Earth's Crisis, The Strong Are Respected (2)

"He was just like what I had just said. He was like the lizardman in the mythology. He was just a half-human, half-beast image of a barbaric giant. The arrival of the extraterrestrial civilization changed the division of forces in ancient times.

"Chi You became the target of extraterrestrial civilization and was injected with alien genes. Hence, strictly speaking, Chi You was the first geneticist to appear in the entire Great Xia. After obtaining the modification of the alien genes, not only did Chi You's strength increase in all aspects, but he even gained intelligence.

"This also made him lead his tribe to become the first to use weapons in ancient times. In the eyes of the extraterrestrial civilization, the battle between them was like a child fighting. They did not care who won. In their opinion, be it Chi You or anyone else, they were just lab rats for experiments.