Shocking Act! Physical Body Resist Missiles! (7)

Su Yun was in the middle of it all. He was neither happy nor sad, neither joyful nor worried. If Su Yun's previous realm was to see a mountain but not a mountain, and see water but not water, he had returned to the realm of seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water.

He was calm and collected, calm and distant, far away from the human world. It was also a kind of seeing through. There were a thousand rivers and a moon. There were no clouds for tens of thousands of miles.

In this vast world, Su Yun experienced an unprecedented sense of freedom. The supernatural state had long accompanied him. It could descend at any time and do whatever he wanted. This was an improvement in Su Yun's realm, as well as a disguised improvement in his strength.

Su Yun did not know how strong he was two years later, but he believed that he was stronger than the Qiantang River epiphany two years ago.