Survival in Peril, Using the Saber as a Path (6)

There was no alternate day and night here. Only this exhaustion reminded the two of them that they had not rested for a long time.

"Miss Chen, rest for a while. Even if you want to go out, you have to recuperate." Su Yun said softly, as if he was worried that he would disturb the quiet woman in front of him.

Chen Jie nodded when she heard that. Then, she stood up uneasily, picked up his clothes, and walked towards the river not far away. "Go to sleep first. I'll help you wash your clothes so that you can wear them tomorrow."

Su Yun looked at Chen Jie's figure and wanted to say something, but Chen Jie did not give him the chance. The beautiful figure squatted by the river, her clothes perfectly revealing a mature outline. Immediately after, there was a subtle sound of washing.