Earth's Crisis, The Strong Are Respected (1)

Zhao Guofeng, who had been silent all this while, frowned and looked at Elder Liu in confusion. "You mean to say that all our current research on the existence of Chi You's genes started from 'myths'?"

When Elder Liu heard this, he smiled and shook his head. "You can't say that because the Sumerian myth has always been controversial. All the myths in the world mention that God created humans, but they never specify why God created humans. In Greek mythology, it was only mentioned that Prometheus made humans from clay according to his appearance.

"In the Western Bible, it was even more vague. It was the same in myths all over the world. No one had ever explained why God had created humans. However, it was worth noting that the answer was obtained in Sumerian mythology. Moreover, this answer was very cruel. The reason why God created humans is to study them!"