7 Years Later

What a breathtaking sight!

As I stared out the window, through the beautiful lace curtains which served as my camouflage, I watched as the guests arrived in expensive cars and ever more expensive outfits and were starting to take their seats. Grandma and Grandpa were mulling around, greeting people and Dad and Uncle Mickey were sitting on the side talking with Chip and Amanda.

It was a glorious, pollen free day for an outside wedding. Overcast, of course.

"We don't want anyone sparkling more than you," Soyoung had joked.

Harper and Rosalie had really outdone themselves. The best looking white and red roses I had ever seen were everywhere. At the end of the aisle stood an arch covered with roses. There were white chairs on either side of the aisle with a white carpet running down the middle. I'd never seen the Belle's house look more beautiful than it did today.

It looked like all of Georgia had come to see the wedding. I frowned a little considering this was not the small, intimate, family affair I'd always wanted. What could I do though, I'd given the reins to the Belle family and just went with the flow. The only things I insisted on was not to look girly walking down the aisle to Claire de Lune.

My stomach tightened as I looked again and again for Teresa, she hadn't arrived yet. Surely, she wouldn't miss her only son's wedding. I know she was just checking the food but I kind of needed her right now! She must just be running late, I told myself, forcing myself to inhale deeply.

Soyoung and Rosalie had just left me here alone. They had really enjoyed this wedding thing. I really hated when they would dressed me up and put makeup on me and fry my hair, but today, I didn't mind so much. I had my beautiful suit, a vintage looking white suit with a black bow tie, which was something I loved and knew Ashton would too. My hair was done in a very sophisticated slicked back style. There was a row of petite white roses in front of the small clip Harper forced me to put on top of my head. I hoped they weren't real diamonds causing it to sparkle this much - I didn't dare ask.

I saw dad get up and knew it was almost time. I had butterflies in my stomach, not because I was nervous though. I was just anxious about being the center of attention after just being a college student. Ashton came into view in a suit that was similar to mine, except with a white bow tie, with Sam and Levi Abelman on either side. All three of them were smiling as they walked toward the arch.

There was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath and smiled. "OH MY GOODNESS! You look absolutely beautiful, sweetie," Teresa barged in, interrupting my trance. After her followed Harper, as always on her phone texting God knows who.

"You look nice, Dan," she said, not looking up from the screen.

"Harper Ann Belle-" Rosalie walked in and gave her the get-off-the-phone stare.

"Ok, ok, fine," she put it in her purse pocket and gave me a sort of genuine smile.

"Honey, I wanted to give you something that I hope you will treasure forever," Teresa held out a cute little white box. She pulled out an exquisite gold necklace that had an Italian horn charm at the end.

"All the woman in the Giordano family have worn this on their wedding day to signify true love and kindness. I want you to have it for luck," she wrapped the necklace around my neck. I was this close to completely bursting in tears, but she beat me to it.

"Mom, if you start crying, I'm going to start too which will ruin my face and Soyoung will kill me," I stated as sweetly as I could.

"Oh you're right. I'm just being a bit emotional. I just can't believe my little boy is really getting married," she wiped away a happy tear and sniffled. Then she clapped her hands.

"I'm not little, mom."

"You'll always be my child, Danny."

"Alright, we need to move it along. You two do some quick chatting. I need to check on the food, guests, and your father. I worry that he might've gotten lost going to the bathroom," Rosalie strutted out of the room with Teresa leaving Harper and I alone.

"So, after 7 years of going out, this is finally the big day," she exclaimed, pulling out her phone as again.

"Yeah. I mean I'm super excited and all but a part of me just wants to chicken out and call the whole thing off," I admitted.

"Ya better NOT do that! We spent 8 months gettin' this all together and imagine the money that was spent. I don't understand why ya feel so nervous. Ya should be ecstatic to finally marry Ashton," she explained, while popping her minty white gum.

"Of course I'm not gonna do that. It's just nerves that keep attacking me," I slipped off my shoes that were killing my feet. "My anxiety is no joke sometimes."

"Why be anxious when ya have the Belle family backin' ya?"

"People will be looking at me."

"You got anything planned for tonight with Ashton?" She slyly remarked. I just rolled my eyes at her innuendo. I was NOT going to be talking about this with my 20 year old soon to be cousin in law. After a good 30 minutes of getting everything finalized, it was time.

"It's time! Harper, go sit down next to Auntie," Rosalie ordered.

"Rose! Why couldn't I be part of the weddin' lineup?" Harper nagged.

"You are too old to be a flower girl and too young to be a bridesmaid," Rosalie explained probably for the thousandth time. All Harper did was growl and walk all the way to the courtyard in a hurry. Rosalie quickly fixed my hair and handed me a bouquet of white lilies. She swept a strand of loose hair out of my face and smiled. I smiled back, knowing that she was on a verge of tears.

"I'm still nervous," I stuttered.

"Well man up," I heard my dad say as he jogged into view. "I have to give you away."

"You ok dad?"

"Of course I am. My baby is getting married." he choked a little but held his composure. "You're so young. Couldn't this have waited until I started growing gray hair?" he joked. "Are you sure you're ready for this Dan?"

"Yeah, I'm sure dad. Ashton really is the love of my life. I couldn't go six months, let alone six hours, without him. I'd go crazy! Literally and utterly crazy. I'll be fine." I assured him. Dad pulled me into a tight hug.

"All right. Mickey says 'Don't trip'."

"Don't jinx me!"

"So you're really going to go through with this. You're really going to marry him and become a part of 'The Man'?" he sounded so grave. His eyes were half mast and a little watery.

"I really wish you didn't call them that since you work for 'The Man'. But yes." I answered sounding just as grave.

"I can't change your mind and drive you back to the club and finally teach you how to drive bikes around. Can I?"

"No. I wish I could run away, but without him, I would die. You saw me last time that happened. I could never go through that again without cliff diving to end it. Dad, I love him. And I'll love him to the end of my existence. And I'll always love you too dad!" I began to tear up but was able to hold it in just like dad was doing.

"I'm sorry Dan. I'm not making you choose. It's just the way things are." and he even shed a tear himself. "This is one of the last times I'll see you like this and bear it. I really am so sorry it's hard to accept. I really, really am."

"Then please don't cry, dad."

"Im not crying! I only have one thing I need to do before you become Mrs. Danny Belle in five minutes," he coughed before he took something from his pocket. I gasped at the sight of my grandfathers pocket knife. It was one of the most precious things my dad inherited after his father was executed in prison. "Your mom said it's in bad taste but Mickey and I think it's about time you have it."

"Does this mean you acknowledge me as a man now?" I asked.

"You've always been manly, Dan. It's me that can't see you as a grown up.....but you're finally going to be a married man."

I placed the knife in my pocket and quickly gathered myself hearing the music start to play. "That's our cue."

"Ready Dan?" Dad asked me. I looked at him confidently and nodded my head. I was ready to become a Belle. I was ready to become Mr. Daniel Belle. I was ready to leap into Ashton's arms and never let go.

I was ready, for the future and everything it held.

The wide door opened, and everyone stood up.

Two little girls I knew to be Rosalie's kids were the flower girls and they threw the petals down the aisle as Dad and I walked over them. I looked down, trying not to trip. Looking up, I saw part of my family on the right side. Teresa had Mickey snap photos from above. I looked in one row, and saw someone I didn't recognize at all. Now, some people here I did, and others I somewhat remember from when i was high school. But this wasn't new. I was terrible at remembering people.

I couldn't noticed the rest of her outfit because dad was leading me forward.

I walked up to meet Ashton-who looked absolutely breath taking in his black tux, all the guys behind him did-and hugged my Dad one more time. Ashton shook Ashton's hand firmly and took his seat next to Teresa.

For the next thirty minutes while the minister read everything off, I didn't pay much attention. Ashton and I just stared at each other holding each others trembling hands. His blond hair was slicked back and tidy, and he was still bulky with his boyish face. Just like the first time I saw him in the cafeteria.

"The grooms have prepared their own vows." I suddenly heard from my right side. The minister closed the book and turned to Ashton.

"Lovebug, I know this might sound very cheesy, but the past seven years with you have been the greatest years of my entire life. I knew very early on that I couldn't last six minutes away from you without having my nerves on edge. I would've gone insane; work hours even would drive me insane. I'll live with your clumsiness, and all that will come with it. I'll even stand every little fight that may arise from nowhere. You're one of the most gorgeous things I've ever seen on earth, and not even time or death can take you away from me. I promise, for the rest of time, to love you with every ounce of my being." he spoke his vows. Teresa was crying a little and dad sniffed a bit loudly. I think I might have even heard Mickey sniff. I was crying a little too, just like in my nightmare. But that face would never be back, it was lost in time. Ashton' face would be burned there, forever.

"Well that blows my vows out of the water. I really don't have all that much to say back," I chuckled wiping my eyes. "Ashton...True we weren't the best of friends in the beginning, but I was in dead love with you. I would travel the world just to be by your side. I would risk getting grounded by all my reckless actions in town just to spend the night with you. I would risk my life just to hear your voice. I would risk anything to be by you. You are my life and in many ways my saving grace. I promise to love you forever, and beyond forever." It felt nasty to say, but I really put my heart and soul into that. I heard more sniffs around the room, including many of my own. He smiled his crooked smile that always made me melt. He chuckled at the sound of my escalating heart beat.

"Do you, Ashton Percy Belle take Daniel Liam Cunningham as you lawfully wedded husband, to love and to hold, through sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"And do you Daniel Liam Cunningham take Ashton Percy Belle as you lawfully wedded husband, to love and to hold, through sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Belle. You may kiss your groom," he announced. Like my nightmare, I was crying. But this time, when I looked up, a stranger wasn't there, it was Ashton. And no scream would escape me this time.

For the first time as both Mr. and Mr. Belle, Ashton kissed me while placing the ring on my finger, where it would rest forever. When we ended, I placed his ring on his finger. Both rings would lie on those fingers, for the rest of eternity.

He kissed me again innocently, just slightly lingering, and then laced his fingers through mine and led me back down the aisle. I ignored the smiling faces that we passed by and focused on the wooden double doors at the back of the room that would lead me to freedom from the suffocating, happy atmosphere around us.

Actually, they led us to Rosalie.

"Congratulations!" She squealed as the heavy wooden doors closed behind us.

"Thank you." Ashton answered, smiling at her.

She led us down the hall and around the corner back to the room that I had been designated to get ready in. I knew that she would leave us there to be alone for a few minutes. She'd explained to us at our rehearsal that it was customary for the married couple to take some time to be alone for a little while straight after the ceremony while the guests made their way to the reception hall. So I wasn't surprised when she let us into the room and then left us immediately, mentioning over her shoulder that she would come back for us when they were ready for us to join the reception.

"You look positively stunning." Ashton said to me quietly as the door closed behind Rosalie.

It was the first time I'd been alone with him since the rehearsal and one of the only times I'd been alone with him in weeks. He'd been traveling a lot to secure overseas business deals the past couple months, and I really hadn't seen much of him at all. Most of our communication had been through phone calls and emails and bedtime conversations. Even the limited number of times I had seen him, I was usually only accompanying him to a public event.

"Thank you."

Harper had insisted that we stick to the traditional rule against the groom seeing the bride before the wedding. The first time Ashton had seen my suit was as I walked down the aisle, and the way that his eyes traveled up and down my body as I approached him was something that I would never forget.

I stepped out of my torturous shoes and sat down on the plush loveseat, reaching down to rub my foot.

"For a minute there I thought you were going to back out on me."

I looked up at him and shrugged.

"I got a little nervous."

"Were you thinking about backing out?"

"I was nervous, but no." I said truthfully.

I'd felt nervous, and maybe even guilty, but I'd never actually let myself consider backing out. I'd made my decision, and I was sticking to it.

"Well," Ashton started, coming over to sit next to me on the loveseat. "Congratulations, Mr. Belle."

I laughed and turned to face him, catching I waft of his cologne.

"Thank you, husband."

"Mm, that's right." He answered, leaning towards me and tilting his head a little to one side. "I'm officially your husband now. You know what that means?"

"What?" I asked, my eyes automatically darting down to his lips.

He leaned forward more until our lips were touching and then spoke against them. "You're completely mine now."

I sucked in a breath, smelling the spearmint gum on his. "I suppose I am officially yours now."

"I could have you right now if I wanted to..." He said softly, lips brushing against mine.

Part of me wanted to moan, and part of me wanted to scream. All we'd done the past couple weeks was kiss and tease each other mercilessly because we were both so busy. I really thought that if he got me all worked up and then failed to deliver one more time I was going to explode with tension.

"But, no. I think I'll wait for that. I think I'll wait until we get to Venice, and fuck you properly."

"That's right." I smiled, his lips still against mine. "Next is Italy!"

"Actually, I think next is the reception. We have some mingling and entertaining to do before Italy, my beautiful husband."

I groaned as he laughed, leaning back out of my personal space again.

"I seriously wish we could just skip this stupid reception. I want to be in Italy! I don't want to spend my night mingling with our boring business friends and saying hi to everyone when I know that Venice is waiting for me!"

"Don't worry." Ashton said, loosening his tie just slightly and leaning over me again. "I'm sure it will go by quickly."

"Ash," I murmured in between him kissing my lips and my jaw. "We have to get down there; if we mess up, Rosalie will have our ass." I reminded him.

"Oh, fuck her. She can wait ten more minutes." he simply said. He traced his fingers down my side, shaping my butt, thigh, and landed on the back of my knee, towing it up to his hip and let it rest there. He kissed a trail to my collar bones, and started down my sternum.

"ASHTON!" we heard Rosalie screaming from the other side of the door. "I'll be damned if ya make me wait ten minutes fer dear Danny! Now get ya butt down there and party with us! I know what yer doing in there! It's bad enough I saw it but to hear stuff and knowing where yer going with that is worse! Don't make me get Grandma!" she said with such anger, even I flinched.

"Yes, of course Rose. I'll join you shortly. I just have something for Danny," he didn't take his eyes of mine when he told her that. He got off me and pulled out an outfit from the suit case next to us. It was a long khaki colored drawstring pants, and a matching beige shirt he favored most.

"If you don't mind changing love. I wouldn't want you to ruin that pretty suit just yet." he requested.

"I don't mind. It'll be more comfortable." I said in a light tone getting up and taking it. He didn't let go, he pulled me in for another kiss. Our lips softly rubbed and moved in the opposite direction of each others until both our mouths were opened. I breathed in through my mouth so his taste could get me drunk off it. Everything was spinning after that. He traced my bottom and top lip with his tongue and I closed them up and closed our mouths. He gripped my upper arm tightly, like he was fighting against something that would take me away from him. He pulled away softly and looked at me with those, warm blue eyes. They looked like they were going to melt. He pressed his mouth to my ear and whispered.

"And easier to get you out of." hearing the smile in his voice as I got chills and he walked towards the door. I stood there, motionless. He opened the door to Rosalie tapping her foot impatiently.

"Jeez, Ashton, I thought you'd stick your tongue down his throat before you'd come to the door. Is he coming?"

"He's changing into something more comfortable and so am I."

"Ha. Something more comfortable, or something you can slip off him with a sweep of your hand?" she was very sarcastic towards him; and very determined to get me downstairs. I put my shoes back on after I finished getting dressed and walked out.

"Calm down Rose, I have the rest of eternity to party with you." I teased. She looked at me incredulously. They both did. "What?"

"When would you, The Introvert King, want to party with me when you flipped out over your birthday party I got together, and the business party? Never mind not going to that Fashion Show." she stated through skeptic eyes and an upper lip that rested limply on her jutted up lower one.

"I might want to celebrate something spontaneously and then we would have to go somewhere. Maybe when we have kids," I tried. Okay, it was very slim, and she knew that. Again, she looked at me skeptically. "Okay you're right."

"You only get one wedding reception Danny."

"But you and Earle have had many."

"That's if Ashton wants to throw this again in a few years or so, I'll plan it." she blinked over to him.

"Only if Danny wants it. Although it would be nice." he sounded a tad bit hopeful, shrugging his shoulders a little.

"Let's go." I pushed forward. 

"Wrong way." Ashton corrected me turning me the other way. 

The reception...was hell.

Rosalie paraded Ashton and I around the room all night. Ashton was keeping me close to his side with his arm around my waist, as we made monotonous chit chat with his contacts and business associates. Edward definitely knew more people than I did, and he definitely had more guests at the wedding than I did. We did get to sit and enjoy dinner at a big round table with our families, but pretty much every minute of the rest of our time was spent playing hosts. It sucked. And it was totally the last thing that I wanted to be doing.

"Ready to party, Mr. Belle?"

I grin at him. "As I'll ever be, Mr. Belle."

Ashton grinned and bent over. He lifted me in his arms and carried me toward the crowd. All our loved ones were happily lined up on either side of us. Making a path in the middle for us, cheering and whistling. Ashton carried me to the middle of the dance floor and set me down.

I haven't seen the reception hall fully decorated but Rosalie and Harper have really out done themselves. They have it beautifully decorated in pale blue and white. The dance floor was located closest to the water, with the curtains opened fully so we can see the view of the bay. Tables around the dance floor were decorated with a lavish buffet and tired moms accompanying children.

"Since they're already on the dance floor." The DJ continues talking into a microphone. "It's time for the grooms to dance their first dance as Mr. and Mr!"

Ashton put me down and spun me around to face him, in the middle of the dance floor. The music had started. Couples were swaying gently in rhythm to the beat of the classical music. We stood at the middle of the crowd, a slightly disgruntled look on his face. His left hand rested lightly on my waist while his other held my hand.

"I asked them to push up the dance since you looked like you didn't want to talk much more." Ashton smiled.

"Thank you for just now." I said gratefully. "I was starting to make me a bit uncomfortable."

"You're welcome baby. I needed a dance partner anyway. Harper insisted that we dance." A slightly disgusted look settled on Ashton's face at the mention of the word 'dance'. I had to suppress a smile from coming up. Despite his new clear disdain for dancing, Ashton was actually still rather graceful at it. He still moved lightly and wasn't clumsy just like in high school. He had wonderful posture and his movements flowed elegantly

A light breeze suddenly blew by and ruffled the ends of his hair gently, sending a jolt of longing through me. I studied him shyly and took in the shape of his gorgeous lips and how gently his long, slim fingers closed around mine. My eyes moved down to his body and I noticed how well his comfort clothes fitted against his torso, emphasizing his lean muscles. 

God, he's still extremely sexy. I immediately blushed, realising that my thoughts have strayed to someplace embarrassing. So I quickly averted my eyes, focusing them on his face instead. I looked into his blue eyes and realized that they had a vacant expression. A slight frown creased between his eyes before he quickly made it disappear. I had seen this look before. He's worried.

"Why do people do this?" Ashton suddenly asked, visibly irritated.

"What, dancing? Maybe because it's a wedding." I replied, rather amused.

"Not just dancing. Getting all business like at a happy occasion. It's so useless. Imagine being imprisoned by work life all the time."

"Well some people like work life."

"Ugh, dull." Ashton stated petulantly.

In spite of himself, i felt his spirits lift a little when I laughed. "Honey? Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Of course I'm alright. I'm absolutely fine." Ashton replied, surprised at the question.

"It's just...you look worried. Your eyes look vacant sometimes and you're trying to hide the fact that you're frowning. You don't do that when you're just thinking."

"I want to leave too, but it's our wedding," Ashton confessed.

"Too many people, I know," I agreed. "I need to recharge myself."

He wrapped both arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair at the nape of his neck as the music stopped and we were again whisked in different directions.

I danced with my mom, our mother/son dance. We danced to 'I Loved Her First'. I giggled when Teresa said "If this song skips, don't be expecting me to sound like your corny husband." I can't believe she knew him so well already.

Next we were blessed to watch Ashton and a sobbing Amanda dance their mother/son dance. Gracefully, of course. They're dancing to, Because you loved me, by Celine Dion. Ananda can barely hold back her tears. Ashton suddenly stopped dancing as the song screeches to a halt.

The next thing we hear is,

 Come on, baby! Let's do the twist!

Chubby Checker's, The Twist, starts playing. I giggle seeing Ashton doing The Twist with Grandma and Auntie. Amanda, no longer emotional was now laughing and twisting with Ashton all over the dance floor. God, I love that man! The things he does for the people he cares about. I'm both surprised and not, that he actually wore the hot pink socks Harper got him. Ashton took hold of Amanda once more, as if nothing happened. And the Celine Dion song comes back on. Celine sings the last verse.

Ashton kissed his mother's cheek and I read his lips. He tells her. 'Thank you for everything' before he escorted her back to her table. He came walking back to me to join me at our table.

"You're something else, you know that." Ashton giggled.

Harper's voice, amplified from the microphone, causes me to look at him. "We're going to move along with the speeches, while you all enjoy your meal. Up first is Danny's best friend and maid of honor, Soyoung."

"Hi everyone. Most of you already know of me, but I'm Soyoung Kim. Best friend of the bride. Best friends!" She giggles. "We're more like siblings. I've known Danny, since senior year of high school. He was so quiet and shy, still is. I was, and as you can see, still am, very much loud and outgoing. We were total opposites. Still are. I'm sure people look at us and wonder how we are still friends after all these years. Opposites attracted, don't they? I'm kidding. I know you're all dying to know. The truth is... I don't really know. What I do know is, that boy, has been there for me. Just as I have been for him, maybe even more. Through tough times, happy times and times in between. We've laughed together and cried together. We snuck out together. Sorry mom and dad," Everyone laughed at that. "Danny has a big heart. He is as sweet and friendly as they come. If a friend needed him, he would drop everything, just to be there for his friend, never stopping to ask what's in it for him. That's when you find out who your friends are. When they're there for you, when you need them. A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else believes your smile. And every girl needs a best friend to help her laugh, when she thinks she'll never smile again. Danny, it's so great to see you so happy and smiling a truly happy smile. I can see your smile and I know it's genuine. I see how much you love Ashton and he loves you. It's obvious he adores you. You've definitely found your prince!" I wipe a few of my tears that started to fall. "Just so you know, Ashton, if you hurt one hair on his head, I'll help him hide your body." Everyone laughs. "In all honesty, I'm happy for you Dan. Congratulations to the grooms. It finally happened after eight years. May they live happily ever after!"

Everyone followed Soyoung's suit and raised aed their glasses to toast to us. She put the microphone down and came running over to me, with tears in her eyes. I stood up to catch and hug her.

"I'm so happy for you Dan. Your goddaughter will be happy as well," She whispered, emotionally.

That means I'm the only one who knew the gender of the baby so far! "Thank you, Soyoung."

She smiled and walked back to her table in happy tears. Before she sits she grabs the microphone from the table again.

"Now it's time for Ashton's best man, who also happens to be my husband, to make his speech."

She put the microphone in front of Sam and sat at the table. 

"I'll keep this short because I have to use the little boys room." Sam stood, doing a little dance. I giggle. "I have just a few things to say, anyway."

He fumbled out what looks to be fifty loose pieces of crumpled paper from his pocket. He made a show of laying them on the table and tried smoothing them out. Then rubbed them over his chest. It takes him a while, much to the embers of Soyoung. Finally, after getting them as unrumpled as he could, he cleared his throat.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." He folded up the papers again and put them back into the breast pocket of his tux making everyone laugh. "For those who don't know me, which everyone here does. I'm Sam Kim. Danny and Ashton's best and only man. Last weekend Ashton said 'I don't really want you to speak at my wedding, but you're the only friend I have'. So here we are. I'm very honored and a little excited to be my bros best man. He said if I do well tonight, I could be the best man at his next wedding." Soyoung hit Sam. "I'm kidding honey! Joke. It was a joke." He chuckles. "Let's get right to it shall we. Everyone raise your glasses to honor the real reason we're all here tonight."

Everyone raises their glass.

"The open bar." Everyone laughs, again. "Ashton, I liked you from the moment I first met you, even though I thought you were strange. You laugh at all my jokes, when my wife just shakes her head and calls me an idiot. You're awesome dude, inside and out. You're kind, caring, compassionate, and most importantly, you make my good friend Danny happy. Danny is a very kind, smart, caring, and devoted man. He deserves a great husband. And since I'm already in a relationship, you'll have to due, Ashton." Everyone laughs again. "As you can see, I joke around a lot. But I want to say, I'm proud of you two. And I wish you both all the best with your new life, together...I love you both. Almost as much as I love my new baby. Thanks for being our mediator. All joking aside. Congratulations you two. Let's raise our glasses, for real this time. To the grooms. I'm going to go hug them myself, then go to the bathroom."

I laughed watching Sam rush over to us doing some kind of dance. He hugs me and shakes Ashton's hand. Then he ran out of the tent and too the bathroom. I giggled even harder. I guess he really did have to go.

"Too bad there's no garter toss," Ashton sighed. "I guess we can do that later."

"You'd have to toss it to the crowd," I pointed out.

"Seriously? No way anyone's going to be touching anything that was on your body. Never mind what I said."

We danced. We cut the cake. Now it was time for the flower toss.

I picked up my bouquet of white lilies and walked to the middle of the dance floor as the song, Single Ladies by Beyoncé, starts to play. I giggle seeing Harper and Auntie doing the dance moves from the music video, as they walked towards the dance floor with the other few single ladies here. I turned around when all the single ladies are on the dance floor. I look over my shoulder and giggle again at Harper and Auntie taking off their heels, tossing them aside and playfully pushing each other out of the way. Both determined to catch the bouquet. I turned around again and take off the ribbon holding the roses together. I tossed the roses over my head and turn around to see the roses spread out and fall all over the girls. They all thankfully get as many roses as they can. Some have caught the roses, some pick roses up off the floor. Everyone has a few.

At least it wasn't a disaster like Rosalie said it could be.

Ashton pulled me into his embrace once this was over. "Time to go." He kisses me. "I don't want to share you with all these people anymore."

"Can we leave our own wedding?"

"Baby, it's our party. We can do whatever we want. We've danced. We've cut the cake. You tossed your bouquet." I giggle. He smirked. "And right now, I'd like to whisk you away and have you all to myself....and again in Italy." 

Ashton pulled my lip and put his hand on my lower back. He then lead me to Harper and whispered in her ear. I couldn't hear it but Harper nodded and scurried for the microphone.

"Ladies and gents. It seems our groom is impatient to get his blushing groom alone." Harper said suggestively, wiggling her brows. Grandma quickly slugged her arm and told her to behave. "Ow! Alright! The grooms are getting ready to leave for their honeymoon. Let's say our 'see ya laters' to the happy couple."

The hall erupted in cheers.

"I am so glad that you now completely mine now, " Ashton purrs in my ear." You look so gorgeous and perfect today, Lovebug."

God, this man can make anyone swoon. 

"Thank you, My husband" I whisper as I nibble his earlobe.

"As much as I would love to peel these cloths off you myself, your mother and mine are waiting for you to get you changed into a more comfortable ensemble as we have a long ride for our honeymoon."

Sure enough I turned around to look for them and there they were waiting by the door to the Belle house waving me towards them.

"I'll be back soon, my Husband." As I kiss him one more time. As I take my leave towards Teresa and Amanda, I noticed a familiar blonde head making its way through the throng of our wedding guests. I choose to ignore her and not ruin my perfect day.

Besides, that was impossible.

As I make our way into a guest room, they have laid a wonderfully comfortable looking sweatsuit for me to change into. Teresa and Amanda went to put the rest of my "special clothes" for tonight into the waiting car as I pulled my formal clothes off to change. As I pull the sleeves up onto my shoulders I hear the door open. "Can you come help me so this doesn't rip, mom?"

"Honey, I would but I think it would be unnecessary," a screechy voice purred in a sickly sweet voice that sets me on end.

"Katy, long time no see. To what do I owe the nightmare?" I purred back to her.

"I would watch what I say to me. You know the Belle family values me more than you. I could make you disappear so easily away from him." Katy looked so sure of herself that I just had to laugh.

"You think you can make him leave me for you? His blood cousin? He will never leave me and I will leave him. I love him as he loves me and there is nothing you can do about it. He never wanted you, Katy. All you did was try to take away what makes him happy." I was getting pissed how dare she threaten me with my husband.

"He will grow tired of the boring sex life you lead with him. He needs the control of the lifestyle. You will never give what he needs. You're nothing but a gold digging whore," I had had enough of her putting my relationship and marriage down when she knew nothing of it.

"What Ashton deserves is someone will love him no matter what has happened. You think you helped him? All you did was try to mess him up more than he already was. You told that amazing man that he was unworthy of being loved, that he was nothing without his money and name. You don't care him, you care about his money and his dependency on you. You, Katy, are the gold digging whore." To say she was mad after my rant was the understatement of the year. I knew I hit the nail on the head because the more I said the redder and madder she had gotten.

"YOU LITTLE BI..." She was cut off by a pissed off casually dressed Ashton, Harper and Grandpa.

"How dare ya talk to Danny that way! Ya know nothin' about besides he is gettin' the life you dreamed ya could have. Ya want to be his? Ya want to be the he loves, the woman he marries. You insignificant , decrepit, gold digging incestuous pedophile. He's gay!" Harper was seething. I had no idea she knew that Katy had tried to seduce Ashton as a teenager. 

"KATY DEVEREOUX, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW! " Boomed Grandpa. When did he get in the habit of yelling? "First, ya make that ridiculous claim snd disgrace the family, and people who love ya dearly tried to save ya. Now yer tryin' to run his husband, the he loves more than anything, away from him? Ya will not come near my house or any one of my decendents. I WILL make sure I ruin ya. You are no longer part o' this family."

Katy looks at me one more time like I stole her cookie and in a way I did. So I smirked at her much to her displeasure. As Grandpa had security escort Katy out of the room kicking and screaming, Ashton snuck behind me and helped me take off the shirt i was stuck in so I could change.

"I am so sorry baby. I didn't know she was here as she wasn't invited. Jackson saw her follow you in to the house then heard yelling. Please don't let her ruin our day," Ashton said begging me. "Plus, Mr. Belle, you are very sexy and hot when you are mad."

"Yeah yeah," I finished changing into the sweatsuit realizing that Ashton wore the same one. "Let's get out of here. We have a flight to catch."

As we made our way out, everyone from inside was standing and making a line at entrance, now the exit of the home, like they did when we came in. Ashton leads me to them. We hug, shake hands or kiss cheeks of basically everyone in attendance.

Ashton and I hug Grandma together. "You two seriously need to get working on making my great-grandbabies." She smiled.

My eyes pop open wide in horror.

"We'll do that Grandma," Ashton kissed my temple and put his hand on my lower back, moving us down the line of our loved ones before I could protest.

Near the end, our parents were waiting for us.

"You make on hell of a bride, Dan." Uncle Mickey teased.

"Thanks." My dad opened his mouth to say something but could only let out a choked sob. "Oh, dad..." I stifled a sob of my own, and hugged him. "I'll be back to visit more."

Ashton and my dad shake hands as I hugged Sam and Soyoung.

"Ready?" Ashton asked me.

"Yes." I grinned back at him.

He took my hand and we ran to the front of the Belle's house, laughing like children. The crowd, running along with us, followed us to the front. They were blowing bubbles like crazy. We turned the corner and practically jumped into the waiting vehicle.

Being my stubborn self, stuck in my stubborn ways, I didn't listen to anyone when they tried to tell me that Ashton and I should stay somewhere locally and wait until the next morning to leave for Italy. I wanted to get there literally as soon as possible, so of course I demanded that we leave for the airport straight from the reception. Soyoung, being the thorough maid of honor that she was, even made sure that our luggage was waiting for us in the car that would be taking us to catch our plane.

So, as a result of my stubbornness, Ashton and I were both already exhausted by the time we settled in for our insanely long flight. Well, Ashton was exhausted. I was flat out delirious. On top of my own exhaustion, Rosalie had given me some Dramamine which I took when we stopped for a short layover in London. I thought it would just help me relax enough to be able to fall asleep for a little while on the plane. But mixed with how exhausted I was to start with, I could barely even keep my eyes open long enough to get on the actual plane and sit down. My vision was blurry and dull. I'd never been so incapacitated in my entire life.

I thought I'd sleep for a couple hours tops.

So imagine my surprise when I woke up in fucking Italy.

I awoke with a jolt; the first thought entering my foggy mind being that my neck was incredibly sore. I rubbed at my eyes, opening and shutting them a few times as I tried to clear the fuzziness.

"Ow..." I winced, moving one hand to rub at the back of my neck.

"Sore?" Ashton asked, looking over at me.

"Yes..." I mumbled, tilting my head side to side.

"I figured you would be. You slept with your head on my shoulder the entire time. I think you may have even drooled a little on my shirt." He said, his face scrunching up a little in distaste.

"I don't even remember falling asleep, but I feel like I slept really fucking good."

"I would imagine. You didn't move an inch. And you actually fell asleep before we even left London. I've never seen someone be so sensitive to Dramamine."

"Yeah well I don't think you're supposed to take it when you're so exhausted to start with."

"No, probably not."

"Where are we, anyway?"

"I believe we're just about to land. You woke up just in time."

"What? Land where? I thought we only had one layover."

"We did."

"We're already in Italy?"

"I certainly hope so, or else it appears that I've purchased the wrong tickets." He said flatly.

"Don't be a smartass. But seriously, I really slept that long?"


"Wow." I said, beyond surprised that I managed to sleep that long and that soundly on a plane. "That's like a full night of sleep."

"I know."

"Did you sleep?"

"Only a little while. I tried to stay awake as much as possible."


"Because it's about nine PM here in Venice right now. If I'd slept too long I wouldn't be able to sleep at all tonight."

"What the hell?" I asked incredulously.


"Why did you let me sleep, then? I don't want my sleeping schedule all fucked up. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight."

"You're so stubborn you would have slept anyway."

"Yeah, probably, but you could have at least warned me. I didn't think it would be that late here already. We left town at eleven."

"You have to take the time difference into account."

"Right. Man, I'm starving." I said, feeling my stomach growl.

"We can order room service once we get to the hotel if you'd like."

"You don't want to go out?"

"Not really, I'm tired. It's almost time for bed." He said, smirking at me.

"Asshole..." I mumbled, fastening my seatbelt as the indicating light flicked on.

"I love you too baby."

I looked at my husband and smiled, excited for the start of my new life. "I love you more husband."