16.Ashton Belle

Our lunch date went absolutely perfect, and I could relax once Dr. Mansini sent the message that Vincenzo had gone to him. If anyone could heal him, it was my mentor in psychology. If the therapy works, I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that Danny was safe from harm.

Hopefully Vincenzo will get admitted somewhere for criminal delinquents and I'll be able to enjoy my time with Danny. Our first day already started with a volatile confrontation with his "best friend" since childhood. And I had meddled in something that didn't really involve me so I could try and help the situation. But, Danny was my boyfriend now, so his problems are now my problems. I could take care of the bullying, I could take care of his mental distress and when I do, he was grateful. Yet when it came to Vincenzo, he didn't want me meddling at all.

At least he wasn't regretting asking me out.

How Danny even liked someone so insecure like me back I don't know. He honestly deserved so much more, so much better, someone worthy of himself, someone who was beautiful and had a personality and many talents like him. I had none of that compared to him, he was so perfect, so amazing, I don't know how I managed to snag him. I just knew I determined to keep him as mine. Maybe it was something like that Stockholm Syndrome, where kidnapping victims fell in love with their kidnappers so they had a better chance surviving, had I done that to Danny? Had I brainwashed him into liking me? I hoped not, I would have hated to know I had done something so horrible to him.

The shitty thing was that I knew Danny was not that kind of person at all, and I still had the nerve to be paranoid. If he wanted to get away from me, he absolutely would. He would never date someone who could solve all his problems for him, because he had a lot of dignity. He may think low of himself, but his level of feeling low was a lot higher than other people feeling low.

When he felt low, he took action, unlike me who could only stay silent when insulted. I told Danny the insults don't hurt me, but I had to admit, everything Vincenzo had called me actually did chip at my big man armor a lot. It destroyed my self esteem for a while, but I never realized how low it had gotten until I observed Danny. When Danny had defended me to Vincenzo, I couldn't help but feel superior and pathetic at the same time. That's why I even went back to act like I was the bigger person.

As good as I should feel about it, my ethics had been compromised the moment I offered him therapy with my petty agenda. The feeling of guilt and pathticness came as a surprise to me.

Another surprise today was that Danny had made good friends with Sam as well. An unexpected, but great development for him. At least this friend was respectful and didn't try to ruffle feathers, and he comes with the added benefit of knowing how to read a room. If anything, Sam was the perfect match for Danny a friend, and it was a good move to ask him to look after Danny while I wasn't around.

"-and the bitch said I was wrong!" Sam was in the middle of complaining about someone as he and Danny exited their classroom. "Can you believe that?"

"Yes, everyone knows she's not a nice person, Sam. I know you're not interested in going out with her anyway!"

"Damn right I'm not interested in going out with her! I only have one love!"

"Ah, yes, Olivia, the community toilet," Danny rolled his eyes.

"She's a girl with a troubled past, plus half those guys are lying about it." Sam defended. "She may be a hoe, but I like hoes."

"Half aren't lying about it, Sam."

"You're just jealous because you're a girl virgin." Sam taunted.

"Aren't you a girl virgin as well?" Danny hissed at him.

"No way. I lost mine in elementary school. You see, my uncle in Korea owns a club and he hires some high class ladies that will do anything you can imagine for enough money. When I went-"

"Yo," I finally spoke up to catch their attention. Maybe I spoke too soon about Sam. He may be reasonable and smart, but he was still considered a troubled youth. I also forgot that his favorite topic of conversation was sex. How dare he try and dirty Danny's ears with his filthy escapades. "How was class."

Danny started to sport a really big smile. "It was good. Last class is always the most boring. No one bothered me with Sam around just like you thought."

"You told him?" I groaned. What a damn chatterbox! Hopefully, Danny doesn't mind that I keep taking extra precautions when it comes to him.

"Yeah, I don't know you like that!" Sam snapped his fingers three times in a z motion. Prick!

"Don't be sassy, Sam, it's sweet that he's looking out for me," Danny pouted.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll see ya tomorrow, stupid love birds! I'm going to flirt!" Sam patted Danny on the back as soon as he spotted some girls a grade below ours.

"Wait! I want to hear the story!" Danny said.

"I'll tell you tomorrow!" Sam scurried off in the opposite direction towards the unsuspecting group of girls. I took the chance put my arm around Danny's shoulders and pull him closer to me and distract him.

"You really want to hear that filthy story?" I asked Danny.

"Yeah, isn't this normal for guys to talk about?" Danny asked as if I would know. Though I've heard all the nasty stories about Sam and his group of friends exploits, I still didn't think it was normal conversation.

"Who knows."

"You're not jealous, are you?" Danny asked. "You asked him to look after me, you know."

"Of Sam? No way, he's just filthy minded and I don't want him filling your brain with nonsense. Besides, I think it's time you made friends other than me anyway, though I might get jealous if you get closer to him than me," I admitted. As much as I wanted to monopolize him, Danny's wanted friends more than anything else for years. I'm genuinely glad he's getting what he wants for once.

"Ah, you're really too cool." Danny sighed. "I want to be that way too."


"This morning, the lunch date, and everything else. And now. You always pull through like you know what you're doing. I'm a little slow when it comes down to those subtleties, I should learn from you," He smiled up at me causing me to have to look away. What a dummy, I'm just doing whatever I want, and if it'll make him happy, I'm willing to do as much as he wants. He even looks past my constant rising insecurities.

Ugh, I love him too much.

I couldn't help but think this the whole way home. A place where nobody was at the moment, where I could be alone with my baby. And show him just how hard I've fallen for him. "Come on let's watch something on the television." I kicked off my shoes and crawled on to my bed grabbing the remote and turning to the A&E channel. "Please baby, make yourself at home. Today the house is all mine."

"No one's home?" He smirked. That's the cocky Danny I love. Arrogance looked really good on him. "Thanks, I already have made myself at home." I smirked back at him and patted the area on the bed next to me. Danny took off his shoes and made his way next to me on the bed. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me. I couldn't keep my hands off of him now. "Tell me more about yourself." He blushed and started drawing little circles with his pointer finger on my jean clad thigh, it felt so good and I tried my best not to get a full on erection.

"What do you want to know, Dan?" I answered quietly.

"Everything." He said. "Do you have many hobbies?" His finger stopped moving on my leg and he watched me shake my head.

"No. It's all here." No hobbies, no nothing. "I really don't do anything but read. I left everything else behind a while ago. The only thing I wish I had done was learn to play my piano, but mom has it in storage, so I know it is in good hands."

"Does she play?" He asked while stroking my hair. He chuckled.

"No. She has tried, and dad has tried to teach her, but it is not in her stars." His finger started making figure eights on my thigh as he looked deep in thought. I must stay focused! "Do you play any instruments?" I asked him.

"Wow, since I can remember. My dad taught me when I was really young to play the guitar, four maybe. I haven't played much the past few years though. It's not exactly what I want to do." Ah, that must be why his fingers tips are pretty solid and rough. "Do you play any other instrument?" He asked.

"Nope. Maybe I'll learn the piano so we could play together." I said casually.

He looked me in the eyes and wiggled his eyebrows. "I would love to play with you Ashton." He said with a smile. My breath caught in my throat as my dick hardened even more and twitched right next to where Danny was touching my thigh.

"Aren't you being a little too defenseless? You've come to your boyfriends house while nobody's home, so shouldn't you be more aware after saying something like that?" I asked.

"With you? Why would I have to be more aware?" Danny raised an eyebrow.

I took his hand and put it over my chest so he could see what was happening to me. "You really don't know why? Even doing this much has my heart beatin' like it's ready to explode."

"You're eager aren't you?" Danny chuckled.

"Well I do think about it a lot. I want to do a lot of dirty things with you. You don't know how many times I've jerked off thinking about you," I rambled pulling him into a straddling position and burying my face in his neck. "I imagine you like this...and I just slip it in."

Danny planted a quick kiss on my lips. "Is this ok? Do you want to make out and see where it goes? You know, since nobody's here but us." He whispered into my ear. My eyes opened proudly as Danny sucked lightly on my earlobe. I taught him how to do that! I tugged on his shirt and he quickly unbuttoned it and tossed it on the floor as I removed my own. I groaned at the sight of his pale skinny naked torso, where my bite marks sat on his shoulder, making it clear that he already belonged to me. I knew I had a good body, but I don't think I could turn anybody on like Danny could. 

He was going to look so fucking good screaming out my name as I made him come harder than he ever has.

"How far do you want to go?" I asked him.

"I don't know....to china."

With my lips less than inch from his, I stared directly in his eyes and asked, "Are you sure this is what you want? Once I get you naked, there's no turnin' back." I brushed my lips very lightly over his. "Because after I've prepared you, I will be lovin' on you...hard."

Just my forceful sounding words seemed to have made him moan, his eyes rolling back in his head as he shivered at the heat of the moment. "Yeah, do it," he breathed. I pulled back a bit and raised an eyebrow, needing to him say the words clearly not for anything more than my own perverse pleasure because his voice was like silk wrapping around my dick. With darkened eyes, his gaze never wavered as he replied confidently, "Yes, I'm sure."

Wasting no time, I pushed him back against the bed and slipped my tongue in his mouth, groaning at his taste. He answered my groan with a whimper, slipping his hands up from my shoulders to grasp two handfuls of my hair. Yeah, I think I'm a fan of having my hair pulled.

I tucked my arms between his back and the bed, grabbing two handfuls of his ass through his jeans and squeezing hard. It felt just as perfect as it  looked and I couldn't wait to have my dick inside it. Thoughts of fucking him had me groaning into his mouth, using my death grip on his ass to pull him closer to me, and it felt so good, I thought I might pass out. And, if I didn't get the show on the road soon, I'd be coming in my jeans like a God damn loser. His sweet whimpers and the urgent movements of his hips certainly was not helping me maintain control any.

Unfortunately, getting him naked required me removing my hands from his ass and that was much more difficult than it should have been. With one more tight squeeze, hoping it would get me through the time it would take before I could get my hands there again. And then, as if to taunt me or something, he blushed all over under my intense 'I seem like a creeper' stare and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from literally mauling him. I wanted to touch him everywhere, I wanted to stand there and stare like an idiot, I wanted to fuck him until he couldn't walk the next day, and I wanted to do them all at once.

Damn, he is so beautiful.

Sliding his jeans down over his ass and down his legs was nerve wracking in so many ways. I finally have him here naked! I slammed my lips to his, slipping my hands between our bodies to hurriedly get out of my own confining jeans. My dick was already so hard it hurt and my jeans sure as hell weren't helping. I wiggled out of my my pants and let them fall to the ground, enjoying the way Danny gasped into the kiss when I thrust my bare, hard dick onto his belly.

"Will you....enjoy it and....don't hold back," he mumbled impatiently against my mouth.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I said excitedly. So sexy. When his blush deepened and spread down his chest to his thighs. I wondered if I had said my last thought out loud. I reached over to get lube and condoms, throwing the supplies next to him as I covered his body with my own again. I wasted no time, gripping his hands and pulling them above his head, pinning him down as I ground my lower parts with his and licked his full bottom lip, coaxing it out of the steel grip he had on it with his teeth.

"Oh, God, Ashton," he whimpered and the sound went straight to my hard-as-steel member. I hadn't thought I'd like it that much, hearing him call me by my name, but it had sent bolts of pleasure shooting through my stomach. The books were so right about the feeling.

"Roll over." I demanded.

Scrambling, he quickly turned over onto his stomach and immediately pulled his knees underneath, completely unashamed as he opened himself up to me.

And, fuck me, what a sight it was. I wanted to mark every inch of it.

Wide eyed, I grabbed both cheeks in my hands and kneaded, wanting to make sure that what I was seeing was real and that I hadn't fallen asleep at school or some shit. His answering moan spurred me into action, not really caring at the point if it was a dream or not because, either way, it was going to lead to one hell of an orgasm. Especially since he asked me not to hold back and enjoy it. With one hand still on his ass, I leaned to the side and grabbed the lube. Popping it open, I let the liquid drop down at the top of his crack and watched it roll down to the place I wanted it to be. He yelped a bit when the cool liquid hit him and as soon as my fingers touched his hole, he moaned loudly and pushed his hips back for me.

Chuckling lightly at his needy reaction, I slipped a finger inside and stopped. God damn, he was really tight. Literally to the point that I was wondering if I was even going to fit in there. I wasn't very small, actually my dick was pretty  big and his hole was swallowing my finger like nothing I'd ever felt before. Even if I wasn't sure if I could get all the way in him, I was sure as hell going to have some fun trying.

"Ready?" I asked, knowing I didn't need to clarify.

He rocked his hips back, groaning, "P-put more."

I slipped in a second finger. Well, I actually worked in a second finger, there wasn't anything 'slipping' about it, he was too tight for that. I took my time though, making sure I didn't hurt him, letting him get used to each sensation before moving onto the next.

"Fuck, you are going to be so tight, Babe," Slowly, smoothly, I moved my fingers in and out of him, eventually moving to a third  and fourth to make sure he felt minimal pain when we started the main event. Danny was definitely loving it, though, responding with moans and whimpers and oh so sexy growls. I leaned down so I could whisper in his ear, "Look at you enjoying my hands, open and beggin' for more. Do you want me inside you, Dan? Want me to fuck you hard?"

Dan looked too into what was going on to answer, but he still let out a sexy "Please!" Sure enough, he let out a long, growling groan and I felt his ass clench around my fingers. Did he just....?

Fuck, I had to remember to appreciate the research materials more.

Pulling my fingers from him, I smoothed my hand over his ass when he whined at the loss and reached for the condom, quickly opening it and rolling in down. Climbing onto my knees behind him, I lined myself up with his entrance. Slowly, so slowly, I pushed forward, gritting my teeth to keep from slamming into him because, fuck, he felt amazing. It felt like I was being sucked in so hard and deep, I'd never find my way out again, which would have been totally fine with me because he felt too god damn good to be real.

He grunted and I could see his fists grip the blanket so hard that his knuckles turned white. I slowed down even more so I could caress his face a bit to assure him that the pain was only temporary as I was only halfway in. Though, with the way his ass was tightening around me, I was pretty damn positive that I wasn't hurting him too much, so there was no reason to stop completely.

"Fuck," he panted once I was fully sheathed inside him. "Oh my God, fuck!"

"Feel good?"

Nodding, he shifted his position a bit, spreading his knees apart wider so I could get even deeper. I gripped his hips hard, needing to still him for a second so I could keep myself from shooting into the condom. I withdrew all the way before smoothly pushing forward again, trying my God damn hardest to focus solely on him so that my dick didn't take over my brain and pound him into the mattress like it was screaming for me to do. But I was so dangerously close, It was either focus on him, or blow my load before I'd even made a second stroke.

I set an easy rhythm, gliding in and out of him steadily, listening to his breathing and the little noises that escaped him to make sure he was truly enjoying it, I was sure as hell enjoying it but I needed to make sure he was too. With my lack of experience, I knew there was only so much I could do. I just had to remember what the book taught me and I was not going to let him regret this later.

"Ashton, please....I need more...faster, harder, anything just fucking...please...." Danny pleaded.

I slid my palm up his back, touching as much of his perfect body as I could before slipping it into his long hair, grasping a handful before tugging it backwards roughly. He rose up onto his knees and pushed his back to my chest, the sweat-slicked skin searing into my chest. Wrapping my arms around his torso, I used my grip on him to pull him off my dick a fraction before sliding back inside.

"God damn," I mumbled at the exquisite feeling, and thanked myself for jerking off twice before I did this.

"More, please," he begged once more. Relenting, I grabbed his hips again and lifted him up, almost all the way off my dick before loosening my hold and grunting when he slid back down quickly. He surprisingly took over at that point, he turned himself around and pushed me down, spreading his legs wide and planting his feet on the bed, using the leverage to bounce on top of me.

It took my breath away because I wasn't expecting him to just go at it and take control like that right off the bat, but he didn't seem to be all there right now either. Not that it really mattered at this point. He was a needy boy, much needier in bed than I had anticipated, but I was more than happy to have him take whatever the he needed from me.

"So good! So fucking good! Oh my God, so good!"His babbling never ceased as he rode me harder and harder, slamming his hips down onto me as I pushed up as much as I could. His mouth might have been running but mine stayed attached to him whenever it could and on every spot I could find. His neck, his shoulder, in between his shoulder blades, his chest...I just really like the taste of his skin, it was the only thing better than simply taking in its beauty.

I wasn't sure if we were doing anything right, but it felt good!

Moving my hands from his hips, I brought them back around his torso and began playing with his whispy happy trail, scraping my blunt nails lightly up and down his stomach, purposefully neglecting to touch his dick, which was bobbing uselessly with each of his movements. I did the same with his chest until I finally used my thumb and forefinger to tweak his nipples, enjoying the way his ass muscles clenched when I did it.

"You look amazing," I sighed, closing my eyes and just relished in the feeling of being inside a tight, warm body like Danny's.

The deep, delicious burn spread through my body, starting at the tips of my toes and worked its way upward, amplifying the heat that I already had been feeling. Unfortunately, I knew I wasn't going to be able to last long, much as I would have liked to fuck him into oblivion for the rest of the night, his ass just felt too damn good.

"I'm getting close," he whispered after slamming back down onto my dick, grinding his hips against me.

That confused me for second. He wasn't even touching himself and he was getting close? Looking down I saw him, the head close to purple and precum leaking liberally onto his already messy torso. It looked like he already came at least twice, but he was still grinding on me, more like a sensual dance than actual fucking, and it was pushing me closer and closer to release. This boy was too damned sexy for his own good.

"I'm close too!" I panted. "Fuck, you're too much! Ride it hard, baby."

I brought my fingers back to his nipples, twisting and turning them every time his hips met my thighs. Knowing how responsive he was, I wanted to test my skills. I wanted to see if I could actually make him come without stroking him. So I pulled out every trick I've ever read about.

With my hands still playing with his nipples, I shifted my hips just a fraction so that I was hitting his prostate on every thrust. To top it off, I started talking dirty, remembering how much he had liked it when I had done it in last time. "You feel so fuckin' good, baby. I could do this all night if you let me."

"Oh my God," he growled and I felt his ass clamp down around me.

"Are you that close, Baby? Come on, let me see your pleasure while you ride me." I watched him whimper in pleasure, I slammed him down on me even harder than before, taking his breath away from the force of it. He stilled and his ass tightened around me repeatedly, a loud wail leaving his lips as the first dribble of cum spilled from his cock, immediately followed by four long spurts of come that hit our stomachs as he rocked his hips erratically.

"Fuck...yes...shit," he cried breathlessly as the last waves of his orgasm hit him. I had made him come, completely untouched and he collapsed on top of me. Yeah, I felt like I was the man! I lifted his chin so he could show me his face. It was sweaty, desperate, pleading.

"You like it?" I asked. I could feel him nodding and trembling after meeting my eyes. I want more. "You look like you want more. You want one more baby?"

He nodded. I gently eased him forward until he was on his back, not caring about the mess he had left between us. His body was so relaxed it was practically limp as he trembled in my hands. Once positioned, I grasped his hips, my hands slipping a bit on his sweat slicked skin before I finally got a good grip.

"Fuck me," he whispered, and I felt my balls tighten.

I slammed into him, no longer concerned with getting him off, I could only focus on myself and everything that I was feeling; the cool air against my overheated skin, his tight ass still twitching around my dick, his slim hips under my fingers, his unfiltered screams of pleasure. With the sight of his hands free orgasm still fresh in my mind, I shoved into him in three quick thrusts, even harder than before.

"ASH~," he yelled in pleasure and if I wouldn't had been so God damn close to coming, I would've made him say it a lot more. But I was coming, my hoarse voice sounding more strained than I had ever heard it as I growled and grunted. With each bit that sprayed into the condom, I felt my muscles loosen, starting in my arms and going downward until I was basically just a big puddle of goo slouched over him.

Panting into his skin, I breathed, "God damn."

I felt him shiver as I pulled out, still breathing pretty damn heavy himself. Fighting to regain some strength, I sat back on my heels and pulled him up with me. As he straddled my thighs, I noticed apology in his eyes just before his arms wrapped around my neck and my lips touched his, and I was curious as to what the hell he could be sorry for.

"I wanted...to please you too," he said thru his heavy breaths.

"You did please me, Baby, more than you think," I kissed his fingers. While admiring the bite and kiss marks I had left on him, making him look a thousand times more obscene. "I'm happy my first time was with you, I was thinking I couldn't please you because I'm just following a list of instructions from a book."

"You're such a dork!" he breathes against my lips, just before he kisses me fiercely. My hands went directly to ass pulling him as close as possible. "I'm glad you were my first too."

Danny gasped as I kissed up his neck, kissed the soft spot behind his ear then nibbled on his earlobe. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back, the setting sun hit him just right, causing his skin to glow. He looked like a nymph from mythology. MINE! My mind roared and my hands tightened my grip on his hips.

"Yes, Ashton," Danny whispered while opening his eyes and staring into my eyes. "I'm yours." Hearing him say that caused a feral reaction in me. I growled, as I grabbed him by the back of the neck and crushed his mouth to mine. My blood boiled and raced through my veins as I felt Danny's tongue in my mouth. "I can't feel my entire body. I can't move." He responded while looking totally satisfied and spent.

I chuckled and leaned forward to capture his lips with mine again. "Thought you couldn't move, but you can move your lips," I said jokingly. Danny hungrily grabbed the back of my head and held my mouth to his. His tongue invaded my mouth again and I groaned as he started to suck on my tongue. "You are amazing, Danny."

"No, you are the amazing one." He smiled and hugged me tightly. "Thank you. Thank you for showing me that you love me. I loved every bit of it."

"I do, Danny. I really do love you." He smiled and blushed at my words, making me feel warm inside and out. We continued to lay on the bed naked and cuddle until I heard Danny's stomach grumble. "We need to get you fed." I said. Danny attempted to stand but his legs immediately buckled. I noticed a clear purple bruise forming on his hips from where I gripped them. Before he could hit the ground I shot off the bed and caught him.

"Whoops," Danny giggled.

I placed Danny back in my bed and started to wipe him off with some tissue paper before putting his underwear on. "It looks like I went too hard on you. I tried to restrain myself a bit whenever you stirred me up, but I still lost my self control. You were just too hot to handle."

Danny sighed. "It's ok, I lost control of myself too. Compared to this, masturbating doesn't feel that good, and you literally took all my energy. Or I'm really out of shape."

I slipped my own underwear on and flagged a maid i spotted down the hallway. When she came over I asked her to tell the cook to bring up some dumplings and chicken soup, nothing spicy, and done ice water. When she took off I checked on Danny again who looked as though he was closely observing me.

"See something you like?" I asked.

"Y-your butt looks really nice from here," He smiled. "Should we get takeout?"

"No, I already told the maid to tell the cook to make you something healthy." I told him. Danny raised his brows in disbelief.

"Do they call you Young Master?" Danny asked. "Or do they call you Mister? Or Sir?"

Right. Our biggest difference is that I'm very used to these luxury things and he wasn't. Maybe I somehow made him uncomfortable with me. Should I find a way to act more normal? How do I do that? I should start by telling him that takeout makes my stomach hurt like crazy, right. And when he meets more of my family, I'm afraid he'll feel out of place with them like I frequently did.

"No. They call me...Young Master Belle or Mister Belle, as much as I've told them to stop, they won't. Does it make you uncomfortable to hear that?"

"Not at all," Danny said. The maid was soon knocking on the door with Danny's food. When I presented it on the the tray he looked at me in awe. Before he could make a snarky comment, I shoved a dumpling into his mouth. I always loved watching his face light up at the things he wasn't used too. I picked up the spoon and fed him some chicken soup to follow it up. "Oh that's fucking good. What is this?"

"Chicken soup."

"I've only ever had Campbell's, unless my dad makes it from scratch, but I've never had soup that tasted this good before!" Danny sat up as much as he could and dug into the food.


Danny looked at me slightly amused at my nervous stature. "It's canned soup from the store."

"Oh," I scratched the back of my head. What did canned soup taste like? Aluminum? How would the chicken fit in the can? That must be a heavy can! Could Danny even carry a can that big and heavy? "I guess I'd like to try it."

"Are you sure your rich boy stomach can handle it?" Danny chuckled.

"Maybe, I mean, if the quality isn't bad."

"Listen, if you've been eating like this your entire life, you're lucky that you haven't had canned soup. Tuna also comes in a can you know, I'm surprised you didn't know about it."

"No way, tuna is a fish, it comes is fillets." I corrected his ridiculous attempt to make fun of me.

"Tuna really comes in fillets? I thought that was just a rumor!" He looked a bit shocked at me. Was he being serious right now? Doesn't everyone buy fillet tuna? Even the school buys fillet tuna how else did tuna get sold in the store? "I've never seen a fillet tuna, but the fish market is too expensive so we never went."

Would this difference make him feel as anxious as I was feeling right now? Had I offended him by assuming that he was joking about the tuna. "Um...."

"I guess we still have a lot of things to learn about each other!" Danny said before stuffing his mouth with dumplings. "I'll show you how the common people live and you can show me how the wealthy live! That should take care of dates! I've got so much to show you!"

Right! What the hell was I so worried about? This is the perfect opportunity to get even closer to him and maybe reconcile with his dad, even though it wasn't my fault. "Honestly, the pizza we ordered gave me stomach pains," I confessed. "We should get better quality pizza from the restaurant uptown."

"Well then I'll cook for you instead of takeout. There's plenty of recipes online anyway," Danny said. I sat on the bed next to him and watched him eat a bit more. I'm not exactly sure why I kept getting so insecure when it came to Danny. But his reassurance to me, paired with him being mostly naked, made me want to ravage him again.

How did I end up deserving something so perfect?

"I sent Vincenzo to therapy after we last saw him earlier. I'm paying for it, so he won't get in any trouble....if he actually sticks with it," I told him. "I know your feud had nothing to do with me, but I still wanted to help somehow. If you think I'm over stepping, tell me now and I'll stop meddling."

"You helped Vincenzo?"

"I didn't do because I wanted too. I truly don't like him whatsoever, but he's your so called friend and I guess that credit transfers over," I resisted to urge to cringe at the perversion of the word friend. Vincenzo didn't deserve that title in this lifetime. "Since you care, I booked him an appointment. It looks like he went, it's up to him to fix himself now."

Danny was suddenly in deep thought about something as my heart started to speed up. If it were up to me I'd have used my connections to lock him up in a mental hospital, but I can't since Danny doesn't hate him completely. He only had a chance to receive help because I didn't want him doing anything crazy to Danny.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" Danny asked. "Can we ask the guy if he could figure out why Vincenzo acted like he did?"

"No, that's between him and his therapist. It would be unethical. I just think the guys crazy," I huffed. The truth is, I could spend a little extra money to know all the details of the therapy. It wasn't a problem to Dr. Mancini, as long as his name isn't mentioned anywhere. But I didn't want Danny having any more sympathy for this guy than he already did.

"Well, I'm glad I don't have to worry about that anymore!" Danny sighed in relief. "You know, I can't remember a time when he wasn't my problem to deal with. It feels good that I can focus on what I want fully now without worrying if he'll do something troubling to me in retaliation. It feels good when happiness stops having a price to it."

"I won't let him kill you," I told him. "And you know that I'll do anything to protect you."

"Pass me my bag!" Danny pointed to where I had thrown our school bags on the floor. I grabbed it,  handed it to him and watched him rummage through it briefly. "I can't afford anything fancy, but I still want to show you how grateful I am for this. You don't seem to understand how much this really means to me! So I'm giving you this."

He pulled out an inhaler and handed it to me. Is he giving me power over his life willingly? What the fuck was going on? "Don't you need this, Dan? Your Asthma might-"

"This one is already empty, but it's a kind of good luck charm. Ever since I started to carry it around three months ago, my life has improved a lot," Danny said. "It goes without saying that you're all the luck I needed, but humor me a bit. I want to show you that you're important to me too and I do really like you."

"It goes without saying, huh?" I couldn't stop my face from breaking out into a big smile. I felt like I was about to get diabetes. This useless piece of plastic was about to become my most prized possession. "You really like me!"

"Just take it!" Danny blushed. I stood up and lifted Danny like the princess I saw him as. "You big dork!"


"ASHTON!!" I was cut off by my door slamming open. Danny recoiled instantly so my focus shifted to covering him up with my bed sheet so nobody else could see him. I angrily turned towards the door.

"Get the fuck out!" I hissed at my seriously stupid cousin.

"Who's that?" She crossed her arms. "Is he-"

"GET OUT!!!!!" I screamed at her finally scaring her into closing my room door. Why the fuck would she just walk in like that? I'm not one her goddamn friends she can do whatever too. "Baby, I'm sorry!"

He sat up quickly and grabbed a his pants and his shirt off of the floor and started to get dressed. "Thanks for the cover, but who is that? Why'd she just barge in like that?"

"My cousin! She must've heard about you from my mom, so I think she came to check you out," I explained putting my own clothes on. What the hell were the maids doing that they couldn't give me a heads up that she was here. Especially her! I hated cousin Katy! "She has this shitty habit of popping up unexpectedly and being nosy. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable but you must feel that way now."

"A little, but it's not your fault!" Danny looked a bit stressed despite saying this. "It just sucks that we got seen like this!"

"Are you done?" My cousins voice sounded from the door again, meaning she had reentered the room. Danny dove back under the covers. "I am so sorry, Ashton." Cousin Katy started while inhaling deeply putting on her sorrowful act while trying to steal glances at Danny. "I thought you were just watching porn or something and..."

"AND THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN OK?" I yelled at her. Katy shook her head and stared at the ground. "What the fuck, man? Say I was watching porn, that would have been ok for you to barge in on? Trust me the shit I watch and the shit you watch couldn't be more different from each other."

"Just let me see what he looks like," Katy demanded.

"Get out of my room!"

"You've never kicked me out of your room before! We're close cousins! Didn't we used to have fun when we hung out?" What was this stupid girl talking about? We had fun hanging out when she was being tolerable and not focusing on other people's lives like that. Which is basically never!

"Who even let you in the house?" I rubbed my temples in frustration.

"Does it matter? Anyway, who is he? Which family does he belong too? What's his name?" She insisted.

"If he wants to introduce himself, he will. Until then stop butting into my business with him."

"Who else is going to see if he's good enough for you?"

"He's good enough because I said so! Now get out of my room," I snapped. I didn't want her saying that kind of shit in front of Danny. The part of her personality that felt superior to everyone because our family had money sickened me.

"If you're going to be head of the family someday, you need a suitable partner!"

"Shut the fuck up!" I took a step forward ready to literally pick her up and toss her from my room. Lucky for her, Danny grabbed my hand to stop me and came out from under the covers. Katy immediately started to scrutinize him intensely.

"I'm Dan Cunningham," he mumbled trying his hardest to maintain eye contact. "Ashton's boyfriend."

"He looks cute. What's his background?" Katy pressed.

"Shut up! His background doesn't matter," I said getting ready to throw her out again. Who the hell was she to be asking any of this.

"I'm sure all of this can be solved, Ashton. Just take a seat," Danny took the blanket off of him and stayed sitting. He must be super uncomfortable with this already! Why does he insist of solving this? He doesn't know how unreasonable Katy actually is!

What else could possibly try and ruin our first day together? Have I offended Cupid?