Survival in Peril, Using the Saber as a Path (5)

This was obviously an extremely rare underground forest. The reason why it was formed was because the entire surface had collapsed vertically with the earthquake, forming an underground canyon with a valley wall that was 70 meters tall and a valley bottom that was 2,500 to 3,000 meters long. There were many plants growing on both sides. They were lush, and tall pine trees covered the sky. Thick moss covered the tree trunks.

Therefore, this underground canyon looked like a forest. In fact, that was not the case. It was just a huge crack underground. When this natural barrier appeared, Su Yun and Chen Jie did not know what to do.

The only advantage was that the top of the cliff should be connected to a cave outside. As a result, there was always an endless stream of air flowing in, making some wind sound from time to time.