Fang isn't a paper pusher

The morning soon came its morning light shinning through the waterfall and the inside of this cave was lit up by colorful sunlight this colorful light soon covered two naked figures there bodies tightly pressed together both figures was covered in dried blood and each other love fluids and as the colorful light shined upon him his scales reflected the light like hundred of gem and soon this figure eyes slowly opened. I looked around the cave chuckling at myself for the mess I had made but when I looked down to the hot Amazon woman in my arms I felt a sense of pride in my work and this wasn't just a normal sense of pride there was something primal about it have I became more of a beast then I thought maybe but no matter I closed my eyes and took in all the sounds that the morning came with I felt one with this planet and so its only right we build our base here ones more this will be a great place to grow my connection with the gift of the galaxy but i still had much work to do till I could focus on training and like to prove my point I felt movement in my arms when I opened my eyes and looked down I locked eyes with Ziva who had a content smile good morning dear how did you sleep she asked I chuckled kissing the top of her head responding honestly that was some of the best sleep I ever had how about you hon she wiggled her hips over my waste playfully as she responded I slept fine all though my body is sore but content especially that location I chuckled shrugging your welcome but we got to get up the hunt must began she nodded yes indeed we have 3 days to kill our creature and get back to base and well we sort of wasted the first day I laughed it wasn't a total waste of time it brought us closer and I think it needed to happen Ziva nodded I agree but lets quickly wash and start the hunt I smiled nodding and like that we washed our selfs off before putting on our clothes Ziva grabbed her spear saying I am heading north from here I chuckled as I tighted my belt asking o do you already have a target in mind she giggled yes I do but you will have to wait to see what it is dear and she winked at me before asking do you have a target in mind I chuckled shaking my head nope honestly you have the home turf advantage in this my dear Ziva raised a eyebrow asking didn't Heavy and my sister fly around and made a map of the surroundings I nodded yes they did she raised a eyebrow asking then how do I have the advantage here I grinned at her responding cuz I never looked over the information they gathered I did it on purpose it would be unfair for you my dear if I did she glared at me asking what does that mean Hunter you ant a better fighter then me so what makes you think you would have the advantage then I grinned at her shrugging cuz I can do shit like this and I walked to a thick rainforest tree I brought my fist back before throwing a punch the moment my fist hit this tree a booming noise shook the ground around me as the tree splintered and exploded the tree was still standing but there was know a fist sided hole going from one side of the tree to the other I turned back to Ziva dumbfounded expression I chuckled you Amazons might be stronger then normal humans and even some with the nanites but your strength can't hold up to those who have a high ranking system I am not only a triple attribute awakener but I am jean spliced with a serpent drake so my body outclasses any human nanites or not and that doesn't even cover these and I pull one of my blades off my belt it activating as I spun around nothing happened as I turned off my light saber and out it back on my hip and as I turned around the tree slumped to the side and falling to the ground from a glowing red clean cut growing across it I grinned at Ziva who stared at my light sabers with greed and a bit of fear what are those she asked I chuckled as I stepped in front of her and slowly raised her chin up so we could look into each other eyes I grinned at her before leaning forward and whispering in her ear marry me and find out my voice sent a shiver down her spine but she grinned and looked deep into my eyes with a determined fire as she responded with pleasure she then grabbed me by the throat before dragging me into a kiss it lasted a while do to our tongues fighting in each other mouths but she pulled away out of breath saying that damn serpent tongue is unfair I laughed responding with a simple yep with that we separated and she went to the north wall I continued west I don't know y but sometimes was calling to me in that direction.

 Meanwhile back at the base in one of the ships private room Silverea sat at a desk with Star sitting on the edge of the desk Silverea was glaring at a hologram of Fang who just got his ass chewed out by his mother but at this point Silverea was breathing hard and there was nothing but silence between mother and son after a few cold intense seconds Fang side leaning back into his chair as he massaged his temples saying really mother is everything you told me really true it is quite hard to believe Silverea clicked her tongue responding it would be that hard to believe if you heard it all one at a time and not all at ones like this but your the fool who put his pride above child so and she shrugged mom it isn't like that Fang said defensively I honestly have had no time to do anything hell I haven't even been able to see Serenity and the kids the other tribes getting very restless and I am doing everything I am able to keep fragile alliance going but everyone has different beliefs on what we should be doing and they keep sending me problem after problem I can barely sleep Silverea side saying you do know you don't got to do it all by your self son Fives is perfectly able to help you and give you a break ones more son you can't let the other tribes push you around like this you can't be wishy washy like you have been you got to assert your dominance as there leader your a bloody Dragny act like one you have spent to much time behind that desk being a politician I am sure your itching for battle I know Beowulf go and dance with her and when you come back I expect a call I love you son and tell your little brother he isn't to old for a spanking the next time he calls my grandson a bastard child I will come knocking with that she hung up Silverea side leaning back in her chair Star put a hand on her knee saying he will come around dont worry dear Silverea side again shrugged I hope its sooner and not later cuz if he keeps going at it like this Fives will forcefully take his position for the betterment of the tribe Star hugged Silverea saying it wont come to that Fang is a stubborn fool but he ant stupid Silverea smiled I hope your right hon I really do. 

Across the stars in Fangs office he sat there looking forward his eyes glossed over but after a few seconds he looked down to his hands and clinched them he mumbled she is right they all are I have been sitting behind a desk too long with that he stood up stretching his arms as he did so his back cracked mmm that's better lets go to Beowulf with that he put on his helmet wand walked out of his office as he did so he sent out a few others and soon the mother ship was in front of a planet that sent out a SOS saying the swarm was here and they needed help Fang walked into the shop where a group of people stood in his way all of them was from different tribes you could tell this by the color of there armor and the clothes they wear but you could see the simulates between them all especially in the design of the armor the leader of the tribe called crimson Bat stepped in Fangs path his helmet was off so you could his his snow white skin and black eyes hell even his nose and ears was bat like he bared his fangs saying Fang y are we here we got bigger problems to deal with ones more y are you outside of your office we all have sent you plenty of work for you there but Fang didn't stop hell he didn't even acknowledge the bat like man presents Fang just walked passed him not saying a word this stunned the bat man before a scary snarl want across his face as he grabbed the hilt on his belt before whipping around his light saber activating the white hummed as he thrust it towards Fang screaming don't you ignore me you paper push but before he could finish Fang world around deflecting the strike to the side with his gauntlet before pull his fist back and fully clocking this bat man in the face so hard you heard a crack noise come from his jaw the man layed on the ground stunned at he blow the other leaders was shocked seeing Fangs actions Fang slowly looked over everyone before coldly saying I am the leader I am the one who not only saved all yalls tribes asses but I also sheltered you and gave yall food and yet all you have given me is headache and scorn I have tried to be nice and understanding but I have had enough from this point onwards we are no longer many tribes in an alliance but one singular tribe with different family heads if you have a problem with that come and take it up with me and Beowulf to prove his words the eyes of Beowulf burst to life the other tribe members was stunned but one could tell they was all impressed with Fangs guts and actions Fang walked over to Beowulf and pat her before turning around and crossed his arms saying do yall have a problem with that they all stood up straight before slamming a hand to their chests yelling no sir and if we do we will bring it up to you personally Fang nodded good then mount up we got people to save and some oil to liberate from them bugs THIS IS OUR WAY! They yelled before running towards there hangers Fang pushed a button of Beowulf leg and the hatch opened and the hook lowered as it did this hanger got lively with his tribes man getting into there mecha and battleships Fives ran into the room and ran straight up to Fang asking Father what is happening Fang looked back to him saying, my son you was right both of you was I haven't been acting like a true Dragny but that changes from here on out go and get into your ship lead your man well work hand and hand with our brother and sister from the other tribes Five slammed a hand to his chest saying with pleasure with that he put on his helmet before running to his fighter ship it looked very similar to the Draggion fighter ships but his was upgrades it focused less on bombing and more on air combat the upgraded blaster cannons and rockets on the wings said it all but as he jumped into it and started it up the engines was way louder it would seem he just like the look of the ship but completely remade it Fang smiled as he grabbed the hook it shot him into Beowulf piloting room he walked forward and sat down in the piloting chair as he ran his hand over the controls saying hello girl did you miss me the mecha activated the controls and screens coming alive Fang laughed I will take that as a yes come let us go squash some bugs.