Suppressing the Ancient City Alone, Peerless Demon (2)

It was his life and death!

With an answer, he could live!

Without an answer, he would naturally die!

As for his calm tone…

The more he spoke in such a tone, the more afraid Master Gu was. He was not afraid of the other party being angry or hysterical because this meant that the other party was actually afraid. He was just impulsive and used his impulsiveness.

Only calmness meant that the other party had completely thrown away all of this. Law, consequences, pity, kindness, and so on.

A lunatic was not scary, but a rational lunatic was the most terrifying.

Master Gu gritted his teeth. If word got out that he had betrayed Pig Head Rong, he would definitely be punished. There was no doubt about it. However, if he did not say it now, he might die now.

Which option to choose? This was really not a difficult multiple-choice question.