me an apologetic glance at the masses of food. "Don't worry. Everyone is going to love it and ya definitely made enough fer everyone," he suggested before kissing me hard on the lips. God, he made me go crazy. I pushed him away, against my wanting and desire that crept up me and focused on eating my food. He was making me crazy and his southern drawl being on full blast wasn't helping. He groaned a little but didn't really protest. He merely kissed me on the cheek again – a peck – and went upstairs to put some clothes on, passing Grandpa on his way up.

"Mornin' boy," Grandpa said, appearing in the kitchen, his hair was wet but he was dressed and looking like he'd been awake for a while.

"Do you want any breakfast? I've made it myself," I offered, signalling to piles of food on the table. "Im almost full myself and Ashton is coming back for seconds."

"Why'd ya make so much?" he asked as he pulled out the orange juice like Ashton had.

"So Ashton could eat whatever he wanted and since he bragged about my cooking, I wanted everyone to taste it themselves." Grandpa seemed impressed by my answer.

"Yer incredibly thorough as well as kind. Yer a class act," he sat down at the table, a glass of orange in his hand, and picked up a bagel and took a bite.

"Hmmm. Don't ya want any more? You should eat more," Grandpa pointed at my thin figure.

"No, thank you, I'm already full," I declined politely. 

"Strange, I thought teenage boys were always eating. I was and Ashton sure does too."

"I ate earlier while I was making some and I had a bit just now so I'm not that hungry," I continued, hoping to clear up Grandpa's doubting mind. I could tell he was planning on how to fatten me up, so to appease him, I grabbed a few pieces of bacon to nibble on.

"So Ashton's feelin' better?"

"Yes. He hasn't eaten much at all yet, but he said he feels better. It was only exhaustion."

I watched Grandpa's face. It was apparent now, with Grandpa fresh of face, how alike Ashton he was – he just had laugh lines too. I wondered, briefly, if this is what Ashton would look like when he would grow old; if he'd have frown lines from business, or laugh lines from happiness or if the child thru surrogacy would look like him.

"Grandma said we're gunna hang out today, so what would ya like to do? If Ashton's feeling better?" he questioned, her mind was full of suggestions.

"We'll have to ask Ashton since I know nothing about the area. But definitely no shopping please," I said, smiling at the thought.

"No shoppin'? Why?" Grandpa asked, confused. Did Ashton not tell them, or was he really that forgetful?

"I hate shopping, except for food," I said, unsure what else to say.

"No way. Ashton used ta love comin' shopping' with me." I saw on Grandpa's face that he wasn't lying. Seriously? Ashton and shopping? It just didn't happen – it never happened! After all this time, I never realised that.

"I've always hated it because of the way I grew up. Why buy clothes when I can just make them myself with cheap fabrics? Plus it's a good way to save money," I whispered, trying to figure out what was being said. It seemed something small, and insignificant, but that was something I'd always been sure about. If I wasn't sure about this... could I learn to like it? "I never saw Ashton liking it, except when he tries to buy me things and barely let him do that. Either way, he usually sends someone else to pick it up."

"Oh...Well, he liked comin' shoppin' with me. We used to go shopping every month, for some new clothes or just a look around. Especially when he was a youngun'. But we had a good time. We'd get somethin' to eat in the mall cafe..." Grandpa's voice trailed off as I assume he was reliving memories of hanging out with Ashton in his head.

He looked really happy.

"Ohh..." Grandpa giggled. "There was this incident, once."

"Yes?" I said eager to know what new memory I was about to hear. 

"Well, Ashton tripped when he was bring us our milkshakes. But he spilt a drink over this boy, and he was really embarrassed when he started shouting at him, and everyone was staring at him. He ain't like the attention."

"No way, Grandpa! You didn't!" Ashton gasped standing in the doorway. "Oh, great," he sighed, looking at me. I couldn't help but laugh. Oh, Ashton was so cute!

"Sorry, Ash. I ain't realise ya hadn't told people." Grandpa answered innocently.

"Great. Don't tell Rosalie. Or Harper!" he visibly cringed, I assume at the thought of Harper laughing at him.

"Okay, so what do ya' want to do today?" Grandpa asked again, completely oblivious to his blushing grandson making a second plate of food.

"We could go shopping?" I suggested, trying to muffle a laugh as Ashton shot me a deadly stare.

"We don't haveta' Ashton, but we could. Fer old times sake?" he shot his grandson a pleading look.

I could see Ashton weigh it up in his mind. "Danny hates shopping unless it's for food."

"Maybe I'll enjoy it with you and Grandpa. Can we go Ashton?" I asked.

"Sure," Ashton finally agreed in a huff before stuffing his mouth with food, missing the grateful look Grandpa sent me.