A choice

Sergeant Rage point of view - mmmm it will seem those two are quite something she looked over to two specific simulation pods she looked up to the tv that was above the pods the view was from looking out of the Mech and at the top right should each and at the bottom right was there map Cadet Hunter aka Rose Dandelion I don't know who gave cadet Hunter his real name but it's no wonder he goes by another name and his partner cadet Helge Dragon its a shocker that a member of the dragon family is taking orders from a nobody and even more so if caption Rex is right if Hunter truly is a bastard child of the legendary mech pilot and caption Fang Dragny it's no wonder his natural talents is way above his peers but if he really is a Dragny it's more of a shocker that Helge is wiling to follow his lead and take orders from him it's well known that the Dragny and the dragon families keep a healthy rivalry seeing how both run two of the biggest merck trading companies in this continent hell even outside our kingdom those two names are well known to due to their willingness to trade and help anyone if there is profit in it I side saying if they impress me I will tell caption Rex we should bump these two up but we will see in one month when the caption gets back from the mission from his family she turned around and watched all the other cadets and over the course of minutes and hours the cadets simulations was done some passed but most failed but there were two pods that still weren't done I turned back to cadet Hunters and cadet Helge's pods I looked up at the screen what I saw shocked me their mission was a success they had eliminated their target and they successfully caused enough damage and chaos to the camp and neither of there Mechs were destroyed or damaged too badly and they were now running through the woods to their extraction they had just cleared the tree line when the doors on the drop ship started to open cadet ran halfway to the ship when he turned around laying down suppressing fire wall cadet Helge got on the ship he slowly backed up onto the ship and the door closed and their pod's chairs turned around I made a note to tell caption Rex about this I thought to my self as she walked up to the two cadets.