
The opulent mansion that was Sam's home, with its manicured gardens and imposing entryway was the epitome of an exclusive lifestyle that I would never be able to afford had I not met Ashton. The mansion's garish gold-plated fixtures, brightly-lit fountains, and over-the-top exterior design screamed of tackiness and excess, rather than sophistication and refinement. Compared to the other, sleek and sophisticated mansions on the street, this one stood out ostentatiously as if it needed to one-up its neighbors at all costs.

"You look great, Lovebug," Ashton smiled at me as we followed his parents into the expensive looking property. Each corner of the wall was beautifully carved from stone, and the designs were made with complete care. With the combination of sky blue and spotless white paint, it was looking like a palace from the fairytales I used to read. Greeneries around the mansion was just adding more beauty to it.

Walking in hand in hand with Ashton was nerve racking, as heads kept turning to get a good look at us, with Chip and Amanda being the main attraction.  I felt very out of place, even with my clothes that I had on to blend in, because I couldn't naturally exude the opulence Ashton and his family seemed to naturally have. For the hundredth time, Ashton's scrutinizing eyes checked my outfit and my hair for anything out of place. Playing with the buttons on my wool suit, i squirmed uncomfortably.

I tried to distract myself with the mesmerizing chandelier that seemed to resemble a glistening stream of waterfall. The room was decorated with honey scented candles and dried lavender bouquets were placed carefully of every table, which was covered in a pristine white lacy expensive looking cloth. In the background, soft classical music created what should be a serene and relaxing ambiance.

For me, it might as well have been music from Jaws. In my mind, it was anything but serene and the warning signals kept firing off in my head. My throat constricted as a million ways that I could possibly embarrass myself in front of a large group of  influential social elites started to take over.

I'd never been caught in a place that made me feel so small-or so poor. And it wasn't just the ballroom–the women sparkled like a box of jewels, shades of emerald and ruby and amethyst swirling before me, their low chatter accompanying wafts of rose and hyacinth and jasmine. I looked down at my simple suit.

"Yo!" Sam walked over to us and quickly started to lead us to a corner where he was standing alone. "You guys are finally here, I was about to take my own life from the boredom. Hopefully my dad won't bore your parents to death as well, Ashton. He stopped talking to some long time client as soon as he saw them."

"Isn't that irresponsible?" I asked.

"Once they see who my dad is speaking too, they'll understand and continue doing business,"

"Isn't there anything else to do?" Ashton sighed.

"Who knows," Sam said. "Heads up, those awful twins are here as well as Katie Fischer."

"They can be avoided-"

"Samuel! Congratulations to your father on his fifteen year anniversary," some older man who looked to be in his mid-twenty's said.

Sam put on his fakest smile. "Thank you."

"I hear you've recently succeeded in sealing the deal on a major collaboration. You certainly are the business genius your father says you are." The man handed him his business card and continued on praising Sam nonstop, occasionally glancing at Ashton. Every couple of seconds Sam's mouth would twitch as I could see him struggle to keep his composure. Still regardless of how annoying the man was, Sam's accomplishments sounded really amazing for a minor. "I'll go send my regards to your mother and enjoy the party. I look forward to our future interactions."

"As am I," Sam waited until the guy turned his back before dropping the smile and looking extremely embarrassed. "Poor guy, I bet he thinks that went well for him."

"How could it not have went well? I've never seen someone lick ass so hard like that," I chuckled. "Its kind of uncomfortable, but he was practically begging you to do business with him."

"That's what all these adults are doing, as if I have any say in the company yet. My dad only got full control of the company fifteen years ago when his dad died, even though he was the reason they expanded and tripled profits. Imagine how long I have to wait for my dad to fully hand things over to me, and all I did so far was ask you guys to show up," Sam sighed. "My dad just wants to flex his muscles a bit in front of people, I bet everyone is talking shit about him right now because they're jealous. Still, it's a big help that you guys showed up."

"Why is Ashton's family the one with all the clout?" I asked.

"Have you ever heard of an Elite Family? Well it's used to describe families like the Rockefeller's, J.P Morgan and the Rothschild's. Ashton's family is in tight with all of those people as well as some of the Royals. They're essentially bulletproof. Attaching yourself to them is seen as a promotion in life to an entirely new level since they are untouchables," Sam explained.

I looked at Ashton who just nodded in agreement. "I'll try not to embarrass you then."

"Just relax, you're the most polite person I know. How could I be embarrassed? Besides, no one will call you out with Ashton next to you." Sam waved off my worries as if I were speaking to him.

"Ashton Belle?" The three of us turned to see a stunningly beautiful girl who looked about our age, in an equally stunning red evening gown. Her eyes looked over Ashton before stopping on our intertwined hands. "Is that you?"

"She has your accent," I gasped out loud accidentally.

"She's from Georgia too. We don't have to pay her any mind though, Lovebug," Ashton tightened his grip on my hand. It made me wonder why her presence was effecting his mood like this.

"Who this?" She asked gesturing at me. "Is he your new assistant of something?"

That bitch! Did I look like an assistant? What assistant dresses like Marlon Brando? Let alone holds hands with their boss? Luckily I had read hundreds of comic books dealing with exactly this kind of girl. "I'm Dan, his fiancé. Who're you?"

Her face dropped and she scrambled for words to say. "My apologies, I'm Elena Night."

"Her parents run some designer clothing lines," Sam said.

"Ok, if you saw us holding hands, why ask if I'm his assistant? I'm obviously not," I asked the girl. She blushed a deep red and chuckled nervously.

"I was always taught not to assume anything," she lied awkwardly. But she did assume something anyway. "Anyway, long time no see, Ashton. It's been many years since we saw each other. We always had such fun."

"Yeah, it feels like just yesterday you and everyone else were laughing at me and calling me an ugly ogre and telling me to go kill myself. I have soooo many fond memories of you," Ashton said. This must be one of the girls that used to make fun of him.

"Are you still upset about that? None of us would've said that had we known about your family background, why didn't you ever say anything?" Elena shamelessly tried to bush past it again and shot me a look. "Did we end up turning you from women because of the teasing. I apologize for that."

"Don't think to highly of yourselves. Whatever you had to say, keep it to yourself. I don't want to speak with people who disrespect my fiancé. I know what you're trying to do, so stop embarrassing yourself." Ashton said firmly. After a couple seconds of staring him down, Elena lowered her head, accepting defeat, and walked away. "Sorry about her, Lovebug."

"Shut up, who's your fiancé?" I grumbled.

"You said it first!" Ashton whined. Me and my big fucking jealous mouth. "This is better than boyfriend, you can't just take it back now! Its not fair!"

"Fine," I rubbed between my eyes before looking around again. At one point or another, everyone was looking at Sam, Ashton and I. They were either staring or whispering something to somebody while staring at us. "Why is everyone looking at us?"

"Gaging wether it's safe to walk up," Sam said. "Since Ashton is worth the most here, everyone wants him to like them too. Soak it up Ashton, I know my dad is."

"I hate this, they're all so fake. I didn't think they would start acting like that so soon as well," Ashton complained.

"Nice suit, Dan," Sam pointed at me. "Don Corleone at the sit down, right?"


"Well, it's suits you. Everyone else will think so as well once they look you up," Sam chuckled. "They're all just dying to know who's on the young masters arm in public for the first time in years. 'Hells Angels descendent marries into Billionaire status', you'll be the gossip of the town soon."

"I'm sure my mom doesn't mind," Ashton pointed over at Amanda who was surrounded by women who wanted to speak to her. Even from afar I could tell they were all admiring her and her sheer confidence. A few feet away stood Chip who looked to be leading a conversation about something. Whatever he was saying must've been the most interesting thing ever, because anyone who was listening hung on his every word. "They don't get out much for parties. They were actually the most excited to come."

"I look forward to our cooperation in the future," Sam held out his hand. Ashton smiled and shook it. "Ok, my dad saw us shake hands. We can fuck off somewhere now."

"Wait a minute. That was a show? Are you not really cooperating?" I asked feeling as if a really good drama was playing out in front of me. "You looked so serious."

"It's not up to us if we cooperate or not, we don't actually own anything yet. This is all for show," Sam confessed. "The point of this party is for my dad to show off, so I have to make it look like I'm making big connections. Going straight for the big fish is a power move, so I might have some sway here sooner than I thought. When I do, let's have a fun party."

"Agreed," Ashton said.

"Rich people are so confusing." I said.

"Not really. Ashton's family is the final boss into real Billionaire circles, where the most money gets made. If you do business with his dad, you're guaranteed to grow to new heights, or face a hostile take over. Either way it's worth the gamble. His mom can do the same and is the bridge between many royals who want to do business overseas. Just being seen with her is a large publicity boost in elite society. Bottom line is that if they like you, your kids, your grandkids and your grandkids grandkids would never have to work again. It's quite literally a battlefield out there right now," Sam explained. "I can't imagine how those people are prostrating themselves in front of his parents right now."

"They knew what they were walking into," Ashton smiled. "They love it. Our moms were on the phone for hours last night laughing about it."

"Yeah, and they've been hanging out a lot lately too," Sam pointed out. "Whatever, let's sneak out somewhere. My dad won't look for me for a while."

"But it looks like somethings about to start," I pointed to them.

Music started to play throughout the ballroom and I saw a few couples rush to the floor and start to dance with each other, including Ashton and Sam's parents. The women's dresses flowed gracefully as they were led by their partners in a waltz.

"Want to dance with me?" Ashton asked.

"I don't know how to do that," I told him. This was a lame thing to do, right? Sam was whisked away by some girl before I could say anything to him about leading us out of here, blocking my escape. "I can't-"

"I'll lead you, trust me," Ashton smiled and took my other hand in his and stared directly into my eyes. I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter as we took our place on the dance floor. He placed his hand on my waist and laced out fingers together. "Just follow me."

Ashton guided me across the dance floor as if we were in a dream. He kept his eyes on me, yet still, he knew exactly where to take me so I would make the right step. Every moment, every angle seemed to be planned in advanced. Nothing felt forced; I literally thought I was floating.

"Ashton," I whispered, "everyone is looking at us."

He squeezed my hand slightly and smiled. "Really," he chuckled softly, "I haven't noticed it at all. Just focus on us right now."

Ashton pulled me closer spinning us in circles and shuffling our feet to the slow music. I took this moment to really focus on him like he had told me to.

His eyes shined intensely blue and almost caused my knees to buckle, and my lips to tingle. He narrowed his eyes and let out a small chuckle before leaning down to kiss me. The fact that it was just a peck was unsatisfactory. It was over as soon as it started, as he pulled his face from mine, the music changed. Our paces quickened, and it became harder to keep up with his quick flowing movements as I had no rhythm.

Or maybe I was just becoming more clumsy.

Ashton noticed my discomfort and changed his stance to make it easier for me to follow. His grip tightened on my hand to give it a comforting squeeze making my heart skip a beat.

"See, it isn't so hard," Ashton smiled.

"Easy for you to say. Where did you learn all this dancing crap, farm boy?" I asked.

"Cotillion. It's an old southern thing. It was my least favorite thing to do, but I'm glad I get to show it off to you now. I never thought this useless crap would ever be useful," Ashton admitted. "You're the first person who's wanted to dance with me as well. Plus it's a good skill to have as the Royals value it a lot. Either way, since you upgraded me to your fiancé, let's say this is practice for our wedding."

"W-wedding?" I felt my face start to heat up.

"Yeah, I'll start planning when I graduate. I kind of had something planned to propose but this is fine as well."

"What did you have planned?"

"I was going to invite you to my house, throw a party and right at the peak, I would've gotten down on one knee in front of both our parents, and Sam and his parents because he's your best friend, and proposed to you."

"I like that a lot," I said. It made me wonder what I could do for him in the future as I stated to feel bad for not giving it as much thought as he had.

"I hope it makes you feel good."

"It makes me feel horny," I blurted without thinking. "I mean it makes me want to do something for you."

"You just announced that we are engaged! I'm very happy with this gift from you!" Ashton rubbed a tiny circle on my back with his thumb. "Thanks I wasn't expecting it."

Neither was I, not that I was about to tell him that it was only out of jealousy. "I'm glad you liked it."

Suddenly the music changed its pace again, the time a very slow and relaxing song. Ashton smirked at me slightly and pulled me so our bodies were pressed together. Of course I wanted to do that myself but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate given the setting we were in. I could feel my cheeks heating up and I knew instantly knew that I was blushing on the outside, only making Ashton's smile grow bigger. Laying my head on his chest, I could hear his heart beating incredibly fast.

He's too much for me.

"Look, I think someone wants to cut into dance with you," Ashton turned us around. "Red head, pale middle aged guy."

I looked at an obviously older guy who turned quickly when we made eye contact. "Ew, what the hell is he staring at?"

"Well, ever since the blood came back to your face, you have this fresh glowing look to you and natural blush. Like a porcelain doll, and with your hair pulled back in a ponytail, you look a bit like an angel in a suit. And your eyes are really seductive and sly."

"Bedroom eyes?"


"Do I make you want to go into the bedroom?" I asked.

"All the time. Keep the button up and the vest on," Ashton answered. "I think I like your hair like this too. If I could, I'd take you somewhere now, unfortunately we're the center of attention."

"Because of you?" I breathed a sigh of relief when the music ended and started to walk from the dance floor with Ashton in tow.

"I'm not a huge fan of it myself," Ashton said apologetically. "I think people took pictures of us dancing. Sam's right, we will be the center of gossip by morning."


"These parties are also social events for the rich people. Eligible bachelors look for eligible single women to merge businesses here. Parents show off their kids like toys and brag about their abilities before trading their kids like Pokémon cards. It's the kind of family Sam is from," Ashton told me.

"Why do rich people make things so complicated?"

"How else do you seem like you're more important than everyone else?"

"I need a drink," I sighed.

"I'll grab you some water, Lovebug," Ashton kissed my hand before rushing off to find a waiter.

This entire thing looked like an exhausting experience. I couldn't imagine my dad training me to care about my appearance at all times. Hell, like he would ever care what someone thought of him, that's why he could live life so freely.

"Hello there," the same red headed man I had spotted from the dance floor approached me. "I'm Ben Johnson. I'm in software development, please take my card."

"I'm Dan Cunningham...um, Tattoo apprentice, I don't have a card," I took a look at the guys card and almost choked on my tongue. A CEO? What's a CEO of a large tech tech company doing talking to me? "It wont be of any use talking to me, Ashton's parents are the ones who can help you."

"That's alright, I just came to compliment you. You looked absolutely splendid out there, it was like watching an nymph glide on air," he smiled at me. "I frequently moonlight as a free lance artist that likes to appreciate the beauty I see around me, and you a beauty of another kind."

Ugh, barf! Was that lame shit supposed to sweep me off my feet or something? Where the fuck is Ashton? "Um, sure. Thank you."

"I'd like for you to be my new muse. Surly with a muse like you I can emerge from my creative slump," he animatedly made a show of looking me over as if he were trying to see through my clothing. "If possible I'd like to capture your likeness."

"How will you do that?" I noticed a group of women sending me the nastiest looks they could muster up and watching our interaction. Was I doing something wrong right now?

"I'd like to paint you, draw you and preserve your beauty onto my canvas," he said. "After all, everyone knows I'm the towns premier artist. All the the most beautiful are painted by me."

"Yeah, I'm good. Those ladies over there seem interested in whatever it is you do, ask them," I turned my head to look for Ashton who was still no where in sight. How long does it take to get a stupid water?

"How can I coax you, little sparrow? I can do anything for you, if I can make you mine. Imagine having the world at your fingertips and being the object of everyone's admiration. Showing off your beauty for the world to see," he started to lay it on thick. "People will adore you from coast to coast if I capture this beauty."

"No, thank you. I'm seriously not interested," I said. The guy took a step forward and started to reach out towards my face. I took a step back thinking thinking guy was about to hit me when a big hand clamped down on this Ben Johnson guy.

"My fiancé isn't interested in your company," Ashton took the business card from my hand and put it in the guys jacket pocket. "I'm sorry, I left you alone for so long, Lovebug. It was hard to find anything but alcohol."

"I am very interested in adding your fiancés image to my art collection. I've never encountered a unique image quite like his," he pulled his hand back and forced a smile. "Such beauty can't go undocumented. It must be shared."

"Get lost weirdo," Ashton snapped at him. "You aren't qualified to catch the beauty of my Lovebug, even if you weren't trying to lure him into your harem, he still wouldn't go with you."

"Let's get away, Ashton," I said.

Ashton turned his aggressiveness off like a switch and put his attention back on me. "Here's your water. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"It's nothing, just a little dizzy and I just really wanted you here," I complained.

"My apologies, I won't leave you alone for the rest of the night," Ashton kissed my hand in apology.

"I see the deep affection you two have for each other, however, every young master worth his salt is solely focused on succession. You have a big company and many important connections that will soon require all your attention, and heirs will also be a concern for your future," Ben tried again. "Although I am also the sole heir, I've already succeeded my parents and have two sons, so I'm not bound by the same responsibility. If you're willing to let this little Angel be with me, then I am willing to give you the names and weaknesses of all your competition. This would be a sustainable upper hand over the industry and add weight to your name, enough for you to hold absolute power in this industry."

Is he.....asking Ashton to choose between me and his inheritance? I mean, it's not like Ashton and I built a relationship off of that matter, I didn't even know until he showed me.

"You little-" I started to curse this ridiculous man but he interrupted me animatedly again.

"As an artist, I can always see another artistic beauty as they appear. My villa, surrounded by servants, wearing only the finest threads, being worshipped, that's where you belong! If you come with me, you will be revered as an untouchable beauty and live freely in this world, accumulating wealth day by day, it's perfect for you! How about it?" He smiled. "I won't treat you badly."

"He can have that all here, why should he go with you," Ashton glared pulling me into his arms away from the man harassing me. "Do you think I'm so ignorant that I don't know how succession works? Or did you think that I must be too young to really value anyone? I am the only heir, adoption or surrogacy is acceptable for the future heir, and my fiancé is already in a palace where he can be pampered around the clock. And you, an insignificant artist, dare to say my family's care isn't good enough and want to meddle in private affairs? If you don't want to be crushed and black listed, then get lost."

"Have you gone mad? Do you know what you're refusing?!"

"Only a weak person would need an alliance like the one you're proposing. Let's not forget the family everyone came here to see and get acquainted with."

"In that case, I'll temporarily withdraw, since you think that your succession will go so smoothly. Don't forget that no one supports you yet," Ben shot me a creepy look before finally walking off by himself.

"Ashton, I don't know about-"

"Lovebug, even if everything he said was true, I wouldn't trade you for succession. Money doesn't make me happy, but you do," Ashton hugged me close. "Even if no one here supports me, they can all be replaced with people willing to support me, and there is a long line of people who want to be recognized. The people who support my parents won't let that connection die so easily so we have nothing to worry about."

"That's not what I'm worried about."

"Oh, if you're worried that you've offended him, you don't have to worry. The fact that a middle aged man tried to trick a teenager into being his sex slave just proves how creepy he is. The last person who fell for it was imprisoned by him and pushed to the point of suicide. He has one of the worst reputations already," Ashton quickly explained. "Plus, I can appreciate your beauty on my own."

"I was only worried about what he said about children!" I blurted.

"We can do surrogacy, or we can adopt," Ashton said. "The business won't be effected if we do that and if anyone has an opinion on it, I don't have to listen. If I lose support I'll just find new support, Lovebug."

"But are you ok with that?" A child that wasn't his or only half his....would he really be satisfied?

"I'm gay, Baby, nothing will change that I won't have biological kids by regular means anyway. My parents and I came to terms with that years ago. These are my only options for having a child with you in the future. Unless you don't want children, I'm ok with it just being the two of us forever."

"N-no!" I protested quickly. A child that belonged to Ashton and I, calling us both dad, going for fun on family outings, eating and falling asleep together, and loving each other as a big happy family all looked really great as I pictured it. It looked absolutely right to me picturing us sitting hand in hand watching our children play. "I don't mind children with you. I just wish there was a way I could give you one normally."

"Unfortunately, if you had that function, I wouldn't be attracted to you. I love how you are, baby, you're perfect and I love you. And I'll love our children."

"Ashton, this party is a bit of a rollercoaster. It hasn't even been two hours yet," I sighed. "Some of these people are just too shameless and it's hard to filter myself. These people are animals."

"You won't have to deal with it much longer. He'll never be able to get his hands on you no matter what he tells anyone, especially since my parents like you so much. If anyone comes with slander about you, they'll be cut off. He effectively just set himself up for failure."

"Forget that guy, I already have," I shook my head and drunk my water. While Ashton held me next to him, I observed the room looking for any sign of Sam through all the luxury. When I spotted him, he looked as though he was bragging about something to the same girl that had pulled him onto the dance floor. "Looks like Sam's really hitting it off with someone."

"Yeah, that's the girl his dad picked for him. He said that he was going to give whoever it was a chance and it looks like it's going well. It really blew my mind to see it in person."

I looked at the girl standing opposite Sam who kept on blushing at him. Compared to the girls Sam was usually chasing after, she was a million times different. She was a small, curvy, chunkier woman with a cute plump face. The black dress that hugged her curves tightly, really stood out as hers was the only black dress in the room. Still it suited her shy energy. She was the exact opposite of Sam's usual type.

"Let's go say Hi," I asked. I wonder if this was really the end of Sam being a hoe, and it just boosted my curiosity. Finally something interesting! "Sam!"

"Yo! Soyoung this is Daniel and Ashton, my friends," Sam said excitedly. "Guys, this is Soyoung Ha, my fiancé."

"Nice to meet you, Soyoung," i smiled at her. "You look great tonight."

"Back off, Cunningham. You have a man," Sam teased. "Don't make her fall for you too."

"Whatever, so about sneaking away, where are we going to go? I need rest, and to get out of this crowd," I said. "Is there a place we can go?"

"Yeah follow me," Sam grabbed Soyoung's hand and gently pulled her along next to him motioning for Ashton and I to follow him. Together we maneuvered around people until we reached a long hallway leading away from the party. After walking up a flight of stairs we arrived at room with a pool table and a TV. Two expensive red couches sat in front of the television with a messy deck of cards in the center of the table.

Soyoung kicked off her heels and breathed a sigh of relief. As if on cue Sam rushed to help her and rub her sore feet.

"How long have you two known each other?" I asked.

"We just met for the first time today," Sam said. "I gotta say that I've underestimated my dad's ability to know what I like. Looks like I'll have a proper date to your wedding now."

"Congratulations," Ashton looked overly happy about what he had heard. "It's good that you found someone you like."

"I'm not interested in Dan, you psycho! How can he compare to my voluptuous beauty, Soyoung?"  Sam hissed.

"Excuse me?!" Ashton started to argue with Sam but I covered his mouth before he could start. "Nice to meet you Soyoung. You've got a good man, he's just super childish, so I hope you can be patient with him."

"Um, thank you," she bowed her head to us.

"Good, you met each other," Sam said impatiently. He walked over to Ashton and whispered something to him before pointing to a door on one side of the room. Ashton nodded and led me through the door Sam pointed at and closed it. I saw a nice looking bedroom with complete bedding and another TV.

"What's going on, Ashton?" I asked.

"They're going to test their compatibility, I don't want you to see them at work, so we're in here....away from everyone," Ashton loosened his tie in relief. I looked at him, my curious slowly subsiding. He was flushed from the warmth of the room we were in. with a big smile on his face, showing me his perfect dimples. His eyes were a brilliant blue, twinkling with his mirth, and they were burning into me with their intensity. "Should we test ours some more too? I wonder how we'd do it as each others fiancé."

Unable to help myself, I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his face to mine. I kissed him, gently for a moment, then more roughly. Ashton didn't seem to mind as he tangled his tongue with mine, cupping my face with his hands. As he pushed his fingers into my hair, a small whimper escaped me. I swear, I couldn't get enough of my sweet Ashton.

Needing to feel his skin against mine, I broke our kiss and pulled his blazer off of him, then started unbuttoning my shirt. Ashton was watching every move of my fingers as I slid each button through it's buttonhole. His eyes were dark with desire, and he licked his lips.

"I love you," he whispered.

"You mean it?" I joked.

"My idea of loving you is a bit different. I want to crush anyone who tries to touch you. I want to hide you somewhere only I can find you and monopolize all your time. I don't want you with anyone else, even if I die....but in reality, I'm afraid of this kind of love becoming too much and running you off," he planted a quick kiss on my neck. It felt heavier than simple loving. So nice it was almost scary.

"You've never heard me complain because I hated it. You're such a handful, just saying you love me is enough," I tapped his nose.

"Alright, then I love you," Ashton said. I didn't expect him to do anything but blush, but I had to hold back a moan as he pulled me on top of him in a straddling position. "I love you. I love you. I love you Danny."

"O-ok, you conveyed your message just fine!" I could feel my entire body heating up from his repeated words. "Sh-shut up!" Ashton continued kissing along my neck and jaw, ignoring my words, setting my body on fire. I was now completely hard and the sounds he was making against me were just fueling the flames.

"I love you."

"Ashton..." I moaned out, "God..." I couldn't form coherent words at the moment, so I tried letting him know how I felt by grabbing his hips and pulling them into mine, grinding bottom half's together through the fabric of our pants. It wasn't enough.

"We haven't even gotten to the fun parts yet, Lovebug."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he brought both hands to the button on my slacks, hastily popping it open and lowering the zipper. Once the garment pooled around my ankles, his thumbs were in the waistband of my boxer briefs, sliding them over my hips. I saw him kneeling over me, his hands at my feet as he gingerly removed my shoes and threw them behind him, each one hitting the carpet with a thud. Lifting my feet out of the puddle of clothing, he tossed them aside before running his large, hot hands up the back of my legs.

"Fuck, you are gorgeous," he said before running his tongue from the back of my knee up to my thigh, stopping just below my ass cheek to place a tiny bite. Licking and nibbling the back of my thighs, he kneaded my ass cheeks, first with gentle caresses, then moving to more firm squeezes. Writhing and moaning, I pushed my hips back, trying to do anything to get him to touch me more. I just needed to relieve the pressure, the burning ache that had settled between my legs since he had begun his assault on my body.

I looked down, noticing he was now nude and staring up at me through his blond lashes, his slicked back hair now stayed in place enhancing his sex appeal. He was sitting on his heels, the muscles in his thighs protruding with the position. Sculpted pecs led to the most defined stomach I had ever seen, his unmarred skin wrapped tight around his abs. Hard as steel.

He is so fucking sexy.

Breaking eye contact, he flipped the lid on the bottle of lube, pouring a generous amount in his palm before rubbing his hands together. "Oh fuck," I moaned when his hand wrapped around my dick, making one long stroke from base to tip before twisting his wrist and rubbing the head. Almost simultaneously, his other hand went to my ass, one finger trailing down my crack before circling my hole, teasingly applying a light pressure, not quite enough to slip in like I wanted him too.

"So responsive," he whispered as he rose to his knees, immediately bringing his mouth to my hip bone, sucking and nibbling gently. While his mouth was occupied with my hip, his finger continued to gloriously torture me and his other hand kept stroking me, squeezing tighter than before.

Finally, finally, I felt his finger push forward, gliding smoothly in and out of me, the sensations wracking my body so forcefully that I had to make a conscious effort not to come right then. My body shuddered violently as I tried to hold out and my dick twitched with spasms in his hand, fluid leaking steadily out.

"Are you close, gorgeous?" he asked as he added a second finger and, much to my surprise, removed his hand from my front.

"Please...Oh, please...." I whimpered, pushing my hips back, trying to get his fingers deeper as they hit that euphoric spot inside me. I heard the ripping sound as he tore the condom open with his teeth, pulling his fingers out of me to roll it down his hard length. Bringing himself back to his knees, he leaned over me, positioning himself at my entrance.

"Come on, gorgeous, finish for me," he demanded, pumping my erection swiftly.

"Oh, God...Ung...Oh, fuck, I'm coming," I wailed, clenching my eyes shut as I felt my balls tighten before the first spurt erupted from me. Before the second wave of pleasure took over, I felt Ashton slip through my tight ring of muscle. "Oh my God," I gasped as he continued to push forward, not stopping until he was fully seated within me.

It was so fucking intense, the extreme pleasure coursing through my body, making me shake and cry out as it continued for what seemed like ages. I was used to my every third day masturbation orgasm, and while I remotely enjoyed my strong boy fantasy, it was nothing compared to the ecstasy Ashton had just helped me experience.

In fact there was no need for it anymore with Ashton around.

"That's it...." he encouraged through heavy breaths, "So fucking tight. Like I was never even there. So fucking good," he whispered as he pulled out and pushed back into my trembling body torturously slow. "Do you have any idea what you do to me, Danny? How I want you all the time," he asked, his breath heavy as he began to thrust into me, his hand on the inside of my knee, holding my leg up.

Lifting my head, I reached with my arm and pulled him to me, kissing him hard and deep and needy. Groans were exchanged as he set a quick rhythm with his thrusts. My entire body was sore, yet it still tensed and flexed and moved against his, wanting it more with each thrust of his hips. "Ashton, give me more!"

He continuously pounded me, sometimes slowing to an erotic pace, other times furiously bucking his hips as we kissed. Gasping, he pulled away, his open mouth on my shoulder and I felt his nails digging into the soft flesh of my thigh and his teeth biting down on my collarbone.

In that moment there was no one I needed more than Ashton. Willingly, I gave up all control to him and gradually his pace increased, thrusting into me viciously. One of his hands left my hip and went around my chest, splaying his fingers to help steady me and I felt his teeth biting down on my shoulders, for sure leaving marks as he went.

"Fuck," he groaned when he felt my body tremble. My nails clawed uselessly at his back as he took me savagely. I wasn't ashamed at my need for him, or the loud guttural moans I let out.


"Mine," he said, his tongue flicking along the corded muscles of my neck. "You're mine."

"All yours," I agree, barely nodding. My body craved released, craved the high that only he could give me. Drawn up tight, my balls ached, the familiar tingling beginning to strengthen low in my abdomen. I felt the stirring of my orgasm begin. "Gotta come," I growled. My body was so on edge that it only took the abrasive scrape of his prickly jaw along my shoulders to push me over. "Fuck," I yelled out, my fingers clenching his back and whatever I could as I came without his touch, making a mess of my stomach. Every muscle in my body tensed, stilling as the sweet relief flooded me, waves of ecstasy cresting through my body.

He never ceased his movements, but his pace faltered, becoming erratic while we rode out my climax together. His hand clutched mine as he pressed me further into the bed.

"Mine," he roared before dropping his forehead to my shoulder, I felt his panting breaths and his wet tongue right before he sunk his teeth into my flesh and claimed me as his again. The spasms of my body around his dick pulled his orgasm from him and he fell with me, his cock jerking deep inside me, filling the condom. My body was on too much of a high to even register the pain from his bite, my mind too hazy to realize I would need to cover up his mark.

I hissed as he slid out from inside me, and felt light headed when he lifted himself up to remove the condom. Taking me back into his arms, he slowly turned us so he was against the wall. He curled his body around mine, his arms embracing me tightly as we both came down from our climaxes. There were long moments of silence, our bodies reclining into each other, craving the contact. Hands tenderly caressed, lips met in lazy kisses, we both lay limp and sated.

My eyes were heavy lidded as my head rested against his chest, his body completely supporting my weight. Next to me, I fingered the belt he had dropped, my fingertips running over the fine leather.

"Does it hurt?" he murmured into my ear, his arms tightening around me more.

Not really," I said, shaking my head. "But if I can't walk tomorrow it won't be because of a fever," I teased. "That was some serious fucking, especially with your hair slicked back like that."

"Make up your mind."

"The serious vibe and your natural glare is hot."

"Are you in any pain?" he asked seriously as he shifted his body to see my face. "I might've went a bit too hard. I just wanted to show you just how beautiful I think you are....more than that shitty artist."

"You're so petty."

"I can't help it, every time someone shows interest in you, I want to pin you down and fuck you, guests be damned. They can watch while I strip you, fuck you, and make you come all over," he said. "But I can't do that in real life....and I can't leave a visible mark on you. I even put a big ring on your finger but you still got approached."

"I'm not going to find anyone else," I assured him finally able to catch my breath.

"Assure me some more then," Ashton realigned himself with my entrance and started to slowly tease me. "I told my parents that we were sleeping over tonight, so we have all night."

"A-all night?" I gasped from the stimulation. "Let's see if you still feel the same way when you dirty me up."

"You better not regret it in the morning," he smirked before grabbing my wrists and pushing into me completely without warning.