Suppressing the Ancient City Alone, Peerless Demon (1)

Master Gu looked at the figure walking slowly with trepidation. He could not see his face because he was wearing a dark windbreaker with a hood and a face cloth.

Master Gu felt like crying. Where did he provoke this demon?

The other party had already walked in front of Master Gu and looked down at him. Master Gu's heart trembled again.

"What exactly do you want to ask?" he asked humbly.

Su Yun looked at Master Gu quietly and nodded in satisfaction.

Xu Jiajia's kidnapping had indeed touched his reverse scale. His heart was filled with the desire to kill and he was not in the mood to feign civility with others.

"Are you in contact with a group of tomb raiders?" he said indifferently.

"Rumors! Which bastard dares to spread rumors about me!" Master Gu reflexively denied.

"Is that so?" Su Yun's voice was still calm, but it was filled with coldness.