The simulation

We got are badges set on all of our uniforms Rex was right when we asked for more we got more so we got all of our clothes properly set we also took a shower and washed our dirty clothes we walked out of our room right when are watches beeped we looked at our watches it was orders from Sergeant Rage it read all new Cadets report to the mech similar's Helge smiled saying finally we can start our real training I rolled my eyes saying not really the real training starts when I get to pilot a real mech and not one in a simulation Helge punched my shoulder saying stop being a killjoy and let's go and she rains down the hall to the stairs I side and ran after her when we got to the mech simulation room only maybe half of the new cadets was here I bet the others didn't make the cut but I didn't think about that and took my place in the line next to Helge sergeant Pain looked over us all saying ok cadets your mech training starts know you will be thrown into a random war simulation your actions will affect the world around you treat this like real life know form up into teams of two and get into a simulation pod Helge and I looked to each other and simple walked over to the closest pod to us and we sat down when we did are watch beeped and the chairs turned us around so be faced inside of these pods as we turned around my seat transformed into a mech seat and controls formed out of the chairs arms and activating in front of me was a screen it should my mech a medium mecha with shoulder cannons and wrest blasters but in my hands was a sniper and on my back was a backup machine gun that could shoots 300 rounds of explosive rounds it was like a full auto grenade launcher if the grenades had a impact of a small missile usually they didn't exploded but just she shear inertia of one bullet would turn a human in to red missed if hit directly and on my hips was two torch daggers on they could cut throw any almost any metal I moved my hands looking around my mech was dark green and black camo there was a mech next to me who looked the exact same as me with basically the same weapons but instead of a machine gun it was a shotgun over the shotgun was a huge shield and sheathed in the shield was a short sword appearing on the edge of my screen Helge appeared she was sitting in a Mecha she asked where are we I shrugged saying unsure and I looked around all around us was forest the trees was trailer then even us but then a map appeared on the bottom right of my screen of the area and I seen a red mark probably 900 kilometers out and a female voice started to speak operation silent moon is ago mecha pilots cobra and diamondback your cleared to nutritious the commander of the any mecha pilot and anyone else you can bring down with you my the emperor guide you to victory and the voice stopped I looked over to Helge I was smiling happily o this is a night hit we are probably supposed to get over rain that's y they put that last part in there Helge nodded indeed so what is the plan I smiled and looked to the sun that was going down we move when it gets dark let's camo is self's even more in that free time and I walked over to a fallen down tree I took a hand full of mud and rubbed it on my mecha making sure not to dirty my weapons and then I rubbed my self on the fallen tree making sure branches and leaves stuck to me Helge did the same as me I he lied her cover the areas she could not see she did the same to me as I was doing this I was using my powers to scan my mecha and it's weapons I realized the sniper rifles wasn't operating at full capacity I asked my system if there was anything I could do to help it that robotic voice started to speak scanning for possible solutions scan complete and appearing in front of me was 3 different schematics one over rid the snipers current safety setting but if I tampered with that my sniper could only shoot one after that it would melt from the heat the other opened wasn't much better I side and said never mind system it would seem I need to study up sense I think if I grow my knowledge you could help me more I heard that robotic voice simple say host is current I picked up my sniper it was almost dark and about time to move I quickly used my innate ability to scan the map for possible good snipers' nests and I found 2 one was on the opposite side of the camp we were supposed to attack but the second one was actually close by you ready I asked Helge she picked up her sniper nodding I took lead but u made sure to run my mecha on low power mode there was just enough power to move nothing more I made sure Helge did the same the trees was about the size of a mech so we moved from tree to tree making sure to stay in the shadow of the trees when dark enough that we could not see we activated are night vision my hole screen turned green I looked around me everything was green but there were some limits to the dark vision but it didn't slow us down much we were already moving slowly just in case there was scout parts or something as we were walking I was seeing what information we had on the camp but all we had was an overhead picture from space but that was enough for me the camp was in a clearing in the woods I could see there were machine gun nests all over the places surrounding the camp with a trench that connected them all together we didn't have a full count how many mechs there were in this camp but by the looks of it there were probably only 6 medium-sized mecha and probably only 50 small mecha all the medium mechs were in the middle of the camp placed around in a circle the small mechs was closer to the trenches yep definitely a suicide mission to anyone who was wet behind the ears hell this mission would be hard for even a seasoned vet we got to a small hill that had one of these huge trees on its side with its roots pulled up I smiled looking up at the roots saying perfect and I slowly walked up this fallen over tree using it as a ramp to get to its roots I pulled out one of my daggers I used my innate ability to activate the blade when I did the blade started glowing red hot I cut and pulled my self through these roots Helge following behind me covering my flank I stopped turning around smiling I looked down to see the camp this tree wasn't the only tree that was pulled out it got more common around the camp I cut a section next to me so Helge could stand next to me I put away my dagger as I razed my sniper it's optics appearing on my display screen luckily my night vision transferred to my scope cuz the camp was practicly pitch dark but there were a few lites that came from inside tents and I saw in the machine gun nest closet to us small lights so the soldiers could see a little with our night vision glasses or goggles we were probably 15 kilometers out an easy shot for are shoulder cannons and snipers I was scanning over the tents when Helge said spotted are targets where I asked middle of the camp the newer mech model I looked in the middle of the camp and she was right in the middle of the medium mechs was a newer mech model than the others around it I looked around there feet there were no tents around them in a 30-foot radius around them I side saying well there ant no tents around them so they must be sleeping in their mechs Helge nodded saying doesn't this feel too easy Hunter I side again saying y did you half to say it this hole thing is fishy but we got are orders neutralize there commander and kill as many of them as we can Helge nodded saying your right take your marks I was about to take aim when I had an idea I used my innate ability to do a quick scan of the area around us what I found shocked me there were mechs signatures in the ground and they were placed all around this camp in the first case of trouble they would spring out and attack but that wasn't most shocking part no the fucking 5 Artillery cannons dug into a trench around the medium mechs I looked to see where one was and I seen camo netting with sticks and dirt thrown over the top of it Helge new plain I said smiling happily Helge razed a eyebrow saying well that's a lot of fun toys they got I nodded and using the map and my innate ability my shoulder cannons razed up but didn't shoot yet I took aim at the commander saying focus your fire on these two artillery cannons if you can't aim both your cannons and rifle focus on your cannons we need to take out these artillery cannons before we do anything ones you destroy those two focus on the last one I will get two and I will take out their commander and I took aim at the middle of the commander's mech where I knew that's where the cockpit was I took my rifle off safety when I say fire rain hell down on them she nodded and I saw a smile spread across her face from intimation Fire I said pulling the trigger on my rifle at the same time I shot my shoulder cannons using my innate ability Helges fire was pretty well in sink I seen through my scoop the mech control room gets completely destroyed by a mix of a powerful impact and the explosions that came after but I didn't wait time admiring my handy work I took aim again at three other medium Mech and shot again destroying two of the three but the third one was so badly damaged that it would not move and that's if the pilot lived as I did this Helge shot again blowing up the last of the artillery cannons but at this point, the camp was alive with movement and I detected 5 medium mecha's charging at are position Helge can you deal with the guests that are coming at us I will cover you and destroy the last 3 medium mechs in the camps Helge laughed saying it will be my pleasure and she took a running jump down the tree as she landed her mech made a crunching noise but she didn't stop her shoulder cannons targeted the closets mechs to her and her cannons rang out I moved my rifle taking aim at another medium in the camp it was running in our direction it had a shield out and ready I side saying we can't have that and my shoulder cannons also took aim at him I pulled the trigger my rifle firing and right after that my cannons fired as well the Mech razed its shield in front of it's self my snipers round hit his shield which forced him to stop running and sliding back after that my two cannon rounds hit him his shield shattered from the force of both shots and his mech got launched off it's feet from the explosion I took aim again but this time I seen one one mech with a sniper similar to mine aiming at me I launched my cannons sense they was faster to target I quickly jumped up luckily I did cuz something impacted where I was standing completely destroying the roots I was standing on I landed but I know my cannon shots connected cuz there was no more Medium mecha in the camp I looked down to Helge who had completely left behind her sniper and removed her shoulder cannons and in her hands was her shotgun and her sword she was blasting and cutting all around her she had already destroyed 2 mechs and she was about to destroy another one but then my radar detected 19 medium mech and almost 100 smell mechs moving to our passion I jumped down as I did my shoulder cannons shot again destroying the last two mechs in front of Helge hi those were mine she pouted no time get your equipment time to withdraw Helge side saying fine and she picked up her shoulder cannons and sniper as she did that I sent a request to command asking for immediately withdraw transport commander dead mission done I heard that female voice again saying rager that cobra head to extraction and a red dot appeared on are maps outside of the woods run I yelled my cannons shooting a tree and making it fall covering our path behind us they would have to go around or climb it Helge and I think throw the woods back we came my map should the enemy's getting closer I slung the sniper over my shoulder as I pulled out my machine gun out I turned around and pulled the trigger the gun awakened with a happy thoof thoof thoof as I spray behind us I turned back around running again when I heard the boom boom boom from my bullets I heard more trees falling hell one feel right next to me we were about out if the woods I could see the edge of the woods I heard a drop-ship land we burst out of the woods running like crazy the shuttle was probably only 30 feet away from the woods edge the door was already open I turned back around when I got to the 15-foot marker and my gun awakened again thoof thoof thoof thoof boom boom boom boom I didn't stop spraying round as I slowly walked backward walking up the ships ramp I only stopped when the ship door started shutting when the door fully shut my screen want dark and my connection to the mech was gone are chairs turned back around to see all the new cadets already out of there simulation pods they were gapping at us sergeant Rage walked up to us she stopped in front of us and I seen her normally cold and hard eyes get a little softer and warmer as she stared at us well-done cadet Hunter and cadet Helge, not many cadets can finish that mission you was just on and not many life they like you thought that the mission was Suicide and not many of them spot the hidden troops and artillery I will be expecting great things from you two do I make my self clear we saluted her saying yes mam she nodded as she turned around saying clast dismissed go to your next class you should be getting that class info right about now and right when she said that my watch vibrates and everyone else got a notification as well see you later cadets she said walking out we all saluted her saying yes mam I looked at my watch it was are maintenance class telling us to report to garage 3 I smiled happily I looked to Helge saying let's move I want to see what they have in store for us she smiled at my enthusiasm and we walked to garage 3 we had to walk outside to get to it but I didn't care I was heading to build things again we walked into the garage and this hole place had technicians moving around they was moving meck parts, materials for the printers and hell there were many different weapons moving to different bays there were 15 bays in this garage, and in each bay, there was a meck getting worked on I smiled happily looking around I am going to love this class I said to me self grinning Helge shook her head laughing at my enthusiasm.