Shocking Act! Physical Body Resist Missiles! (6)

"Currently, the Western Empire has already begun to promote public opinion. Internationally, your combat actions will be recognized. The only help we can provide is technical support. The submarine under your warship is the best example. The submarines of the Ancient East could not reach the depth of our submarines, and the radar equipment could not detect anything. Therefore, you are also safe. Hurry up and complete the mission!"

Hest disconnected the signal. Smack! Matsushita slammed the headset on the table. At this moment, he was furious. "Idiot! You make it sound so nice, but what's the use of public opinion support! We are facing the guns and cannons of the ancient Eastern countries. If we can win the war by relying on public opinion, then what's the point of developing weapons! Damned Westerners, they're clearly treating us like dogs who can come and go as they please!"