Jiajia, I'll Take You to Kill Someone! (10)

"Since we are master and disciple and have the fate of inheritance, although I no longer have anything to teach you, I still have a word for you. Are you willing to listen?"

When Su Yun heard that, he was slightly stunned. He did not expect Elder Lu to have sensed it long ago. It was as if he had returned to the time when he was a disciple. At that time, Elder Lü had also asked him if he was willing to learn the Thirteen Needles of Hellgate.

Faced with the teachings of his elders, Su Yun did not dare to be disrespectful and was willing to listen. He hurriedly cupped his fists and said humbly, "Master, there's no harm in telling me!"

Doctor Lü smiled and stroked his beard. "Although silver needles can kill, they can also save people. If you have good in your heart, you will not do evil. If you hide evil in your heart, you will not do good. Don't let that silver needle deceive you. Even if the world doesn't know who you are, you should know who you are!"