19.After School Activity

I knew Sam was talking to me, but my mind went completely blank as the hottest fucking man started walking dribbling a basketball with some guys. Holy hell he was gorgeous. He was looking even taller probably 6'8'' instead of 6'5'', with, wait, what color is that? I guess the only way to describe his hair now was that it was actually a shiny bronze and in disarray, giving it the "I'm just a gentle hot muscular giant" look. His well worn jeans were slung low on his hips and dirty from playing the game. He had a basic white undershirt on that clung to his body in all the right places, showing off his nice muscles.

".....do you think?" Sam said snapping me out of my stupor. Oh shit, what was he even talking about?

"Um....yes?" I shrugged.

"You weren't listening to me at all!" Sam groaned bitterly turning his gaze to the direction I was staring at. "Does Ashton really look that good to you?"

"You don't see him like I do."

"He fucked you and changed your world, huh?"


"You're such a virgin, Dan. It's almost so adorable it makes me sick," Sam frowned.

"What are you doing here, you shitty tranny?" One of Martins old friends confronted me by himself. I recognized him as Bryan McFry, a guy who had offered to help me in the past....on the condition I let him lose his virginity with me. At the time, I had really considered it, but I still thought it was some kind of trap so I rejected him. When I turned him down, I thought it was weird that he took it really well, but I soon realized that he had actively switched to joining in with Martin's harassment of me.

"Hey, don't talk to him like that cuz you're bored!" Sam snapped.

"It's ok, it's ok, Sam. He just doesn't want to admit that he wants to fuck me," I laughed. I fully intended on antagonizing this guy to his limit, because he just came off as pathetic to me now. And, quite frankly, it felt good feeling that I could finally say what I wanted to say. "The reason he's so irritated when he looks at me, is because what he wants to do so much but can't, I do with pride. He's probably jealous because he knows Ashton can have it all."

"What did you-"

"What's going on here?" Ashton appeared behind Bryan effectively shutting down his outburst. Bryan kept his mouth shut and his eyes trained on Ashton as if he would be hit at any time as Ashton looked between him and I trying to figure out if I was in trouble or not.

"Nothing's going on. Drink some water, Ash. You look good out there," I smiled handing Ashton his water and watching him hydrate. Bryan looked to be getting in red in the face and nervous as Ashton kept shooting looks between him and I.

"Should we pack up and go now? Is this guy bothering you or something?" Ashton straight up asked fixing his eyes onto Bryan. "Want me to make him go away?"

"I'm not bothered, finish the game," I took back the bottle of water and let Ashton kiss me quickly before he ran back onto the court. "Isn't he just so adorable?"

"How was that adorable? He was giving Bryan a death stare so viscous, I got the secondhand brunt of it. Your boyfriend is terrifying honestly, look the poor guy can't even speak. I mean how can you seriously not see that he's huge and intimidating?" Sam pointed at Bryan who now looked throughly embarrassed.

"Aren't you the one who helped spread that rumor that I was gay though? Why are you acting like a scared little deer in headlights now?" I asked Bryan straight to his face. "In fact, you even told me that you can stop the rumor from coming out if I bent over for you. When I said no, you helped Martin come up with more stuff to spread around about me. Why are you even talking to me now?"

"None of this would've started if you hadn't ratted us out for smoking!" Bryan defended.

"I never ratted anyone out to anyone. Even if I did, who would believe me?" I asked him seriously. This guy couldn't honestly believe I cared that much about what he was doing. It was all about Vincenzo at that time.

"Vincenzo told me-"

"I never once did anything to you or Martin or Vincenzo! Why would I do something so stupid knowing that you guys retaliate? Did I ever care about what anyone did?" I snapped. I've heard this one other time, but hearing it again really made me believe it was true this time. Vincenzo lied about me so I could be ostracized, and nobody questioned him because he was Vincenzo. "You were the one calling me a faggot the most either way!"

"Bryan did all that?" Sam gasped at Bryan, who was still speechless, but deep in thought. "Well, that was really stupid. Who's going to fuck you if you threaten them to do it?"

"No one, that's why I said no. Guess his pride got hurt. But it's his own fault that he wanted to listen to someone who doesn't care about him," I shrugged. "Bryan, if you have a problem with me being here to watch Ashton play, I can call him back over so you can tell us both about it."

Bryan just shot me a hateful look before just stomping away to the sound of Sam laughing antagonistically at him. "What a fucking loser! I tell you, this change in power dynamics has people going absolutely crazy!"

"What change?"

"Vincenzo's too in his own head to run shit properly right now, so everyone who can't think for themselves are lost on what to do now. It's kind of sad really, to base your life on someone you feel is popular and listen to everything they say. They're acting like they're all doomed," Sam explained.

"Why aren't you lost then? Aren't you one of them?"

"I'm not some lost kid that's desperate for attention or validation. I can go home or back to Korea for a large group of people to kiss my ass and be fake to me, plus I've got real friends that like me the way I am, so there's no need to wander aimlessly bothering people because I'm bored or hoping I'd be noticed by Vincenzo," Sam pointed out. "I was tired of people acting like the world revolves around him anyway. That reality check made him bearable to speak to."

"How is Vincenzo doing?"

"He seems different and more to himself right now, he's been deep in thought and constantly out of it. It looks like something is really torturing him all the time even though he's already changed his classes and after school routine completely. He doesn't talk to or speak to anyone unless he really has to and turns down every invitation to hang out with someone."

"Oh, he's been avoiding me like the plague, so I was just wondering."

"I'm sure that's only temporary. A lot happened after all, he didn't look so good after we all left him there to think, who really knows what's going on with him now. If I ask him, he just says he has a few problems to work through. He hasn't asked about you or Ashton so I think he's purposely avoiding you for now. Just let him be and look on the bright side of things."

I didn't even see him outside of his house anymore, but as long as he seemed to be ok, I guess I shouldn't interfere. Even Sam was keeping an eye on him to make sure that he was alright, so there wasn't anything to really worry about. I could just focus on myself without worrying about being punished for it now!

I looked over at Ashton who was shooting a basket from the tree point line. When the ball hit the backboard and went in the hoop I threw my arms up in cheers. Ashton, who had turned his attention by now, perked up and smiled when he saw me watching him play. "You're telling me he's not adorable?"

"It's like a little kid making sure their parents are watching them play," Sam sighed. "By the way, my dad wants to meet you and Ashton. Think you guys will be free sometime soon?"

"Meet for what?"

"Connections. Since my dad only cares about his family, his business and his connections, he was over the moon that I made it onto Ashton's good side. So he'll do anything to maintain relationships."

"Wouldn't it be more effective to meet Ashton's parents?" I asked.

"It's cultivation for the future. He's trying to solidify the friendship so we'll have a good and lax business relationship in the future. In the end, it's all for business," Sam said.

"You should ask Ashton if-"

"I'm asking his wife, that's just as good, so schedule it with him. That's your role isn't it?"


"Aren't you? Isn't that ring a wedding band?" Sam and I simultaneously stared at the ring on my finger as I could feel my face heating up. Was this not just a regular ring I had on my finger? Was everyone just looking at this ring differently while not saying a thing to me?

"He said it's a couples ring!" I freaked out. I suddenly remembered my dad trying to point something out about the ring when we had dinner at Ashton's house. "Because I like kdramas!"

"That ring is from a bridal shop uptown! It's one of their most popular models this season because so few were made! You seriously didn't know?!" Sam matched my energy in freaking out.

"Do I look like I could afford anything uptown? A simple sandwich is more than twenty bucks! He promised me that it was the cheapest ring in the store!" That means the pool table was a distraction!

"Because it's on sale right now as a promotion! One of these pairs of rings can buy a two bedroom house downtown."

"That motherfucker! He lied!" I snapped.

"Wait! Wait! Remember, cheap to Ashton probably isn't cheap to you or me. His family is disgusting rich with a hand in every industry, so $650,000 probably isn't a lot to him. You can't get that mad at someone who truly doesn't know better," Sam quickly covered for Ashton. "I bet he's so rich that he can't even eat fast foods."

"$650,000? That's a down payment on a four bedroom house!" I gasped.

"That doesn't matter! His love for you is as big as that house! But the important question is can he eat fast food!?"

"Well, he definitely can't eat fast food," I sighed taking Ashton's living situation into account. His silver spoon caused him to look at the world a lot differently than I did, especially when it came to money, which he could basically use as toilet paper. "I guess I can't blame him for this."

"Forget about the rings price, I shouldn't have even said anything, really. The promotion was all about love and soul mates and marriage, so I thought you two were married already. He must be planning on it since he got it during their marriage promotions!" Sam gushed. I could tell that he was just trying to coax me, but he instead put things into prospective for me.

"God, Ashton's really serious! He was writing out names to see who's last name would look better," I put my head in my hands feeling extra giddy about the confirmation I had just received. "Sam, can you be my best man?"

"Definitely!" I squealed at Sam's acceptance loudly.

"Oh my god, Sam! We need to find you a date!" I jumped to my feet excitedly. "I'll tell Ashton to bring you somewhere or something!"

"Ashton's not a socialite, Dan. Besides, I'll go back to Korea and find a nice Korean wife and have kids normally. My dad already said a few politicians and second generation chaebols want me to marry their daughters," Sam confessed. "I'm just a really horny guy, so I'm constantly on the prowl. I'll just pay someone to go with me, at least that way, after the ceremony I'll get a guaranteed lay as well."

"A prostitute, Sam?" I sat back down and shook my head at his stupidity.

"I'm not sitting here telling you not to be gay. Just let me get laid man. And they're called escorts, for your information. Ill get a well behaved one anyway," Sam sighed.

"Am I being too judgmental?"

"What do you know? You're too much of a purist when it comes to sex, Dan. I don't care where I get my sex or who from as long as I get it and it's not low quality. Sometimes it's with couples, sometimes it's with a room full of people....but it's me. At least until it's time for me to get married."

Maybe I jumped the gun on judgement with Sam. "How do you picture your marriage going, Sam?"

"Better than my parents who just stay together for appearances. My dad constantly cheats on my mother and my mother constantly cheats on my father, but in public, you'd never think that they fight all night because they both can't stop cheating. It's fucking disgusting! My mothers a cold woman that likes to stay unpredictable, so I'm always nervous about speaking to her. In reality she doesn't actually care about us. My dad at least cares about his kids, I can't deny that, but he can't get out of business mode even at the few times that he comes home from Korea! Nobody has a connection with them so the house is always tense.

"When I start my family, I'm going to be faithful and attentive to my kids. My wife is going to stay happy and in love too, I'll do whatever I can and treat her like a princess-no, a queen."

"Well, you seem to have it all figured out, I apologize," I told him. "I guess I kind of just think of you as a hoe so far, who knew you had some depth to you."

"You little shit!" Sam pushed me and laughed. "You're really funny, you know that, Dan. It's like you can't help but be like this! You suck at being a comforting person. It's either that or you just say whatever pops into your mind. You asshole."

"What was I supposed to think? You act like a hoe so.....I thought you were one. I know what they're like on the prowl. Plus most of what we talk about is sex and Ashton told me about all the couples you broke up cuz you had sex with them."

"My dad said he cheats now because he never did as a teenager. With that logic, I should get all my curiosity out of the way now, so I don't end up like him. I've done a lot, so I won't be curious about other people when I'm married."

"That actually super admirable, Sam. I see you in a whole new light."

"What is it now?"

"A faithful hoe," I laughed. Sam turned red and joined me in laughing.

"Dan!" A sweaty giddy Ashton was rushing over towards us. When he reached me he lifted me up over his head and spun me around a few times before holding me close to him in the air. "My team won!"

"Stop acting like it's your first time playing basketball," Sam rolled his eyes.

"It is though," Ashton said. "And we won! Baby, give me a kiss for winning." I leaned my head forward to plant a quick kiss on my oversized golden retriever. "I got invited to play basketball again!"

"That's great," I said. Ashton set me on my feet and let me get his towel to wipe his face for him. "Sam invited us for dinner at his house."

"No thanks, I don't want to have a threesome." Ashton said immediately.

"It's just for dinner with his parents," I told him. Ashton sighed and looked at Sam directly.

"Don't let your dad do what he did last time. I don't want to be introduced to any of your female cousins or be advised about how having someone on the side is normal for a man," Ashton said firmly.

"I'll let him know. So you'll come?" Sam asked.

"Next weekend, only because Dan looks like he really wants to go. Iron out the details with him," Ashton sighed. "No funny business."

"I told you it won't work unless Danny grows some boobs! Your boyfriend doesn't do a thing for me Ashton!"

"Are you calling my baby ugly?!"

"You little shit! Danny's beautiful! He just needs boobs!"

"Stop looking at him!"

"I'm not looking at him like that!"

"Liar! Who wouldn't look at my Baby!"

"Daniel, please get your man!" Sam snapped at me. "I'm so sick of him acting like a damn idiot just because he put a stupid ring on you!"

"Calm down, Ashton. Let's go celebrate your win, just the two of us. I want to be alone with you." I whispered in his ear.

Ashton grabbed his bag quickly and slung his arm around me again. "You got off easy this time."

"I can get off anytime I want too!" Sam rebutted.

"Not without money!" Ashton flipped Sam off and spun us around to walk towards his car. I turned my head to wave bye to Sam and after seeing him smile and wave back I turned my full attention back to Ashton who seemed to be speed walking.

"What's the rush, cowboy?" I asked.

"You want to be alone with me," Ashton answered as we finally reached his car. He threw our bags in the front seat before picking me up and tossing me into the backseat. He wasted no time in grabbing a fistful of my hair and pressing our mouths together in a rough kiss. I was startled by the sudden ferociousness of Ashton although i knew I shouldn't have expected him to start out slow and gentle after I provoked him back on the basketball court.

Ashton pulled away just long enough to yank my shirt over my head. He took a moment to admire the love bites that were already starting to heal. He licked his lips before pulling down my boxers and dipping his head down.

"What the fuck!?" I tried to sit up but Ashton used his forearm to press down on my chest. "Get your tongue away from there! That cannot be hygienic!"

Ashton stopped long enough to lift his head and locked his eyes with mine. "There's nothing down there but sweat from a hot day and the heat, and sweat is good. It's a sign of exertion and hard work, and you don't smell bad," he smirked and slowly moved his arm away from my chest. "Hold still."

I let out a whimper at his firm demanding tone but still did as he said. I tried to relax as Ashton spread my ass cheeks with his thumb and moved his tongue in between them once more. I tensed and fought not to squirm and pulls away from the intense feelings when it prodded my entrance and then pushed it's way inside.

This time i couldn't help but let out a loud moan. Ashton remained persistent, however and kept my legs apart despite my desire to clamp them tightly shut to stop the shaking. He also moved one hand to pump my erection and I found that despite the initial shock it felt...really good.

"Ohfuckohfuckohfuck!" I chanted and began to press back against Ashton needily. "OH FUCK!"

Ashton pulled away before I could finish and grinned manically before moving his fingers to my mouth. "Suck on them so I can stretch you out." I hesitated because of the intense feeling I felt creeping up and Ashton saw that so he pushed his fingers into my mouth by prying my teeth apart.

He had already decided that i wouldn't be the only one to be in charge here since he was determined to do this now. It was seriously turning me into putty in his hands. I really wanted to satisfy him. I gazed up at Ashton lustily and swirled my tongue around the fingers. I tried to suck on them seductively and locked my legs around waist to press closer to let him see how much I was turned on by this.


Ashton narrowed his eyes at my actions and pulled his fingers out from my mouth. "If your mouth feels lonely I can give you something else to suck on. I froze at those words and wondered what the hell i should do. Another blow job? My jaws barely recovered. "That's what I thought, maybe another time."

"What do you mean another- Fuck!" I didn't finish his sentence because I was rudely interrupted by Ashton shoving two of his fingers up my ass. "Fucking hell give me heads up! Ashton! Ah!"

"It closed up like we never did anything. But with an ass like yours, you could easily get anyone you wanted and there is no way you would be this tight." He pushed another finger in and wiggled them around making me cry out loudly and arch my back against the leather seats. "It's a good thing I got to you first." Ashton pulled his fingers out and leaned forward. Pressing his forehead to mine, he took out his own dick and looked seriously into my eyes, while pouring some lube from a small packet onto his it. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk."

"When I said I wanted to be alone, I meant we should study," I said pining after Ashton's animalistic side.

He pulled his pants a bit lower, and aligned himself at just the right height to grab my hips hard and slam his dick right into my barely loosened hole. I let out a loud scream, arching away from Ashton as much as i could. This was too good. Too intense! "You shouldn't tease me like that then. Are you seriously thinking about studying now," Ashton whispered. "You even came as soon as I went in, no way you're thinking about studying."

"You....that's....because," i could barely think from the intense pleasure I felt from Ashton's quick and sudden entrance.

"Relax," Ashton whispered, pulling out slowly before slamming back in with the same amount of brutal force.

I barely made a sound and I was just about to tell Ashton it was too much so suddenly, when he pulled out and slammed back again, this time hitting my prostate straight on. "Oh fuck," I involuntarily cried out. "More..."

Ashton grinned proudly, smacking my ass hard before pulling back out all the way. "Such a pretty little body," he said. "Still clenching around nothing, wanting my dick back in it," he pushed forward and let the head of his dick tease me before slowly going in. Rocking his hips, he started a smooth, steady rhythm, gliding himself in and out of me as hard as he could his hand ran up my back, threading his fingers through my hair and gripping tightly, pulling my head back as he started to move faster.

"Jesus fuck, ya' feel so good," he finished his statement by moving his other hand from my hip and dropping it to my ass, slapping it with a little more force this time as he snapped his hips forward.

My sounds were unrestrained; groans and whimpers and whispered pleas reverberated around the car as I grasped desperately at the slippery leather seats. Fusing his mouth to my neck once more, he sat me up and rocked his hips, sliding out most of the way before slamming into me again, my breath leaving me in a rush at the brutal movement. It all felt so damn good. Wrapping both of my arms around his neck, I held on to him tightly, keeping us so close together that my dick would need absolutely no stimulation from his hand as his hard stomach rubbed against it and he hit my prostate with every deep thrust.

"You feel so fucking good, Baby....so, so good," he grunted, his lips finally reaching mine again. Our tongues twisted as his hard thrusts continued, bringing me closer and closer to the sweet release I craved so terribly. There was no way I was going to last much longer, my muscles were already tensing repeatedly as my rigid erection left a slick trail of precum on us.

"Don't stop...don't...fucking...stop," I babbled, rolling my hips to meet his thrusts.

"I would never stop now," he vowed, sliding his hands up to my ribs and grasping hard. Regardless of his statement mere moments before, he grimaced and slowed his hips almost to a stop. "I'm close," he whispered seductively.

"Oh, God, me too...I'm so close, Ashton!"

Moaning, he picked up the pace, pounding me harder and faster than before as I dug my nails into the skin on his shoulders. Only seconds later, I felt my dick swell and twitch, a harsh cry escaping me as I exploded onto our stomachs. His rough whisper of my name penetrated the haze he had put me in and, even in the midst of my orgasm, I opened my eyes and stared deep into his as he came.

Right before his eyes gave in and closed, I saw a flicker of something intense, unknown and familiar at the same time. As he pulsed in me, filling me up, I held him and watched him tremble.

He was so fucking hot.

Finally, his grip loosened on my ribs and his thrusts slowed to a stop. Panting heavily, I buried my face into his neck, kissing and licking his sweaty skin as I slipped my arms around his back. Our breathing slowed yet my mouth never left his flesh, his head tipping back as I licked around his Adam's apple and moved to the other side of throat. I wanted to touch every inch of him, taste of every inch of him, feel every inch of him.

Chuckling, he ran his hands up my back to my neck. "How about I clean you up?"

"Mhmm," I hummed, nipping at his collarbone.

His had long since softened, slipping from my body but stayed pressed against my ass. I felt it twitch at my attentions. "If you keep that up we'll never be able to get cleaned up," he warned, his voice raw and husky. Sighing contentedly, I finally pulled my mouth away from his delicious body and smiled at him, feeling a bit smug when I saw the mixture of arousal and relaxation on his face. Leaning forward, he caught my lips in a gentle kiss, teasing my tongue with his for just a moment before pulling back. He ran his fingers through my hair and I sighed as his nails scratched lightly on my scalp. As I leaned back onto his body for support, I felt a purr vibrate through his chest.

With Ashton, I felt a feeling that I couldn't describe with words. It was such unknown territory that I couldn't even name it. It was beyond excitement or anxiousness, it was a someting that made my body hum with a tension, an electricity, and at the same time, I felt eerily calm and relaxed. It was a conflict that both confused and assured me at the same time.

It was a feeling that I was quickly becoming addicted to, which was frightening as well. As his hands freely, and familiarly, messed with my hair, I closed my eyes and saw brief images of us together, meeting for coffee, buying furniture, shopping for groceries...everyday things. At the same time, I never wanted his hands to leave my body, nor mine his. My time with him felt like it was on such a limited basis that I yearned to be in constant contact with him. The more I touched, the longer I could hold onto the feeling.

"I think the car was shaking too much, someone might've saw it," Ashton said while wiping me off. Shit, how could I have forgotten that we were still in the school parking lot? How could I have completely forgotten that it wasn't my intention to do this here?

"It's my fault, I can't resist you," I covered my face wondering how many people heard my voice from outside of the car. I'm such a fucking mess! "You made me forget where we were."

"When you said you wanted to be alone with me, I couldn't help myself," Ashton confessed. "You're so sexy, and I love you so much, I can't help but just want to eat you up every time I see you. And you're all mine, so I just want you near me all the time. You make it impossible for me to think straight."

"I'm not mad," I said. How could I be hearing him echo my thoughts exactly.

"I will admit, a part of me wants to take advantage of the fact that you can't resist me if I pin you down every chance I get," Ashton continued. "I knew this wasn't what you meant, but I honestly couldn't help myself anymore. I love to make you horny."

"I couldn't help it either," I sighed. "I think....I know I'm more into it than you think. I didn't think you would do all this still."

"It was the blowjob," Ashton said. "I was holding it in since yesterday."

"Ugh, do you really think the car shook that much?"

"I'm pretty sure people could hear you screaming too. I forgot where we were, babe. Just blame me," Ashton cooed at me. "Luckily the windows are tinted so I was the only one who could see you like that."

"You're the worst," I covered up my face. I like him so damn much! He's too good at what he does for me to ever let anyone else have him! I more than like him! I more than like him way too much!

"Well I've got you all cleaned up," Ashton smirked kissing my cheeks tenderly as he pulled my shirt back up my arms and buttoning it. "Looks like I popped the first three. I'll get you a new school shirt."

"Ok," I said letting him pull my underwear and pants  up my numb legs.

"Should I carry you to the front seat?" Ashton asked.

"Just leave me in the back to lie down for now," I lay myself down on the back seat suddenly feeling exhausted. I wanted to do it again, really badly.

"Let's get married soon," Ashton mumbled.

"WHAT?!" I snapped out of my honey stupor.

"I mean, I'll have to get consent from your parents of course." Ashton rationalized. I looked at him for a long second trying to gage if he was joking with me or not, but it was impossible to find reasonable doubt on his face or in his eyes.

"J-just hold on a minute!" I screeched feeling my heart flutter and my stomach tighten. "Why would we-"

"What? Why not?"

"I mean...is that even an option?"

"Why wouldn't it be an option?"

"That's not what...." I lowered my head while trying to steady my heart. I could definitely see us doing all the things married couples do, but isn't it too soon to be doing all this? "It's not such a simple issue!"

"What issue?"

"It's just complicated!"

"How come? I feel ready to go for it, I want to get mar-"

"AAHHH!!!!" I covered up his mouth to stop him from saying marriage again. Another word and he'd end up giving me a heart attack!

"You don't?" Ashton asked.

"That's not it!"

"Then what's the problem?"

"It's not just a pure and simple process like that!"

"Isn't it? Aren't you the one complicating it? Two men getting married, are you worried about the social stigma or how my family might look at you? You don't have to think yourself into a corner every time, you know. Once you're married, it's not like the outsiders opinions on the couple matters. Unless I'm unintentionally making you think that I'm making it out to be different. I think it's normal."

"You're too optimistic! What would you know about normal Ashton? You dummy!" I snapped.

Ashton looked straight into my eyes and observed me start to sweat. He suddenly chuckled and shook his head. "Chicken."

"You-" I raised my hand at Ashton and he put his hands up in surrender. I could slap him if I wanted too, but he was too cute for me to mean it. "You're lucky your face saved you. I'm not chicken, marriage is something we should save for the future though. It's the next level."

"That's why I said soon, not tomorrow."

I blushed as I realized I accidentally let it slip that I was seriously thinking about it. He indeed said soon and here I was acting like he already set a date. "You're so.....you piss me off. Dummy."

"I'll make sure to be consistent in pissing you off," Ashton adjusted his pants before stepping out of the car and into the front seat. "Are you feeling comfortable back there? Should I get some more blankets to put under you?"

"No, how long have we been here?"

"About twenty minutes," Ashton started to back the car up from its parking space. "By the way, my parents bought your dad a few things for your dads birthday."

"What did they buy?"

"Beats me," Ashton said. "I told them that you said under $100 but they told me to just shut up and let them handle the gift. Honestly, I picked out a gift as well, but I'm not going to tell you what it is because it's not your gift."

"I won't argue," I assured him. "It's not up to me to decide what people should get for my dad. I just don't want you to think that I just like your money."

"That's been clear for a while anyway. I know my baby isn't a gold digger. If you were, I wouldn't have chased after your heart."

"That doesn't mean that you can just start buying me expensive things I don't need, Ashton. I mean it."

"When have I gotten you something expensive?"

"Our lunch date?" I pointed out.

"Oh please, the prices weren't even on the menu, babe." Ashton chuckled. I looked at the back of his head in disbelief. It was because there weren't prices on the menu that I knew it was expensive!

"The couples rings. I know they're actually wedding bands and you spent $650,000 on it." I said. Ashton twitched a bit, but I knew I had gotten him. "I know you got it at the super expensive jewelry store uptown."

"I won't return it," Ashton said firmly, though his tone sounded extremely disappointed. "Even if you don't need it, I don't want it back."

"I didn't mean that. I like the ring because I like you, I just wish you could let me know about it in a way that doesn't make me feel broke."

"How do I do that?"

"You can't, I'm learning to be ok with it though. What cheap to you is expensive to me because we're far apart in social class, but it's frustrating to get mad about. After all, I can't be mad at you when all your intentions are is to show me how much you love me," I sighed. "I also can't deny that I didn't get flattered when I found out about it. I even got excited and asked Sam to be my best man."

"Sam of all people?"

"Yeah, Sam. He's going to be my best man."

"Just doing what you want like that..." Ashton mumbled. "....don't agree."

"Who's the one who tossed me into his backseat and just did whatever he wanted too like a caveman? If I want him as a best man then dammit, I will! Besides, what's the harm in it? In the blink of an eye we went from sex to planning our future together, I can't see what's unsatisfying."

"What do you two even have in common?" I could see Ashton's ears turn red as he tried to change the subject.

"Sam and I have the kind of personalities that mesh well. He's highly intelligent so we can talk about serious things, but we both like talking about sex and making fun of people. We have fun making fun of each other as well. Sam said I had a delinquent personality, can you believe that?" I scoffed.

"Only because of your attitude. I can't deny that it's what made me attracted to you in the first place though, which sometimes makes me worry." Ashton confessed. "Your personality makes you a lot sexier than you already are."

"Damn right! That's why you can't keep your hands off of me," I teased watching Ashton's neck turn a deep shade of red.

"Antagonistic, would be the right word to describe you. Very delinquent like quality."

"My dad says it's just being a man. But he's a former delinquent himself. He has a ton of stories about all the street fights he got into and a few stab wounds to prove it. It's hard to believe because he's such a softie now."

"Your dad is frightening in some ways. I thought he was really going to hit me a while back," Ashton chuckled. "Or kick my face in. His glares are no joke."

"That's my dad. He wouldn't hit a minor though, I think he just wanted to scare you a bit. Which he did seem to do."

"Yeah," Ashton said. "We're at your house."

"My back is sore and I can't feel my legs." I said feeling a bit lazy.

"I'm just wondering....I only stopped at one time because it looks like you couldn't take it anymore. So I guess....anyway, earlier, was it too much?"

Now he asks? He was so damn big, but still, as rough as he can get, he makes love to me like I could break at any second. When it looks like I'm in pain, he tries his hardest to comfort me with gentle kisses, though maybe he just wants to kiss me a lot like he says, either way I didn't mind it at all. He always left me wanting more. "You're a lot, but not too much."

Ashton hopped out of the car and scurried around to open the door and leaned over me. My desire for him was rapidly increasing the closer he got. He appeared to be flirting with me once more. I was growing to love the way he flicked his head to remove the scruffy overgrown blond mullet out of his eyes and those sky blue eyes of his were still drawing me in. They were the first things I noticed about him, and even now, they were pulling me towards him. He was goddamn gorgeous and he knew it. He knew the effect he was having on me. "Up we go."

Ashton effortlessly scooped me up and lifted me from the car. He wasn't flirting? Was it my own stupid fantasy acting up again? He was just carrying me to my doorstep normally! "Here's the keys," I handed him my keys from my bag pack and let him open the door and take me inside.

"Are you ok? You keep staring at me, it's making me nervous, Dan. Just tell me what it is." Ashton huffed as soon as he kicked the door closed.

"Was I staring?" I wondered if I had really been staring that hard at him. If so, I hadn't even noticed I was doing it. Ashton's face was just so captivating to me. "Bring me to bed."

Ashton walked to my room and lay me down on the bed. I kept my arms around his neck so he understood to lay down with me. "I'm a bit sweaty, Dan."

"That didn't stop you earlier," I retorted taking my chance to snuggle myself closer to him. Ashton turned to lay on his back.

I couldn't help but admire the person I had in my bed. What's more, the sex was better. Unbelievably and impossibly better. Everything about him turned me on: his voice, his smile, hair, eyes, lips, smell, and most of all his masculinity. I loved feeling the muscles under his skin ripple when he hugged me. What shocked me more than anything was Ashton's ability to completely catch me off guard with the things he does. From the very beginning, I'd thought I would be the one to astonish Ashton with my prowess in the classroom and ability to learn. In reality, he was the one astounding me. Everything he did was amazing. He made me want to try new things, he encouraged me to try new things, he pushed our limits and tested our boundaries.

I propped myself up on my elbow beside him and surveyed his prone form as he rested on his back. He'd started dozing in and out of sleep for last few minutes. I forgot that he seemed to like my bed. He probably could have slept solidly, but I couldn't keep my hands off him.

"You're watching me again, babe," he groaned.

"I just want to look at you, Ashton. I've got such a good person in my bed right now, how could I not take the chance. Besides, you look different now."

"Are you finally falling for me?" Ashton smirked now with eyes wide open.

"Honestly, I think I am. I can't stop thinking about you."

"Because of the sex?"

"It started before we did any of that," I sighed. "Probably the first time I called you and you slept in my bed with your silly sheriff pajamas. I probably liked you since then."

"How do you know?"

"Because I felt safe with you. Now that I think about it, did you slick you hair back early in the morning to come over back then?" I asked remembering the first time I had seen Ashton with his hair down was at his house.

"I wasn't confident with my hair down," he pouted. "I only let it be down because you like it. Anyway, take a nap with me. I'm a bit tired."

This guy was too cute to be real, but here he was with me. I was more than happy to comply and snuggled right back into his strong and warm embrace feeling as though I was safe on top of the world.