65. Ashton Belle

We've been Husbands for four years. Boyfriends, well fiancés for seven before that; and head over heels in love for a grand total of eleven years. But hey, it's not like anyone's counting. We even had twins now.

Yes, twins! Ashton Jr and Birdy were the gift that had unexpectedly doubled when our surrogate gave birth. When the nurses had handed us each a baby the day they were born, we immediately agreed to have no more and just enjoy them both, which we found out was incredibly hard to do. My blond haired blue eyed menaces were the apple of Danny's eyes though.

Up until now, Danny and I had the perfect relationship. Every single day was filled with passion and spark, smiles and laughter, kisses and moans even after all this time. But recently... my brows were constantly furrowed and my lips formed an uncertain line. My eyes felt heavy as well and I can feel the insecurity creeping into me, consuming me. I can't escape it.