I get lucky in a cave plus Ziva and I have a heart to heart

I sat there in the center of the front gates my legs was crossed as I meditated I connected to this land and the creatures that was living in it the wind brushed passed my face I took a deep breath in smelling the damp fresh air my ears tuned out the noises in the city what remained was the sound of the wind blowing through the trees the sound of bugs, birds and other such creatures flooded my senses I smiled when I sensed a group of familiar presents walk towards me but only one of them walked forward and stood next to me the others stopped farther back I opened my eyes smiling up at Ziva who had on nothing but short thin leather shirt and skirt in her hands was a old spear that had names carved into it some new some old the spearhead was pitch black obsidian her hair was pulled back in a simple tight bun and on the side of her hip was a two thin short straight back swords that looked to be made from bone or a creatures claw she looked down to me and smiled you ready I chuckled and jumped onto my feet my tail whipping behind me I was born ready but let me just say this and I looked over her body with a perverted gaze you look damn good in them clothes Ziva rolled her eyes saying yea, yea whatever your pretty words wont make me go easy on you I am going to give this all I got to beat you I licked my fangs chuckling good I would have it no other way but just know soon I will be hunting you in my bed so I hope your as spirited as this Ziva blushed hearing my words I looked forward to see Calypso and grandmother step forward in front of us Calypso looked over Ziva before nodding go forth my granddaughter bring back a mighty beast so you can dominate this male Ziva giggled and looked towards me with a scary expression responding with pleasure I gulped seeing that expression out the corner of my head but I focused back on my grandmother who was in front of me she gently cupped my face as she spoke I still dont agree with this lad but Heavy was right I still see you as a child that needs protected but the simple truth is you never needed my protection and that sadness me its proof of the hardship you have gone through to get where you are today when I first heard about you child I felt so ashamed that you had to suffer growing up I was ashamed that I couldn't be there for you when you needed me and now that we are here I want to make up for lost time I wanted you to keep at least a small remnant of a childhood but I can see know that was selfish of me to try and hold you back so go and find your beast I am sure it is as mighty as you are go and show me how far you have come but before you leave I would for you to take my blessing along with you if you will have it that is I smiled warmly this woman who has trusted me with so much who has put her hope and well wishes on me I gently grabbed her hand and kissed it before saying I would never refuse that grandmother she smiled as she took a step back as she pulled off her saber hilt and activated it the bright green blade extended out and the bright blue edge flickered sharply I smiled and pulled out my to hilts and crossed my arms as I bowed forward Grandmother then moved her saber over my left shoulder I could hear the hummm coming from her blade and the heat that came from it but I didn't flinch 

May your blades strike true 

Then she moved to the other shoulder 

May your spirit never waver 

Then she moved her blade right above my head 

May the ancestors blest you with good future and may the path be shown 

Then she turned off her saber saying I send you off with both my blessing and pride my grandson may the ancestors watch over us 

I then straighten my back yelling this is our way the moment I send that the ground shook do to hundreds of people slamming there feet on the ground and my crew yelled this is our way the Amazons looked at my crew with confused eyes but I could tell they was more interested then anything else with that I turned to Ziva as a huge grin spread across my face saying good hunting with that I turned around and rushed forward as fast as lightning to many I was just a red and black blur as I ran and jumped through the thick trees heading down hill Ziva quickly following just a bit slower Calypso side and looked to the woman next to her asking do you think they will be alright Silverea there was no response at first but Silverea slowly looked to Calypso with a cold neutral expression they will come back I am sure of that all though I ant sure I am ready for what comes next Calypso side nodding like she understood they grow up so fast she said sying Silverea side also shrugging at least your was blest with the memories from when Ziva was a child I never got that chance with Hunter Calypso cocked her head asking was his mother and step father truly that bad Silverea didn't respond at first she just looked in the direction Hunter disappeared in but she side and turned around saying I don't know he doesn't talk much about his childhood I only know the little my family was able to gather from a investigation which wasn't much and the little he has told us the only person who truly know what Hunter has gone through is Hunter himself and Helge his ex-partner but they was bad enough for him to go back and kill them both and save his younger siblings Calypso eyes want wide and looked in the direction Hunter disappeared in with a worried expression. 

Back to Hunter I sped down the mountain so fast that even some animals couldn't see me I also jumped claimed and swing through the trees like a wild beast I don't know how long passed as I ran east but I soon stopped at a watering hole where I seen a smoking waterfall steam rose off the water but my eyes fell on the huge waterfall that what up the mountain but it wasn't the waterfall that my eyes landed in O no it was the dark spot in the center of this waterfall I smiled and took a running jump off the tree I was in and dived through that dark spot in the waterfall as I dived through the scolding hot water my body flow into a cave I slid to a stop as I turned around and looked out of the waterfall the water was oddly clear for how hot it was but I didn't see anything so I sat down and crossed my legs as I connected to this planet again the sound of the waterfall was gone what replaced it was all the noises of this wild but beautiful planet I could hear the clicking of raptors the call of a pterodactyl and even the clicking noise from a huge red ant that was eating the bark off a tree but it wasn't just the noises i felt the life that was this planet it felt so freeing my normally ever working mind actually quieted down the voices stopped and took in this feeling with me I felt at peace in both body mind and soul here it was like my bloodline felt content on this planet and I had no idea y but this is when I heard a load crack noise as a stick broke and I heard someone running but I could sense this creature was being chased by a pack of raptors that was easily keeping pace with there pray if it wasn't for there pray moving in the trees a battle would have already begun I smiled feeling the familiar presents as I shot to my feet and walked to the edge of this cave just in time to see Ziva run off a tree and jump across this stream or she tried to anyway the moment she was in range my hand quickly shot out grabbing her arm and dragging her into the cave I felt her body tense up as she landed in my arms but before she could speak I whisper in her ear its me Ziva shh I looked passed Ziva my arms still tightly wrap around Ziva protectively as I looked through the waterfall I seen 3 raptors run and jump over the stream but 2 raptors stopped at waters edge one of them had there head down the other was looking up in the tree Ziva was at that raptor took several sniffs in the air before its head looked towards the waterfall and just for a moment I thought the beast locked eyes with me but it let out a load clicking noise and like that they was gone Ziva side leaning against me saying that was a close call I chuckled best be careful soon to be wifey I won't be there always to protect you she looked up into my eyes with a seductive smile O are you saying you wont come to my aid like you did in the past she ask as she raised an eyebrow I shrugged if I am able to yes but I won't be there for you all the time Ziva but if I am able I will drop everything and run to your aid if that's what you want me do I will save you my princess I seen her cheeks blush slightly but she didn't look away she through her arms around my neck saying and what if I don't want to be some damsel in distress what if I want to be a bulled barbaric woman who takes what she wants my arms tighted around her waste as I spoke you can be what ever you want it doesn't matter to me sense you will still be mine at the end of the day but what does matter to me is for you to be your self and for you to be happy that's all Ziva giggled good cuz at the end of the day I am still have the spirit of a Amazon and we take what we want with that she grabbed the back of my head and forced my head down into a kiss I of course kissed her back I tightened my arms around her pushing closer to me and slowly I brought up a hand and grabbed the back of her head the moment I did that the waterfall rippled and flying through it was that damn raptor that looked at us but the hand that was gripping her waist shot forward and grabbed this raptors head and with a sickening crunching and tearing noise as the raptors skull was crushed under my claws and its head brutality ripped off I through the head to the side before my arm want back around her waste and as blood rained down of us our kiss got more primal and hands I moved Ziva to the wall and pushed her against it as I kissed her deeply as my claw hands gripped her ass and started knitting patterns in it my claws digging into her skin ahe let out a moan as she felt my claws dig into her ass but she responded quickly one of her hands clawed at my hair as her other hand ran down my back before she gentle ran her hand over the beginning of my tail the moment I felt her hand touch my tail this sent a ripple of pleasure course through my body this made me grunt in pleasure as I bit the bottom of her lip gently this made her moan again then my serpent tongue shot out I could smell her emotions I smelled happiness and a bit of fear but it was overpowered with lust and pleasure my tongue flicked out licking the side of her bloody neck I kissed down her neck then shoulders then down her chest as I did this she kept on running a hand through my hair wall her other hand teased my tail but before we could continue I sensed three more presents flying towards the cave intense my I spun around and lunged at the raptors that just landed as I growled your interrupting and with a few quick swipe of my claws there heads was brutality ripped off and thrown out of the cave onto one of the trees I quickly turned around to Ziva who was still leaning against the wall but gone was her thin clothing she smiled at me with that seductive smile she slowly walked in front of me swaying her hips as she did so I stared at this very seductive and sexy value Ziva looked my bloody figure over and she must have seen something she like cuz she nodded before throwing her arms around my neck before she spoke take me Hunter right here right now fuck rituals and beliefs right in this moment I want nothing more then to feel your touch I want you to dominate me wall your covered in the blood of our enemies and the bodies of the fallen surround us your just so mmm and she licked the side of my bloody face before continuing so fucking hot mmmm I chuckled feeling Ziva touch I could smell her emotions she was in heat but as I looked at this woman who smiled and stared at me with such lustful eyes I don't know y but my blood started to burn and I got the primal instinct to mate to dominate this woman to the point she wouldn't even look at another person romantically I couldnt control this feeling it was to overwhelming I quickly grabbed Ziva and started kissing her deeply our tongues interred each other mouths as my hand ran down her back that is when I got a evil idea Ziva seemed to like anal porn so y dont we dominate her slowly one hole at a time hehehe this is merely the appetizer a taste of you will wall after the wedding is the main course lets give her a tasted shall we and like that my tail undid my belt and my paints hit the ground and soon the sound of a surprised gasped followed up by moans of pleasure filled this cave. 

Meanwhile far far away on the leviathan mother ship in the office sat Fang who looked tired and a bit pale but other then that he looked healthy a nock came from the door Fang didn't even look up from the tablet in his hand but he yelled come in the door slid open and walking in was the first smith Quill and the second smith Meg both looked the same but following behind them was Fives his armor as shiny as ever they walked up to the desk the door shutting behind them but presently waited for Fang to finish what he was doing a few minutes passed in silence till Fang side and through down his tablet and looked up to these three saying hello first smith second smith what is this rare pleasure that you stand in my presents Quill and Meg didn't react at first before Meg said sir we are quick running out of scale mail ones more sense the death of the sixty smith we are heavily behind Fang shrugged and what do you want me to do about it with any luck Hunter will start hunting down these leviathan hunters or dark legion till then we can only make do with what we have Quill shook his head sir that isn't good enough we need help with forging only 5 of us just simply isn't a enough ones more y are you only relaying on Hunter to take down the dark legion they have killed hundreds of our fellow tribes man if the other tribes heard you brushing this matter off like that they are going to start defecting Fang glared at Quill saying what would you have me do Quill it is taking everything we got just to stay alive with how many traders there are in the moon empires royalty and the damn sun dogs and know this new dark legion it is taking everything we have to stay a float unless you three got any better ideas this is when Fives stepped forward saying actually father I do Hunter has brought up a damn good point in all of this we do not have to right in this war we do not owa moon empire anything ones more we are seen as mercenaries anyway but we dont get paid or anything I say it's time the moon empire fights there own war and we go around helping those we can wall also making money my father side leaning back in his chair saying Fives that is a good plan in thought but the only reason y its working for your little brother is cuz he isn't a full pledge leviathan yet so his disrespectful actions and words have are seen as the words of a foolish child honestly I don't know what them damn clones was thinking when they left to join him ones more I heard half of the military from the stone wall kingdom have defected and joined the KT trading company Fives clenched his hands as he growled you don't see y cuz of your stubbornness and foolish thinking that Hunter is a child in need of protection or training what you see as the acts of a child is actually the acts of a brilliant captain who capitalizes at the smallest thing ones more sense you two got into a fight where you was in the wrong you stopped checking in to see how he was doing Fang glared at him saying enough son but Five shook his head and leaned on the table saying no father he hasn't even thought to call any of us just cuz you and your stupid actions did you know Hunter had lost his other arm in a fight against the dark legion and the draggion or maybe the fact he was about to get married or hell even the fact him and Helge are no more the boy was left for dead abandoned to fight off the dark legion and the draggion alone and yet he hasn't reach out for help or anything and this is all cuz of you and Five pushed a finger into Fangs stunned chest impossible Fang said stunned Five snorted pushing off of the table saying its all true so if your goal was to make a rift between him and the rest of the family good job father if it wasnt for elder Star and grandmother we would have no information about Hunters and his well being did you know he is about to go out and gain his bestial insignia O right no you wouldn't know about that cuz you have fully cut contact with him and hasn't cared enough to be the boys father no, no all you care about is this war and helping the moon empire and there backstabbing nobles great priorities father Fang didn't respond at Fives words he just glared at him the two stared at each other for a few minutes before Fives side y do I even try and he turned around and walked to the door Quill and Meg following him but before Fives left he looked back to Fang who had tears rolling down his face get your act together father or else I will be forced to take your place and make amends with Hunter before its two late with that Fives was gone the moment the door closed Fang let out a angry pained roar as he slammed a fist into his desk but his fist punch a hole into the solid metal desk he pulled out his fist a small cut formed on his arm and as the blood dripped onto the desk Fang side damn being lectured by both my sons they grow up so fast he side as he pulled out a small disk before throwing it onto the table a blue right rippled acroos it a few times but after a few seconds the light turned green and a hallowgram appeared over it the moment the hallowgram of Silverea her arms crossed and her signature cold expression on her face and in a ice cold voice she spoke about fucking time you called me son Fang side closing his eyes as he prepared for another lecture saying hello mother.

Back to Hunter - the sounds of pleasure lasted till dark and continued on till it was probably midnight when the moans stopped I side leaning back against the wall Ziva laid next to me her head resting against my chest and her arms tightly wrapped around my body we both was covered in dried blood and each other fluids the cave stank of death and sex but we didn't seem to care we just held each other close I felt something wet hit my chest and when I looked down I seen Ziva silently crying I could tell this was a very vulnerable moment for not only her but her people as well the Amazons had been living like this for hundreds of years they was a proud people who didn't take to kindly to having there rights be stripped away and to be told what to do especially by a man so the fact Ziva and I are to be married shows how serious Calypso was in joining us she was basically giving away Ziva her granddaughter for this to work Ziva was basically given to me like one gives a tool sure Calypso talked about marriage and stuff but she just wanted to make sure the Amazons joined the KT trading company and had a figure high enough in are ranks to have a say in matters Ziva wasn't ask for her opinion really I was the only one who asked for her opinion in this hole matter luckily Ziva and I was already had formed a bond and was quite found of each other all we needed for our relationship to grow was a push and the right circumstances but I am sure this is hard for a strong female warrior like Ziva to be dominaated by a male even if she was found of me this was just a hard pill for her to swallow and I could understand putting not only your own life in someones hands is hard enough but putting the life of her hole tribe fate in my hands that I bet hurt a lot but and I tightly hugged her against me reassuring her I wasn't going anywhere and we was in this together she looked up into my glowing green serpentine eyes that looked down at her with warmth I am sorry Ziva sad lowering her head sadly her tears still falling I know this is a joyous occasion and I truly couldn't have asked for a better partner you have been nothing but kind to me and my people hell my body is still shaking from the pleasure you just gave me but and she lowered her head into my chest I simply hugged her and held her close saying us leviathan have a few saying do you care to hear one of them my dear Ziva slowly nodded still silently crying in my chest I nodded stroking her hair as I spoke many leviathan us the saying speak softly but carry a big stick I know you feel wrong and betrayed my love you have been used as a political tool and yet you have been suffering in silence you ant is to relying on people to get what you want but my dear Ziva hear me and take these words to heart I paused for a few seconds before continuing you are no longer alone you have me in your heart and you in mine if you wanted a world I will conquer one for you if you want someone dead I will make it happen hell if you wanted to take a lem of mine I would happily hand it over to you Ziva head shut up and looked into my eyes with confusion and slight anger as she gritted her teeth growling y but y would you go so far just for me I do not need your pity I chose this path I chose to be used as a political pon what else am I useful for I ant a queen like my grandmother nor am I as great of a warrior as my elder sister I am just a half based warrior that is useless that no one wants nor I snarled cutting her off do not speak about your self like that unlike your grandmother and sister you have something they could never have the strength to do anything for your people your willing to sacrifice your self so your people's lives are better neither your Grandmother or sister have the spine to do that ones more who ever calls you a half based warrior are ignorant fools who hasn't seen your skills in the heat of battle your skill your ferocity your brutality is second to none I should know I fought alongside you hell I was captivated by how beautiful you danced through the enemies with your blades it was such a beautiful and deadly dance of death it was inspiring I paused out of breath Ziva eyes was side and more tears started to fall again but this time it was more intense I sat up and moved her hand right over my heart as I looked deep into those bright blue eyes and in a low but distinct voice I spoke ones more you are not useless you have us to me and I want you Ziva I wouldn't have done all this if I didn't have feelings for you and thought nothing of you I stared coldly in her eyes my expression going dark not many people know about my childhood do to me not speaking much about it all people know is that it wasn't good it is one of the reasons I don't trust people much and that I am so ruthless and mean to people who have wronged me and my loved ones but another thing that carried from my childhood is the want to find a partner one that can love a monster like me I thought I had found that in Helge but fate is a crucial mistress and again this heart of mine was heart by someone I loved I have already told you a leviathan saying so I will tell you a Dragny saying and one that describes all of us who are Dragny stared down at my scared body before saying when we fall we fall hard when we love we love with all of our hearts and when our heart is broken a peace of our soul is killed that is you normally when a Dragny finds the one they think is the one we will move heaven and earth for that person for there is nothing we desire more then the love from the person we have choosen its y we forge such strong bonds with others cuz its just part of our nature but and I looked into Ziva eyes my eyes glowing with a intense fire some how my dear Ziva you have stolen a place in this small heart of mine normally my heart barely beats when I am around others the only time it beats fast is in the thrill of battle and when I get lost in my work but right now just being next to you my heart is beating fast I do not want to let you go and it pains me to hear such a magnificent strong beautiful woman like yourself say such harsh things about yourself Ziva eyes want wide saying I can't even imagine what your life has been like Hunter especially sense we grow up in two different worlds but and she smiled as she raised a hand to my cheek I am glad I met you Hunter before you came into my life I felt so subpar and unearthly of anything I got ones more you have brought a liveliness and feeling into my life you not only understand me but you value my opinion ones more you are one damn good commander and skilled warrior it is strange when I am around you I can't seem to get my emotions in check but even after you seen my vulnerable side you didn't run nor ignore my feelings you confronted them and was both honest and kind to me before you told me about y you don't seem to like most people especially after Helge and you split it all makes sense ones more you said you want me I couldn't be happier and she hugged me so hard that if I was a normal human she would have broken my back but I wasn't a normal human far from it her hug felt warm and comforting I hesitated to hug her back but when I heard her whisper in my ear in a loving voice you are no monster and even if you are you are my monster my love we leaned back slightly and looked deep into each other eyes before we kissed we other deeply with much love and affection in it and when we separates we was out of breath strands of saliva still connected our mouths before braking Ziva smiled saying tomorrow we will separate from here and find our beast I hope your ready to submit to me my love I chuckled before gently running a finger down her spine this sent a shiver down her spine and as I whispered deeply in her ear O my Dear it wont be me who will be submitting if you think your body is covered in my seed know just wait soon all of your holes will be filled with my hot seed hehehe this gave her goosebumps as she bit her bottom lip very hot I chuckled and kissed her neck before I laid back down Ziva curled up ontop of me like a cat and like that we fell asleep.