Jiajia, I'll Take You to Kill Someone! (9)

"Son, is it dangerous to leave?"

Su Yun stopped in his tracks. A few seconds later, he turned around. Anyone could tell that the smile on his face was a little forced. However, in order not to worry his parents, Su Yun still smiled as if nothing had happened. "It's not dangerous. I'll be back in three days!"

The thread in the hands of a loving mother sewn the wanderer's clothes. How could Yang Shan really feel at ease when she saw her son travel far? However, she also knew that her son had grown up and had his own things to do. She only nodded slightly. Then, she wiped the corners of her eyes and forced a smile. "I'm glad it's not dangerous. I can't help you much. Take this."

Yang Shan took out something wrapped in cloth from behind her back and untied it under Su Guowei and Su Yun's puzzled gazes. When they saw what was inside, Su Guowei and Su Yun were immediately shocked.