27.Danny Cunningham

As I tried to sit up from Ashton's bed after waking up, I felt a sharp soreness shooting from my butt to my legs to my back, bringing back the events of yesterday. My back was absolutely on fire right now!

Duh, Ashton spent most of the night flipping me around while biting, spanking and fucking me as hard as he could nonstop. He even tied me up at one point so I couldn't move while he did whatever he wanted to my body. As promised, he didn't hold back a thing, and it resulted in loud, animalistic, mind breaking, intense, rough, hard, dirty sex. I honestly don't remember much after the seventh orgasm.

I never felt more owned than I did now. Curse my rising libido! I just love it.

Turning my head to the side, I took in Ashton's sleeping figure. I like the way his long eyelashes brush the skin under his eyes. He looks so peaceful when he's resting, so pure and innocent; it's very endearing, like he doesn't have the weight of the three huge companies resting heavily on his shoulders. Asleep, he looks like a regular guy, not the shy boy whose entire life has been tainted by insecurities. The morning light shines through the window and makes his skin glow; illuminating his face, making him look so beautiful it almost hurts.

Even though I was in pain, I'd completely fallen for this guy. He's so handsome.

He always wakes up before me, so this might be my first chance to wake him up. He began to stir but he didn't open his eyes. I smiled as I leaned onto him and pressed my lips gently onto his soft lips. Even though his eyes are closed he responds to my kiss and his lips move tenderly against mine. He let out a low moan when I finally pulled away and his eyelids flutter open. He gazes at me with unfocused eyes, still half asleep. He looks adorable.

"Good morning," I said to him.

"Mornin' Lovebug," he drawled. His voice is thick with sleep and sounds so sexy. Did I mention how much I love him like this? It seems like this is the only time of day when he is completely and totally unguarded so I leaned in and kiss him again.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Like a log. How long you been awake?"

"Not long. I just woke up."

"You been watching me sleep?" There was confusion in his voice, like it's never occurred to him that someone would want to watch him sleep.

"You look so peaceful when you do. Then again, I would be too if I made someone's body ache all over like this. Have you no shame?" I smiled sarcastically.

"S-sorry, but you loved it and kept begging for mo-" I covered his mouth as I remembered begging and pleading under him as I was mercilessly ravaged. I felt Ashton smile under my hand before he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair; taking a deep inhale of my scent. He pulled me gently to him and cradled my tiny body to his. "I'll try to be a bit more gentle, no promises. Don't hate me baby, I did give you a heads up."

"How can I possibly hate you-"

"Then can I be greedier?" He turned us so that he was hovering over me letting his hard morning wood fall heavily down onto my stomach. Since when was this man so insatiable? Exactly how much did he hold back? "I won't force it if you can't. Just say the word and I'll stop, you know that."

"If you do that, I won't be able to walk at all," I said, aware of the fact that I might not be able to walk already. I spotted a sketchbook set where Ashton was a few seconds ago opened to a partially finished drawing. I flushed as I realized the scene was of Ashton and I. Only I would know it was me, but the ecstasy on my face was so clear, it was almost embarrassing. I turned and snatched the sketchbook to flip through it.

I could see many different sketches of me on one page, so I began to look. After the first I kept flipping pages. Me looking at someone, eyes heavy lidded and lips parted. A full body sketch of me sleeping on my stomach, my head turned to the side and resting on my arm. A close up of me sleeping, on my back this time, arm flung over my head and bent at the elbow, lips slightly parted.

I was shocked how good this was. Even if it was drawn in a cartoonish way, his drawings were incredible. I wonder who taught him! "You never told me that you know how to draw! "I . . . I . . . is this how you see me?" I gestured to the sketchbook.

Ashton's brows furrowed. "Why? Don't you like it?"

"I do. It's just . . . just—"

"Just what?"

"You make me look so cute," I whispered as I looked at the sketchbook again. I felt Ashton move in close next to me, his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder as we both looked down at the drawing of me in an obvious state of daydreaming.

"That's because you are so cute, Lovebug. I don't make you look cute. If anything, I feel I haven't captured enough of your beauty, but I can damn sure do better than that stupid artist, even if I suck at realistic drawings."

"That was a while ago, have you been drawing since then?" I chuckled.

"Yes, because as much as anyone wants to try, I'm the only one who can capture your beauty like this. Hasn't anyone ever told you that you're beautiful, Lovebug?"

"Only you," I said chuckling. "But I know you're biased."

"No I'm not. I'm honest," he responded, then turned me in his arms and kissed me, pulling the sheet away from my body. "You are more than beautiful," he said between kisses. I could feel my body respond to his, as if it hadn't been completely spent just hours before. I pulled away and wrapped the sheet around myself again, knowing I needed some tea and something to eat before we went down that road again.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, gesturing to the sketchbook.

"Yeah, I did, the best sleep ever." he said as he shrugged. "Coffee?"

"Tea, please."

Ashton wrapped a conveniently placed towel around his waist and went over to his room door. After a few second of looking back and forth, he flagged someone down and told them to bring us breakfast and tea.

When he returned, he flipped me over and started to massage my lower back. "Do you like it better when I hold back?"

"I already told you not to," I said relaxing under his big hands.

"Your body is different now though. You couldn't take it before."

I enjoyed it a lot more than I wanted to admit it. If Ashton's goal was to ruin me for everyone else, he had accomplished it all night. No way my body was at a hundred after that pounding I had received. "It was hot and I don't mind. It was just more than I had anticipated."

"Was it enough to not make you think about anyone else?"

How could I possibly have thought of anyone but him during that intense session. Thinking about it, I wouldn't mind another one right now, but I didn't want to paralyze myself. "I can't think of anything but you."

Ashton gave me his signature silly smile and flipped me back over as someone knocked on the door. Thanks to Ashton's massage, it became easier for me to sit up and reach for my tea. As we enjoyed breakfast together, I noticed Ashton's constant gaze on my face while he spoon fed me scrambled eggs and bacon.

"I'm not a baby Ashton," I complained halfway.

"But I'm in charge," he whined holding another spoonful of eggs up for me. "So I say today you'll let me take care of you and all your needs. That's what I decided."

"You don't have to compete with Vincenzo, Ash. When it comes to people like him I'll listen to you," I said.

"Don't even say that name. It's too dirty for you," Ashton held up some bacon in front of my mouth for me to eat.

"You're right, I should just let my future husband handle it," this statement seemed to boost his spirits onto a new level. He was really cute so I ate the bacon. A few months ago, I never would've imagined myself being pampered like this. My first instinct is to reject it....but it really feels nice being pampered like this. Not having to worry about anything else but relaxing.

Ashton really is like a guard dog the way he's been protecting me all this time. And if he wants it, I'll give him everything I can. He deserves it.

"Babe....my biological parents are stopping by later to speak to me about something," Ashton said bitterly. From the way he was speaking, I could tell that he wasn't excited in the least for this pending interaction. In fact, he was downright upset about it. "Are you ok meeting them?"

"Yeah, but you don't seem to be."

"I don't like meeting them. We can't connect on anything, and I don't understand why they think they have to see me at all. I'd be fine without them," Ashton held up more bacon for me to nibble on. "I usually decline all their invites and other attempts to hang out, but recently I've noticed my birth parents in the corner of the school gate, by the security guards."

"I've never noticed."

"I don't know why they're watching me in person, but it's all super weird to me."

"How long had they been watching you?"

"Since the party at Sam's home. They most likely heard about our engagement from the gossip running around," Ashton sighed. "Ever since that party, people have been looking at us."


"Because the most eligible bachelor is off the market," he smirked. "I'm assuming they want to meet you."

"Oh, well, ok?" I shrugged.

The act of meeting your significant others parents for the second time, wasn't common, so I'm sure I could google what to expect of this to ease my dread. Tales and legends of how wrong the event could go were passed down through my fathers friends with each poor soul adding their account to the already lengthy ballad of romance and pain before settling on delinquency. Yet many willed themselves to be strong enough to handle it for the promise of a life filled with the love and affection that seemed to be the ultimate reward. Not that i would treat Ashton in such a way that made him seem like a prize. I just felt that strongly about him which is why I had to make a good impression later.

After giving me a bath, Ashton dressed me, again not letting me lift a finger to do anything myself. He dressed me some clothes that seemed to fit me just right. When I inquired about them, Ashton simply reminded me that he had bought me an entire wardrobe of clothes just because he wanted to a while ago. Everything down to the shoes looked designer and had never seen such a white shirt in my life.

"What if they don't like me?" I finally asked my burning question as he combed my hair back for me and styled it.

Ashton eyebrows raise in surprise (or disbelief, I'm not sure), like he's not expecting me to say that. "Are you kidding? You're like a parent's dream kid, besides any one who doesn't love my baby right away is stupid."

He shook his head and laughed in earnest, looking down as his hands move to lace with my own, any insecurities or questions i had before were starting to fade into the heat of his touch. I'm not exactly sure what qualifies as a 'parent's dream kid' and I was pretty certain I don't want to know. In the end, I have to rely on my uncanny ability to get along with adults; I am well spoken and polite, i dressed far more professionally than most high school students and i know how to be charming to adults with my demeanor and attitude, something that had just come naturally to me over the years. My dad tells me I'm very Buster Keaton esque with the way I talked and carried myself sometimes and i suppose, out of all the stars of the silver screen, Buster Keaton is not a bad one to resemble as he was hilarious.

Maybe Ashton's right and I have nothing to worry about, I'll go meet them normally and  his parents will love me. I have nothing to be nervous over.

Least that's what I hope.

Out of all the times I'd been to Ashton's place, he's never really gotten around to giving me the full tour of the property. It's usually cut and dry-I go to his place we eat and study....and other stuff. But when we aren't doing things we're restricted to his living room or right up the long staircase to his bedroom. I hadn't really thought about it before, why Ashton has never invited me to see the entire space of his large, Italian style marble home-it's probably never crossed his mind either though, I was sure it wasn't like Ashton was doing it on purpose. Like he was trying to keep part of his home a secret from me.

Unless they were secretly kidnapping people and draining them of their life energy.

"They're here, downstairs. You nervous?"

"No, no." I answered all too quickly, making a hint of a smile appear at the ends of Ashton's mouth.

"You are, I can tell," He squeezed my clammy hand, his thumb running over my racing pulse in my wrist. "Your leg has been jackhammering since I mentioned it."

I stood up as quickly as I could ignoring the soreness on my body and followed him out of his room without answering. The deep seeded dread never faded making my legs wobble as we walked.

I breathed out evenly when we got to an unfamiliar area of the house, the house was decorated just like a damn perfect living room catalogue. There's a real towering Christmas tree, about twenty feet tall, filled with all the natural trimmings settled by the staircase that greets them right as they enter the house, giant red and gold balls glittering and shining along with the twinkling strands of lights. Garland runs along the staircase beam and is draped along any shelf-like surface, like along the fireplace in the living room and atop a few tables pressed against walls. There is decorated candlesticks and poinsettias, gifts hugged in gold paper with bright red bows, dark evergreen stockings hanging from the fireplace and roaring fire that creates a warmth that presses snugly against my skin. It smells like a combination of cinnamon and cookies, panging sharply in my chest as it reminds me of home-but my dad is busy this year with my mother, working over his holiday break, another reason I had agreed to spend the season with Ashton.

On the couch next to the fireplace sat two important looking, older blond versions of Ashton. Despite not seeing their faces right away, I could feel both their gazes boring into the crown of my head. Ashton had told me countless times about how he heard the news stories about Attorney General Belle and her iron fist of justice. How the crime rates in the poorer areas of town had plummeted ever since she had been elected into power. Like she was some sort of super woman and i hoped to all the gods out there that she didn't have laser eye beams lest I have a massive hole in my head now. Ashton's father didn't exactly give me confidence either. He was a high profile financial consultant to the elites. That should have given me comfort considering the position meant that he had to care about other people but it didn't. After all, fathers often cared a little too much when it came to their kids are dating. I slowly raised my head and looked at them, regretting my decision immediately as I connected with their scrutinizing gaze.

"Pardon the intrusion. I'm Daniel Cunningham," I cursed myself silently for being overly polite. I must look so stupid right now!

"Why did you do the introduction?" His father asked.

"You guys already know who I am," Ashton retorted smartly. I kept quiet as the air was subsequently drained from the room and it suddenly felt cold in here. The Christmasy atmosphere had completely disappeared within seconds.

"I was told you were the one who helped Ashton raise his grades," his mother tried.

"Ashton's a smart guy, he did most of the studying by himself," I forced a smile on my face. Ashton stared coldly at the woman further adding to the awkwardness filling the room.

"How could it have nothing to do with you? We know that ever since you came around, he's been more motivated to do better in school and he's showing up at social events with a smile. Have you guys eaten yet? Let's have a light brunch." She looked at me eagerly ignoring that I was trying to die on the spot just to get out of this situation. Still, she seemed to be scared that Ashton would reject her.

To take the pressure off of me, I turned to Ashton. "I'm fine with whatever." He shrugged leading me to sit across from his parents. I wasn't stupid, it was clear that Ashton didn't want to be here and his parents presence was extremely unwelcome.

I'd rather have a dollar cup noodle in my room right now than eat the delicious meals of their cook under the scrutiny of the attorney general. I knew I would meet his parents one day, but not the fucking attorney general!

When the dishes arrived, Ashton's mom asked, "You look familiar." I started to sweat a little bit. She looked very familiar as well, but I wasn't trying to figure it out. "Cunningham, right? Are you related to an Arthur Cromwell, also known as Mickey?"

I gulped even if I hid it, they'd find out later anyway, won't they? "He's my Godfather."

"So your father is Michael Cunningham?" She asked. I nodded hesitantly wishing to be struck down by something so I wouldn't have to talk to them anymore. Why didn't she say anything else? Why didn't she stop staring at me?!

"Stop that, you're making him uncomfortable," Ashton finally spoke up and put his arm around me as if he completely covered me up from all forms of questioning.

His mother and father exchanged a look before turning back to us. This time his father spoke. "Last time, I heard that you didn't like the food in the cafeteria, so I changed the quality and the chefs. How do you like it now?"

They were the ones that changed that slip into something edible. People should be thanking Ashton for this. "It's delicious, we eat there almost everyday." I said.

"That's good! Ashton can only eat fresh things, so I had them change the oil to olive oil. It's very healthy for growing children," his dad said excitedly. I nodded, not knowing what else to say. I could tell that he was desperately trying to explain to Ashton what they had been doing through their conversation, even though he wasn't listening to them.

He didn't speak and started making a plate for me. His mother, who looked the most uncomfortable, tried to cover it up by drinking a cup of tea.

Fuck my unfortunate life! The brunch was absolute torture for me. The entire time a tense and gloomy atmosphere looked over the three of them.

"Let's just get to it, why are you guys here?" Ashton sighed putting a strawberry into my mouth.

"It's almost Christmas," his mother said faltering as Ashton stayed indifferent. "We just thought we should see you."

"Isn't it because you heard the gossip that we went to a party?" Ashton said. "And you wanted to check out my fiancé? Don't you already know all about him?"

"We know about him, your aunt told us that his father is working for your uncle, so we just came to meet him officially," his dad quickly covered up for them. "We just want to welcome him."

"My parents already welcomed him and his father," Ashton said. "You don't need to worry about it."

"We're your parents!" His mother snapped.

"You're just my sperm and egg donors," Ashton rebutted. "You don't have to worry about what's going on here."

The room stayed silent as the three stared at each other intensely. "I understand that you may not like us, but it doesn't change the fact that I gave birth to you!"

"I never said it did. You gave birth to me, you're both passing your companies to me, but that's the extent of our relationship. It's always been strictly business with you two. Did you want a thank you or something?" Ashton put another strawberry into my mouth while he spoke coldly. The atmosphere was getting more suffocating by the second making me shiver hard. I subconsciously looked at Ashton who stared back confusedly. "What's wrong, are you cold?"

"No," just uncomfortable as hell! Ashton felt my forehead as I chewed on a strawberry I picked up. "I'm fine."

"You're a bit warm. It's about that time you get that fever again, I was wondering when it would come up," he said pouring me some hot tea.

"It's ok, Ash. I really feel fine," I told him. I haven't been getting sick lately, so I'll be damned if I get sick right now. Especially while meeting the people Ashton says gave birth to him. Even if he clearly didn't like them, I still felt the need to leave a good impression.

"When do you two plan to get married?" His dad asked suddenly.

"Sometime after we graduate," Ashton said generally. That could be anytime! "We haven't discussed a date yet."

"Is there a reason why?" His mom jumped in.

"We're still in high school and Danny needs time to prepare for college and his career," Ashton said. "I won't invite you two, don't worry."

"That's not what I mean! I want to attend the wedding!" His mother shouted desperately. "I know I haven't been great about you being gay, but it's ok if you are! We just want to meet him and get to know him."

"Are you feeling ok enough to speak to them," Ashton asked me gently. Suddenly all eyes in the room were on me. Ashton looked as though he wanted me to decline their invitation, but his parents looked at me with pleading looks as if they were seizing their last chance through me.


"I'm alright," I forced myself to say. If the parents like me, they might be very troublesome to deal with in the future. If they don't, they might still be troublesome in the future! I don't want to meet them, but I have to deal with them somehow. "So, what do you want to know?"

"What are your goals for the future?" His father asked eagerly. Shit! Do I lie? If I do they'd find out anyway right?

"A tattoo artist," I kept my eyes on the bowl of fruit in front of me suddenly feeling nauseous. "Ashton got me an apprenticeship and I'm learning really fast, so I'll apply for my license in a few years. Until then, I'll go to college."

"Where do you plan to go?" His dad continued.

"Well, I don't need a PHD for the profession I'm in, so I'll probably just go wherever Ashton goes," I shrugged. "If my career doesn't take off, I'd like to be useful at least."

"Look, this is his first tattoo!" Ashton lifted his sleeve  proudly to show his parents the tattoo I had put on him. I expected them to clutch their pearls and kick up a fuss, but they just stared at the tattoo dumbfounded.

"I've just been practicing on myself lately," I showed them my own forearm which had several small tattoos on it, including one identical to Ashton's.

"Well then...it's nothing too bad," his mother lied. "Can I ask why you're going into tattooing if your grades are so good that you can receive a scholarship into a college of your choosing?"

"It's a way of expressing the things that you love most in life. People usually express themselves through color and clothing, and tattoos are just another way to customize someone," I said. "Plus I really enjoy it."

"Why not choose a job that makes more money?"

"Because my dad says money isn't something that guarantees a happy life. My dad and I are middle class and we're happy with each other," I answered his mom. "Plus he'd rather I enjoy what I do for work if possible."

"That's reasonable," his dad said. The awkward brunch continued with meaningless trivial questions like this. I'm not exactly sure what the fuck was with the air of distrust and animosity, but I powered through. The sooner this was over, the sooner I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

At some point Ashton's father asked to speak to him in private and the two left me and his mother sitting there in awkward silence. Well, at least I felt awkward, she just found it necessary to stare me down as if I were the devil.

"S-so....that was-"

"Would you please not get the wrong idea?" Ashton's mother gave me a look of extreme distaste. It felt so hateful that I was reminded of Vincenzo again. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm being nice because Ashton would want me too. In my opinion, the apple never falls far from the tree. A useless person with your kind of background, just what does my son see in you?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, suddenly shocked by her true feelings.

"Don't play dumb with me! You two are engaged, I bet you weaseled your way into fiancé status on your own," she shook her head angrily.

"It was mutual-"

"You really aren't that smart, huh? You can't even pull out a good lie at a time like this. I really pity my son having to love someone like you. He shouldn't have a problem finding someone better."

"What does that have to do with what he wants?"

She wasn't listening to anything I had to say. "I really hate people like you. Even though all you do is trouble the people around you, you still go after the one person who benefits you. You probably thought life would be smooth sailing once you got Ashton on your side."

"I never thought that."

"You really are a sneaky one, but I guess it's hereditary," she scoffed.

What the fuck was she on about? I approached Ashton to use him? She's the dumb one if she thinks anyone had the balls to even approach Ashton in that way. She's really talking like she knows everything that's going on when she knows nothing about me or Ashton. I didn't care if she was an elite or a stupid attorney general, her personality sucks ass!

And on top of that, there's no need to think about wether you're worthy or not when you're engaged to someone. But when I think about it, it really pisses me off that I can't completely deny her statement. A lot of the times, I didn't feel worthy of Ashton, but just as quickly he would change my mind and make me feel more than worth it.

From now on, I won't take her seriously.

"Why are you staring at me? Trying to target me next or get rid of me? It would be impossible because I know your true nature."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Anyway, what I just said should've sank in by now. Truth be told, it's quite an eye sore seeing you hover around my son, and I hate hearing about it from people around town. So when are you going to find someone else? Actually you really don't mind who it is right? There's some artist who's very interested in you-"

"Can you stop assuming things?" I calmly asked her. "I very much do mind who my partner is. You're so annoying, butting in when you clearly have no concept of what's going on. I go out with Ashton because I love him and I don't need an outsider to come and complain to me about it. I don't need you to believe me. Second, I don't care about you having investigated me and my father in the past, he's the great man who raised me well all on his own."

"A criminal is a criminal."

"And a parent is a parent. My dad was excellent in this aspect. What about you? What does your son think about you? Or are you just jealous that you can't fulfill a parental role like my 'criminal father'?" I asked.

"What are you babbling about?" She snapped.

"It's the only reason I think of for you bringing up my father. I mean it's normal for you I guess, but it's strange that you go and start complaining about mine and Ashton's relationship."

"What's so strange about that? I'm just a mother worried about her child."

"Ashton is an important person to me. I don't care how much hateful shit you say, I'm not giving up Ashton," I told her firmly so she would know that I was serious about this. "You're talking to a wall."

She grunted and crossed her arms stubbornly. "I understand what you wanted to say, but don't think this is over. It doesn't change the fact that I don't like you and think you're exactly like your father."

"I am in a lot of ways, and I'm proud of it," I shot her the fakest smile I could muster up.

"Well, a boy being proud of his father is a precious thing," she fake smiled back. I hated her and she hated me, that much was clear.

"You two seem to be getting along," Ashton and his father had reentered the room and joined us on the couch.

"Swimmingly," I forced myself to say.

"Great. Then now that the rumors are all out there, care to tell us how you two met?" Ashton's dad made it clear that he wasn't going to stop trying to figure out the relationship. But maybe this was his way of getting closer to Ashton somehow.

"Yeah, I approached him at lunch," Ashton told him. "We were also in most of our classes together he started tutoring me. It took a while but we eventually started going out."

"When did you get engaged?" His mom asked.

"At the party. I wanted it, so he promoted me," Ashton answered before I could. His moms smile stated to fade slowly as she listened to him. "Some sleazy artist tried to hit on Danny while we were there. Luckily, we were able to get away from him."

"Is your father really ok with...this?" His mom turned the attention onto me as she faked concern. She glared at Ashton and scowled when she saw his hand intertwining with mine.

"Of course he is," I said with the most condescending smile I could come up with. "My dad loves me no matter what I do or who I want to be with. He thinks Ashton was raised as a fine young man and that I couldn't have found a better man to be with."

"Even a Hell's Angel can accept it," Ashton's dad sighed, slightly taken aback by my fathers view points. "Is he doing well for himself?"

"Yessir, Chip hired my dad a while ago so he's been working there. He's been happy since then," I said.

"What did he do before?"

"It was corporate sales in a manufacturing company for motorcycles and he had a side job as a mechanic. But now he's Chips assistant, so I'm not sure if he still does that."

"Nice, how is school?"

"It's been going great. I've got a 4.0 GPA and I love the apprenticeship I'm doing. I'm well on my way to becoming a tattoo artist as well as learning what Ashton knows."

"But you can't continue your bloodline, is your father really ok with that?" Ashton's mother asked suddenly. His dad shot her an annoyed look as if he was silently telling her to shut her stupid mouth.

"We could always do surrogacy or adoption," I smiled faking innocence just to piss off Ashton's mom a bit more. "Plus I think it would be nice to have a baby that looks like me or Ashton. I heard IVF is perfect for a couple like us. We can have one that looks like Ashton and one that looks like me."

His moms face contorted in horror, while Ashton and his dad looked at me excitedly.

"So you plan to have children in the future," his dad sighed in relief. "That's great news. When you're ready, we'll find you the best candidates."

"Thank you, I'd like that," I couldn't help but start to blush when Ashton slung his arm around me and pulled me close to him. The vision of us doing this with children in the future flashed through my head and I suddenly felt as though I had really woken up now. Not only that, Ashton looked more excited than I had ever seen him.

I bet in his head, I was saying this because I was thinking about our future together, which I was. But I still couldn't help but feel that twinge of guilt from me being petty towards his mother. Still, it wasn't a complete lie.

"Two kids?" Ashton chuckled. "I'm looking forward to it."

Shit! I trapped myself. At least his mother was beyond pissed though. It looked as though she wasn't going to take this sitting down. "I'm not. I just don't think this is right."

"You know I'm not part of a gang, right?" I asked her. "My dad may be, but he's been inactive since I've been born. Your investigation a few years ago told you that. I understand you have some preconceived notions about me, but they're all unfounded, which I'm pretty sure you know as well."

"Why are you so wary of me?" She asked.

"Attorneys are evil as well as the justice system."

"Spoken like a true criminal."

"The criminals are people who tear families apart under the guise of justice while stuffing their own pockets! Just like the office of the attorney general," I spat Uncle Mickeys philosophy back at her.

"What's important is that Ashton and Daniel are in love and want to get married, and we've met him already. With everything that's been said, there's nothing to worry about." Ashton's dad consoled his mother to no avail. "That artist is nothing but a simple gossip. He just doesn't know his place."

"Artist?" Ashton scowled. "Not the one that tried to hit on Danny?"

"I can see now that he was just some playboy. He came to your mother and I and told us both that you were holding a rare beauty hostage. When your mother heard it, she insisted that we rush over here and see him ourselves." Ashton's dad explained. "There isn't much we can do about it."

"I can't believe this trash seduced my son." His mom stubbornly pouted.

"Well you don't have to believe it, my parents who raised me already do," Ashton frowned. "It's fine with me though, you don't have to see your grandchildren. I wouldn't be losing a thing."

"She didn't mean that!" His dad jumped in. "I swear, no matter what, we support you, Ashton. Daniel is obviously a fine young man suited for you. It doesn't even matter that you're gay since you've solved the issue of an heir. We're happy if you are."

At least his dad was trying his hardest. He seemed really keen on getting as close as possible to Ashton, even if it meant going against his wife. I even started to feel bad for him as he kept trying and trying to no avail to appeal to Ashton in anyway.

"You two-"

"At least hear your father out, Ashton. He's accepting us, so we should accept him," I suggested.

"Even if they had a problem, they'd have no say," Ashton argued. "But for you, I'll give him grace."

"And be nice, an effort is being made," I scolded him further causing him to groan.

"Fine, I'll just be nice," Ashton forced a smile on his face. "And polite."

Ashton's father gave me the most thankful look I had ever seen while Ashton's mother glared at me with killing intent. After dealing with her miserable gaze for about thirty more minutes, she announced that she was ready to leave.

Ashton stood up and walked her to the door by himself while his dad hung back for a bit.

Ashton's father shook my hand and thanked me sincerely for looking after Ashton, as even he's picked up on a change for the better with him. "His mother is just upset that he doesn't share anything with us and we had to find out through someone outside of the family. But her anger is misplaced, since we were the ones who abandoned Ashton."

"Why are you getting close to him now?" I asked him.

"When you get older, you begin to crave the attention from your loved ones. I missed my son for many years after I abandoned him, and I stupidly never went to visit. I even let him think my brother, Chip was his father, of course he wouldn't be able to accept me. I selfishly want to be a part of my sons life again," Ashton's dad told me. "I don't want to die alone with regrets. I at least want to have some memories with my son before I go. So I have to try no matter how long it takes for him to adjust. But this has been the most he's ever opened up or spoken to me in one sitting. For the first time, I finally felt connected to my son."

"I'll try to help in any way I can," I assured him before he gave me a tired smile.

"Welcome to the family, Daniel," he patted the back of my hand gratefully before leaving the room.

I sat back into the couch and let the fatigue rush over me. It felt worse than the fumbling, awkwardness of out first few dates, worse than fear of gracelessly asking one another to be your only, worse than the fear of that first declaration of love, and worse that the fearful clumsy way we made love for the first time, losing our virginity to each other. No, meeting parents is a lot worse. I've never had to meet a someone's parents before, let alone twice.

Not to mention, I just put two brats in my future.

"Baby, are you feeling ok?" Ashton appeared in front of me suddenly. "That was probably a lot. You know you didn't have to promise them anything, right? They don't control anything in my life."

"It's all good," I waved him off.

"Then do you really want children with me?" Ashton asked eagerly. He looked into my eyes trying not give anything away, but excitement and happiness were all that he was showing at the moment. It was too cute to handle.

How could I not want his babies?

"Yes, I mean it," I said. "I want one that looks like you and one that looks like me. I wouldn't say it without meaning it....but I won't deny it was mostly because your mom absolutely hates me that I said it out loud."

"Really?! What did she say?"

"That I'd sleep with anyone and I'm using you for an easier life," I told him. "She's really not happy about it. She wants me to leave you, I can tell."

"It won't happen! She just doesn't know you like I do! No one does!" Ashton suddenly got serious with me as he took my hands in his. "You're nothing she called you, and we're going to have a perfect awesome family that she can't be a part of. No matter what, despite anything she says, I'll love you and take care of you first."

Too cute. "I know that, Ashton. I love you too."

"I would've declined if I knew you had met her before."

"It wasn't really a meeting, she spoke to my dad. I just know she was serious about locking him up," I said. "It has nothing to do with us though. I still love you just as much."

"Ok, baby," Ashton cooed at me before joining me on the couch. After he had kissed me, we decided to settle down and watch Christmas movies. Ashton told me it was tradition in their house. The few days leading up to Christmas was filled with watching Christmas films, eating fruity pastries and just generally vegetating comfortably. "D-do you want to spend Christmas with me?"

"Christmas?" I asked.

"You and your dad. We can go ice skating, watch the Nutcracker, visit Santa, make gingerbread houses," as Ashton continued to list off activities I took my chance to picture it.

Watching Die Hard then Home Alone like my dad and I do every Christmas, but now with Ashton and his parents on a bigger TV. Fucking up gingerbread houses because it'll be my first time making one, but it'll be fine, because my dad's will be worse than mine and I can make fun of him for it. Dad and Chip getting drunk before dinner and doing karaoke like he used to do with Vincenzo's dad. Kissing under the mistletoe would be nice as well. Learning how to ice skate might be fun since I've never been. And I haven't been to visit Santa since I was a kid, I didn't know I was allowed to still go.

Though seeing Ashton sitting on Santa's lap might really made for a funny picture. I'm definitely here for it.

"That sure sounds nice."